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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Had a search and found this Phys.org article: https://phys.org/news/2006-03-probing-earth-core.html
  2. Also, the space around Earth is like a giant vacuum flask, so heat loss by convection (molecule to molecule energy transfer) is minimal. If I may add a relevant question to the more knowledgeable: Does gravitational compression on the core by the surrounding mass contribute heat to it in a gradient from the surface to the centre? Also, geological friction from internal siesmic activity? I would have thought these mechanical stresses never reach equilibrium, since Earth's geological makeup is continually changing over time..
  3. What event(s) initiated the apparent need for that legislation?
  4. I don't think the Russian admin GAF. They've shelled a maternity hospital as well. Dead bodies are placed into a mass grave on the outskirts of Mariupol, Ukraine, Wednesday, March 9, 2022 as people cannot bury their dead because of the heavy shelling by Russian forces. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)
  5. Probably wouldn't look good with his Russian audience to use more conscripts and his Wagner group of merceneries are battle-ready.
  6. Putin has deployed nearly 100% of pre-staged forces into Ukraine- U.S. official (Reuters)
  7. I that was what was amassed at the border.
  8. I read not long ago that the Russians were openly mocking reports that they were waiting for the ground to go hard before rolling in because of the mud. It seems they were BSing. It is appearing more amd more to me that Russia's past conflicts against unresourced opponents has given them false confidence to go boldly into this invasion.
  9. I would have liked the letters in blue. Will be doing a trek through my city centre at the weekend. Got a strong cohort of E.Europeans here. Will see if there's any reaction.
  10. Done. Bit chily to wear atm. I see Putin is offering Ukrainians a corridor... into Russia (AP)
  11. Climate change adaptations may take a back seat for a while.
  12. I struggle with it too, that's why I'm asking.
  13. Is blocking Russian state media broadcasts counterproductive to the western audience getting a clear multi-sided view of the conflict... even if it's totally false? It may make our western governments look to be doing the same as our adversaries: controlling the narrative and what we see i.e. propaganda.... pot, kettle.
  14. If the Russians kill Zelensky, it will be a great career move for him in terms of his posthumous stature. Sometimes a person's untimely death makes them historically notable figures. Shame one can't enjoy it though in person.
  15. He needs to be guided into a face-saving escape route, if he gets really cornered. There's no winning by anyone in this sorry situation, only averting disaster.
  16. Is that what a Russian would put?
  17. I put that in Translate and in the GB vernacular it would be: К черту Путина (Fuck Putin). Yours looks stylishly better though. Gonna see how much a t-shit costs with it on.
  18. If you don't append a post as opinion, you will be called on to support it, otherwise how can we have a constructive conversatiion. It is courtesy, so that we know how how to receive and respond without too much space-wasting, time-wasting ballache, like this. @TheVat The stirrings of WW3 is not good for insomnia.
  19. It is quite common to to see such a post end with 'imo' or 'I think'. Try not not to make your post look like an assertion if you don't want to be pulled up for citations. This IS a science forum and one does well to clarify the veracity, or not, of a post. In my opinion, your current posting style is distracting from this serious subject. Chill.
  20. We may have to call his bluff and get stuck in. This seems weird to me because I was 60 in February and the Cuban missile crisis was in 1962 when I was born. It's profound enough to know I'm now officially old without this!
  21. Just saw that on AP. Putin is going to really scrape the bottom of the barrel, like this, to win. I wonder what it will take for us engage him directly.... https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-live-updates-cbd6eed3e1b8f4946f5f490afd06b4be
  22. Not directly, I'd have to find the AP article, but the sense I got off Biden's tone was that Nordstream wasn't going to happen.
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