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  1. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-07/russian-shelling-destroys-ukraine-atomic-lab-built-with-u-s?fbclid=IwAR0cTlxe8stoafLUeex4Ac4g2Xd6F6PMjOMLz2rYBW8R1DmEcDiD5r7H4y8
  2. But according to science, reincarnation obviously happens. If universes reincarnate, which they do, according to matrix theory, then so do all life in that universe. So if a person dies in universe A, and if that person is to be considered, for the purposes of science, as 'a bunch of matter', then that matter reincarnates along with the rest of the universe after the big shrink and universe B sprouts forth.
  3. At the very beginning, when the universe had just undergone the big shrink and was at t=1, the very first second post the beginning of the big rise and was freshly beginning, all matter was condensced into one tiny particle. So everybody on the earth was one person, coalsced into one body. Can you imagine how creepy that must have felt like? And yet it makes sense, that if the universe is expanding, then all matter, and all men, were one at one point in time. Sadaam Hussein and George Bush were both sharing the same body, when the earth was at it's infancy, according to that logic. The great universal expanse pit Sadaam and George onto different continents, streaming forth from the single body that they had once shared. I find that creepy as hell.
  4. The archeologists disagree with geologists when they say that dinosaurs were necessarily prehistoric lizards. Those fossils found in egypt and what not, could be human fossils. My reasoning runs as follows. The universe is expanding, therefore, in the beginning, the universe was a tiny place, and so were it's planets and stars. Baby earth was the size of a tennis ball. Russia was the size of a thumbnail. China was the size of a fingernail. The people of those times, were the size of microbes. A zillion years later... Earth was the size it is today. People are normal sized. The staggering conclusion: People who died in the year zillion BC, aka human fossils of zillion BC, would have expanded along with the rest of the universe. So a microbe-size human fossil of zillion BC would appear gigantic if unearthed today, for the simple reason that it grew from teeny sized to massive, between the years zillion BC and 1933, when archimedes the archeologist discovered it under a mummy's crypt and mistakenly thought wow, here be a dinosaur fossil.
  5. They speak of time and space, and then ask, what is time made up of? A distortion of space, or vice versa? Imagine a universe where nothing exists. Then there was the first particle, a flower, or a horse, or a human being, who knows. That very first particle was called the arbitrary unit by which every other thing that came after it would be measured. Obviously there was the very first thing ever created in the universe, however. So the difference between that very first particle, particle A, and particle B, is called the very first second, or unit of time. What caused particle B to be created? Particle A's machinations or the same source that created particle A, i.e particle A is either the father of time, or the source of particle A is the father of time, in which case time is in the Father's hands. in the latter case, time is in human hands. In case study A, time is an illusion. If man creates time, i.e particle A created particle B which created particle C, then time is real, and so is space. Since space is in fact real, therefore time is real. Since time is real and not unreal, case study A is false and B is correct. By this simple process of logic, we arrive at the conclusion that time is real and not an illusion.
  6. Reincarnation believes that everything reincarnates, i.e people die and are reborn. According to science, everytime a universe collapses, after trillions of years (the big shrink) it expands again (the big raise) Well, universes are made up of people, places, etc. So if a universe 'reincarnates', expands and dies and then expands again, then obviously, so do the people who make up that universe. In other words, people do reincarnate, according to science.
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