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  1. English is not my native languange and it could be difficult for me to make some sentences sound while trying to say the truth without offending anyone. I don't have a problem whit any color, i have black friends, and i was speaking with them about racism, and they told me same thing, they never felt they treated bad because they are black, and also they told me about how some of black people are doing the autovictimisation thing, i just bring in discution the black people to bring an example of autovictimization. The fat people used autovictimization to say companies are doing fat shaming, thats why they stop to make price by weight and not by seat ets use the rational thinking
  2. I have seen once a boy dressed like a girl, acting like girl that wanted to go on ladies toilet, the security man ask him to use the men toilet. He is always dressing and acting like a girl, so i don't know what can be done in this situation..
  3. Jane6

    who created god?

    In the creation stories of the Lenape and Iroquois people, the Earth is created as soil is piled on the back of a great sea turtle that continues to grow until it is carrying the entire world. Many indigenous tribes in North America refer to the continent as Turtle Island to this day. But i never about that turtle, are you serious or just ironic?
  4. The problem is a part of large people start the auto victimization like some of the black people who are doing the auto victimization that are saying they are tretead bad by by white people because they are racist and here i will come with another small story. ( I am a foreign person in uk, and some of my friends are saying british people are racists, but i never feel like that even if i am foreigner most of the British people are really nice people to be around , i think if you show them respect they show you back, and i am not talking only about formal smile, even when you start to know them better, they can be genuine and trustworthy. And second problem that is the main reason companies are still making prices in the old way is most of the people are not aware about economics of an airplane, they just sit in and never think about it, but if this people will understand how it works , and there will apear a company that can give them a benefit they will chose that company. A benefit could be, to give you a free allowance of let's say 100kg where it's included your body, clothes that you hae and luggage. and manny adjustment can be done, they just need to find the middle ground, all done care to not offend anybody. It could be three sizes of seats, and evrybody will chose the seat that they need
  5. The science in today society can help us a lot so that would a very small issue, the company could make 2 tariff plans, one where evrybody is paying same price, and one where they can step on scale and pay accordingly. here it's something interesting about this topic https://www.businessinsider.com/overweight-passengers-are-eating-up-the-airline-industrys-profits-2012-3?r=US&IR=T yeah , i heard about them, maybe they failed because 80% of population is overweight , it holds rank 6 in in top fatest countries in the wourld. there it dosen't make sense to do that, they could make smaller seats eventual, and people who fit in they can pay with a discont. The science in today society can help us a lot so that would a very small issue, the company could make 2 tariff plans, one where evrybody is paying same price, and one where they can step on scale and pay accordingly. here it's something interesting about this topic https://www.businessinsider.com/overweight-passengers-are-eating-up-the-airline-industrys-profits-2012-3?r=US&IR=T
  6. Being in science forum i think we all agree that the more weight you put in the airplane the bigger is the cost to travel. The question is it right to make prices by seat or by weight ? Here it's an example of how much fuel is using the airplane based on weight of passangers. If companies would charge by weight some passangers could feel there is a discrimination, if we they charge by seat some people dosen't like to pay a flat price knowing they should pay less. What do you think?
  7. Who created god ?
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