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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Is Charon not an 'actual' scientist?
  2. He/him and I am ostensibly male, but cannot currently confirm this genetically whether I'm some variation on xy.
  3. It has bugger all to do with your ethnicity. I was talking about the environment you were raised in, and the possible effect of that. You could be a native Pole in China and the effect could be the same if you were brought during your formative years there. Most people want an easy social life, so they conform, especially children, who have a higher need to be socially accepted by their local peers.
  4. It was a comment on the current state of play, and what will probably happen in future. I've been called 'gay' by folks much older than myself in the old meaning. Tis life.
  5. Darwin was man of his time, and was 'correct' for his time. The same applies to us. We may have been correct for most of our lives but our generation's 'facts' are changing to something else... or rather more nuanced.
  6. It'll take some decades for these relatively avant garde concepts to filter across the population. The Old Guard will die off and the new, more enlightened population will emerge with no hang ups about it. As people get older they become more fossilzed in their worldview; people become representative of their time in history.
  7. When the same points keep being brought up repeatedly, I think this conversation is exhausted.
  8. If you think in a family home, there will be an exponential number of human-derived particles on every surface and in the air. You don't need physical contact to collect lots of 'samples' from other people.
  9. I suggest mushy peas and vinegar will cure that problem.
  10. What would he be like if he was motivated? LOL
  11. No, I was kind of wondering aloud how much the clearly prevalent stigma in your country influences your own position. This seems to be the background 'atmosphere' you live in; we are all products of our country to an extent. I'm a child of the 60's, and I have to admit I viewed them with some suspicion until my twenties, when I started to think about social 'outliers' for myself.
  12. Poland is not a place where I would want to be gay or other. The atmosphere is probably like Ireland was until the RC church lost majority favour with its hypocritical teachings and abuses by its priests. It's probably quite difficult to be open about ones views that contradict the official line. This was in today's Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/depression-rising-among-lgbt-people-conservative-ruled-poland-survey-finds-2021-12-08/
  13. My take on this subject is that Russia was not happy when the US declared a change of military focus from them to China., hence the posturing on the Russia's borders. Ultimately, I think it is worried about NATO getting a strike advantage in a conflict by arming up in neghbouring countries. China is much more the empire-builder than Russia, I think, and has better resources to fulfill its expansionist objectives. China seems to be playing the war-by-attrition game, with constant incursions of Taiwanese airspace and island-building BS to claim stakes in geographical continuity with the artificial islands. If NATO states publicly that it has no intention of military build-up in the neighbouring countries , Russian forces will probably disperse. I feel this issue is more to do with pragmatism than ideology. China is ideologically driven, so conflict is more likely. China is trying to win by capturing inches of territory quietly, until it has it all... it is implacably and slowly wedging its way foward.
  14. I guess bells and whistles is what sells.
  15. If Omicron has mild effects, would that be evolutionarily beneficial or harmful for its perpetuation in the population?
  16. Orion1 wants his work to be analyzed and shot at.... unlike many.
  17. Fire away.
  18. I use 'plastic' in terms of ability to be permanently deformed, and 'elastic' as the ability to reform to the original physical state.
  19. You are banned! LOL So, what do you reckon to what's been said?
  20. 2 + 'defective'.
  21. A man that covers his eyes cannot see...
  22. "Co-written with Lee Perry, "Big Muff" originated when Martyn and Lee were having breakfast with Blackwell and his girlfriend Marianne with tea cups shaped like animals.[15][27] Martyn recalled: "Scratch is going, ‘Boy, look at the muff on that!’, looking at this horse. ‘Now put this with the pig, see? Now boy, this is one big muff!’ And he was going on about his big muff, and how it was going to get away with the powder puff and everything. That guy’s sense of humour is in the song. It’s silly, Jamaican silly."[27] The pair wrote the lyrics together at the breakfast table while Martyn later added the song's simplistic chords.[15] Described by critic Vivien Goldman as resembling "a new musical form, jazz-dub" -Wiki
  23. I suppose the idea is the total number of photons that impact an area, rather than per time. I guess 1 photon could initiate harm.
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