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  1. I call upon Swansont to publicly showcase his pussy records. How much pussy does he get per week? Zero, even to a science nerd, is still embarassingly low.
  2. BC 3000: Caeser conquers the whole world. Lifespan of Roman empire: centuries. Ad 30: Jesus conquers the Christian world. lifespan of christendom: eternal AD 400: Muhammed conquers the Muslim world. lifespan of islam: eternal 1500 AD: Queen Elizabeth conquers 60 percent of the world. lifespan of commonwealth: centuries. 1945: Hitler conquers Euro Asia. Lifespan of the Nazi empire: 5 years. Trends The further we progress into the future, the more difficult it becomes to establish empires. (Roman empire vs Third Reich tenure) Therefore, evolution is a stumbling block to dictatorship. White people like Caeser are better at invading nations and establishing empires, and brown people like Jesus are better at invading the psychology and establishing new religions. Conclusion The perfect empire would be run by a white person/brown person pair who invaded on both psychological and military grounds, in 3000 BC.
  3. I deleted the topic.
  4. When did the world begin? With the big bang, wasnt it? Just before the big bang, there was the big shrink (the previous universe condensing into a nano particle, like a micro-atom). All that is pure science. Well, what happened between point A (the big shrink finishing shrinking) and point B (the big bang about to happen) Which equates to absolute zero? So if Zero is a virtual number, then the universe is an illusion. But if zero is real, then so is infinity. Infinity is the polar opposite of zero. The polar opposite of real is also real.
  5. If Jesus was God in human form, how many other Gods could have taken to earth in human form? Certainly Mother theresa was one, and the other extreme, hitler was one. But the God of the garden of eden is what my post refers to, the adam and eve god.
  6. stereotypes, my eye. The caste system is a definite ideology, and so is the melting pot. My whole article is based on that premise. To call my post ignorant, you must contend that neither the caste system or the melting pot are real, and that therefore, naturally, Indians do not have trouble surviving the melting pot. so is the caste system real? is the melting pot real? You say what?
  7. Have I been in the USA? No, I only mention that by way of illustration: the caste system vs the melting pot. Equality vs inequality. Segregation vs blending. The root culture of India vs that of America. And the effect same has on the individual citizen's mentality. Case in point, the Indian immigrant in America. The denizen of the caste system's inability to survive the melting pot. The logic, explained in a nutshell. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  8. It makes sense that if the ape could evolve into a human, so could every animal out there. Why would God just take a ape and be like, go thee and be human? Was God a charlatan? A racist? A bozo? Of course not. Religion and science will agree on one thing: God is a nice guy. So God, if he bequeathed the apes to evolve into humans, then obviously, he must have done so with the lizards, the sparrows, the dogs and the cats. Alternative example: why would ONLY the apes evolve in humans? Do they have some sort of evolution-gene that only apes possess? In which case, do humans have that gene too? And if we do, wont we go on evolving and evolving forever until we turn into robots manufactured by Japanese scientists in labs? The last thousand odd years have shown no change between humans then and now. The humans of the BCs were pretty much the same as the humans now. From which I conclude that no, humans dont have that evolution-specific gene that would allow us to evolve on and on. So I take it humanity is the ultimate milestone in the evolutionary chain. Which rules out the theory that monkeys have a special evolution mechanism fitted in their genetic makeup. Therefore, theory one must be true, that every animal evolved.
  9. In India, you are either rich or poor, either ugly or beautiful, either good or evil. In USA, you can be all the above. In India, there is segregation between castes/classes. For the very reason that Patel is poor and Rajiv is rich, Patel and Rajiv simply cannot mix. They cannot be allowed in the same playpen. If they are, then Poor Patel will steal from Rich Rajiv. In USA, both Tom and Harry are equally well off. Neither is extravagantly rich, nor poor. But they can mix. They can be friends. Rich Rajiv migrates to USA, and is forced to be friends with middle class Harry. He doesnt like it. Every instinct in Rich Rajiv bays 'no!' Rich Richard, the American, dislikes Rich Rajiv the Indian, for the very reason that he thinks in terms of caste and not equality. Rich Richard: Hey, Rajiv! Why must you be the way you are? Why cant you be accepting of people? Rajiv: Because in India, I was brought up to believe that anybody outside my specific status, are evil! Rich Richard: Well then, I cannot accept you as human! Begone! The above dialogue gave way to racial slurs. the 7/11 worker, the cab driver. Rich Rajiv got madder and madder. In extreme cases, Rich Rajiv got so despondent that he formed ties with Villanous Wakeem, the Afghan. And then came 9/11. Speculation, no doubt but....the logic is undeniable. Indian immigrants in USA are definitely a stumbling block because of caste system vs melting pot.
  10. I'm all for compulsory vaccination.
  11. This COVID-19 crisis is like a trampoline of evil. It encompasses all the pillars of global governance, economy, medical, political, and social. That's a bad thing, because a trampoline once disturbed will never stop. It will go on ebbing and swaying. First it was the delta strain, then the strain on the economy came. Then the economy ebbed then lockdown came. Then the lockdown was lifted and the omnicron strain came. A pattern emerges. Medical, social, economy, and social. The terrifying realization is that the only way to stop the trampoline ebbing and swaying is through a equal and opposite force that encompasses all the pillars of global governance. I speak of world war three. How that may happen is if USA sues china for COVID-19 damages. Or is that what Putin hopes to achieve through his ukraine offensive? One way or another, if the world doesnt descend into full fledged war, the trampoline will go on swaying.
  12. One thing we know, more Americans died of COVID-19 than people of any other country. It's almost as though the COVID-19 virus was fitted with a American-genome-adhesive feature that particularly fancied Americans. No really, look at the trajectory COVID took after "It's origination in the Chinese area". It could have spread out like a breeze, or it could have spread towards the Asian areas, but it took a definite course towards the USA....think that ain't weird? Now, who would want Americans dead? Many people, and not just people from middle eastern countries. If you look down history, who have Americans messed with? The list is long. Vietnam, Iraq, and Japan, in World war 2. Now the original deceased of Japan in Hiroshima and Nagasaki may be too dead to hate, but their kith and kin, their descendants, probably do take umbrage that grandpa Liang and Grandma Chang were taken out for no reason by a great big atom bomb in WW2. The descendants of the dead in Japan probably work respectable jobs today. Some of them are scientists, (and we know Japanese scientists are world class for brilliance. Technology is their middle name) Did one of those Japanese scientists devise COVID-19 to take revenge on the United States for what they did to hiroshima and Nagaksaki? Just asking the logical question.
  13. Going by current trends in the COVID-19 crisis, it appears that every few months, a new strain emerges. Why this is so I don't know, but if trends are to be believed, then every so often, a new strain of COVID-19 emerges. First the delta strain, now the omnicron strain. It's just a matter of time before the moronic strain emerges. So every time a new strain emerges, will we need a new vaccine to deal with each emerging new strain? Surely theres something about the omnicron strain that the delta strain didnt have, and something about the delta strain that the original corona strain didnt have. And the vaccines were created to counter the original corona strain, so oughtnt we create new vaccines to handle new strains? "Strenous" work, no doubt, but with the human race at stake....
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