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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. The stone represents all the elements that make life, but we are not sure as to the process, as with mass to gravity/curved spacetime.
  2. Scientific consensus sets the 'lines' for mutual communicability between scientists, as a means to differentiate areas under focus (language), but there are no lines in nature.... it is one thing. "The map is not the territory". It seems to me that there is a continuous emergent process from the inamate object to the autonomous animate object. Stone is to life as mass is to gravity.
  3. Genady. You can make a custom stream Click: Activity > My7 Activity Streams > Create Custom Stream > Select all the forum topics you want to see > Name and save it > Click on custom stream to open it > Bookmark it to your bookmarks bar. Click on that when you want to access SFN. I've filtered out Religion. It will present just the last post in each thread Like the old days. The top of my page looks like this with all chosen areas:
  4. You cannot be serious!
  5. Egocentricity is a feature of children.
  6. Vit B complex for me. Folic acid is just the synthetic version of folinic acid. Vitamin D might help as well, especially for those where sunlight is at a premium in the winter.
  7. Therein lies the problem: they aren't playing for a team, and the attitude that goes with that. Some people think they are islands; we are all swimming in the same goldfish bowl, here on Earth. He's obviously trying to usurp the rules anyway, from his previous comments on the subject.
  8. Vaccination programmes are necessarily about teamwork for them to work, and there is no 'I' in 'team'.
  9. It doesn't automatically mean your thread is crap. If a mod thought a thread of mine was speculative, I wouldn't mind. This is done for less experienced readers, so that the difference between hard/standard/conventional science ideas and someone's hypothesis is clearly distinguished for their benefit. No need to be offended. We regulars don't see your threead as being relegated in any way.... the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and not where it is served. Do we appear to be digital because that is the current state of our technology. Will we think of ourselves in some other technologically analogous way in the future?
  10. Selfishness more like. When people are suffering and dying, principles that harm them can take a hike. Some people live in cuckooland and have a strange sense of priority. It's just a game when all's said and done. It's not Rollerball!
  11. I just learned some soil bacteria and blue-green algae (diazotrophs) can fix nitrogen from air, they are a potential N source.
  12. I'm talking about the macro-nutrients: NPK. If there's little N in the soil and only traces in the dead leaves, then the net N after processing by microbes will be tiny. I'm assuming no initial N in the soil to keep things clear for discussion.
  13. I think we are maybe going to have to do some grey warfare ourselves in response. China and Russia are using attrition tactics and gaining territory inch by inch... especially China. We could put 100,000 'volunteers' in Ukrainian uniform and debadge our warplanes/tanks with Ukraine insignia on them. Russia hasn't got a leg to stand on, since they did that in Crimea with their 'green men'.... and got an uninvolved airliner blown up as well. What's good for the goose... wishful thinking, I know.
  14. Beats me how they didn't see the gas dependence on Russia before now. In the short term, we can only assist Ukraine with tech, intelligence and arms, without actually joining in.
  15. I think the answer is "It depends...". If, like I said, there's traces, then they are going to get used used up by the soil microbes to make the nitrates. They won't produce as much or more than they consume.... Law of Conservation and all that.... is it not? Adding leaves is not useles though, as they provide carbon, structure, porosity, moisture retention etc.
  16. Unfortunately, it's going green that's causing the gas deficit. Everything has consequences.
  17. And the 'correct' amount is...?
  18. Speaking of nuclear: the Russians wouldn't have such leverage if that was the preferred energy source, instead of gas, until other greener sources matured or new ones realized.
  19. That may be what the pros do as well. It was general comment, not targeted at you specifically.
  20. Yes, ok. That's a bit confusing to the casual eye that may mistake LD50 for ID50, or vice versa.
  21. It's Lethal Dose 50 - The amount it takes to kill half a population.
  22. The numbers are in trace amounts.
  23. There is no significant nutrients in fallen leaves for use by plants. The trees consumed them all before dumping them.
  24. That's pure 'slippery slope' fallacy.
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