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Everything posted by toucana

  1. The Pentagon just announced they shot down another 'object' on orders from POTUS. It was over Alaska this time, and reported to be flying at 40,000 feet.
  2. Chinese official sources are currently playing down the significance of Blinken's now cancelled visit - which tells it's own story - https://www.politico.com/news/2023/02/04/china-response-blinken-canceled-trip-00081201 In reality, Blinken was due to travel to China this Sunday for several days of talks with Chinese leadership about such topics as Taiwan, human rights, Chinese territorial claims in the South China Sea, North Korea, Russia's war in Ukraine, trade policy, and climate change. These are not minor matters. This was a serious and important meeting which has now been thrown in the dumpster for no worthwhile intelligence gain - *That* was the 'colossal risk' I referred to.
  3. The question was why did the Chinese regard this balloon program to be of such importance as to be worth the colossal risk of flying one of these units over the continental USA, right on the eve of a long-planned meeting between the Chinese premier Xi Jin Ping and Antony Blinken the US SoS ? This meeting was of particular importance to the Chinese political leadership given the recent tensions between PRC and USA over Taiwan, and the new Speaker McCarthy's stated intention of visiting Taiwan in person in the near future. It is hard to imagine any possible military intelligence gain could have justified taking such a disastrous political risk as the one the Chinese wound up taking which led to the cancellation of Blinken's visit (and any possible follow up visit by the POTUS himself). One explanation favoured by analysts is that when Xi Jin Ping consolidated his political power as the absolute authoritarian dictator of China last autumn, he effectively tried to squash all possible forms of dissent by effectively taking direct control of the PLA as well as the CPC. One difficulty of doing so is that you effectively pre-empt any effective form of delegation of powers, and any form of competent lower level critical analysis as well. It's rather like what might have happened if Trump had tried to take over the day-to day-running of the Pentagon. A dictator lacks the time or the competence to devote proper attention to running the military, and they also suppress any competent analysis of the possible political consequences of operational intelligence decisions.
  4. In 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini the new leader of the freshly installed Revolutionary government in Iran after the overthrow of the Shah ordered the Iranian airforce to shoot down US spy satellites orbiting in space over their territory. It apparently took some while to explain to the mullahs that this was not an achievable mission - no doubt Tom Cruise would have sorted it somehow ! CNN reports that in a Congressional briefing given on Thursday, US Intelligence sources identified the balloon as part of a fleet of surveillance devices built and operated by the PLA (Peoples Liberation Army) for military intelligence gathering purposes. The also said that Chinese Leader Xi Jin Ping may not have been fully briefed on the day-to-day operational details of the program, which helps to explain the puzzling anomaly of why China took such a risk right on the eve of an important visit by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken which was immediately cancelled because of the political fall-out. A precedent can be found in the Gary Powers U2 incident of May 1960 when a very important summit meeting between US president Eisenhower and the Soviet Leader Nikita Khruschev was abruptly cancelled after the U2 was shot down by a SAM. The USA claimed the plane was ‘a meterological research’ flight until the USSR produced the captured pilot Powers, and put the wreckage with its high power camera systems on public display. Intelligence gathering misssions of this type always involve a cost-benefit risk analysis. In 1960 the USA took the high risk of running the U2 overflight mission because they consdered it to be of paramount importance to have accurate information about Soviet missile sites and long range bomber bases ahead of the summit. They also believed that the U2 flew too high to be intercepted or shot down. It is not yet clear why the Chinese leaders regarded their ballon program to be of such importance.
  5. Yes - Those do look like solar panels, but the problem is that photovoltaic panels normally have to be used in tandem with a battery system of some sort, and the storage capacity of Lithium ion batteries tends to fall off a cliff at stratospheric subzero temperatures. So it’s quite possible that this balloon also uses a Plutonium RTG source in order to provide some thermal buffering for the storage batteries, and to provide power when it’s dark. A number of reports say that the debris field was up to 7 miles wide, which doesn’t leave much room for error if you want to bring such an object down in the sea, but within the 12 mile territorial waters limit as well. I suspect that a good deal of intensive computer modelling was done within the last few days to make sure they got this right.
  6. According to this source, the USAF chose to use an optically guided AIM-9X Sidewinder missile without any warhead fitted to puncture the envelope of the balloon and bring it down in a controlled manner within the USA 12 mile territorial water limit. Cannon fire would have been cheaper but less accurate, and would have inflicted greater damage on the payload they wished to examine. One nice touch was the use of the operational code name 'Frank', a nod to Frank Luke jnr. a WW2 fighter ace who shot down 14 enemy reconnaissance balloons and became known as the 'Arizona Balloon Buster'.
  7. One stated reason for the initial reluctance of the US Airforce to shoot down the Chinese balloon spotted over Montana was the risk of debris falling onto populated areas below. This wasn’t simply a matter of being concerned about the risk of heavy bits of metal or plastic landing on the heads of hill farmers. A more specific worry was that the object appeared to be dirigible to some degree, which raised the possibility that it might be equipped with reaction thrusters of some type, which in turn raised the possibility that there could be highly explosive and very dangerous hypergolic rocket fuels onboard. Photos indicated that the balloon clearly had outboard communications equipment and electronic scanners attached to its gondola, which in turn means that it must have had some sort of electrical power supply on board. Satellites and drones of this type don’t rely on Lithium ion batteries, (Lithium batteries function very poorly in low temperatures). It is much more common for long-range reconnaissance units of this type to be equipped with an RTG (Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator) which uses thermal energy produced by the radioactive decay of Plutonium 238 to generate electricity via a thermocouple system. Shooting down a dirigible with a large lump of Plutonium in its PS probably didn't seem like a good idea to the USAF, so they waited until the balloon had cossed the Atlantic coast and was safely out to sea before bringing it down in a controlled manner into about 40 of water where the debris can easily be recovered by divers and reassembled for further examination. Rhetoric by MAGA extremists like Donald Trump jr. who was urging Montanans to shoot it down themselves (the ballon was well over 10 miles high) were deflated almost as rapidly as the balloon when a Pentagon spokesperson confirmed that 3 similar dirigible incursions had occurred during the Trump presidency, and that the POTUS had declined to authorise shooting them down. A humorous take by Vlogger Fran Blanche: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2Z8-qxTQ-A
  8. When Apollo 11 landed on the moon in July 1969, one of the scientific experiments deployed by Buzz Aldrin was the ‘Lunar Laser Retro-Reflector’ https://wtop.com/science/2019/07/the-experiment-still-running-on-the-moon-and-tv-re-runs-50-years-later/ “The idea behind it was we needed to accurately measure the distance between the earth and the moon, see if that distance varies, map out its orbit,” explained Todd Jaeger, a lunar laser expert who used to work at NASA, and is now with Heraeus Conamic, a German technology company that made the fused silica reflector mirrors used in the experiment. When Buzz Aldrin left the moon lander, he laid out the reflector module on the surface that enabled scientists here on Earth to shoot a laser at the moon, and have that light reflected right back them. “It comes back, I take that round-trip time, divide by two, multiply it times the speed of light, and great I’ve got the distance,” said Jaeger. “The actual signal comimg back from the reflector has gone down to about 10% of what it was, but luckily lasers have gotten 10-to-100 times more powerful,” Jaeger said. “So we’ve made up for that degradation from moon dust and micrometeorite impact, etc.” So if human being didn’t land on the moon, what have scientists been bouncing laser light off for the last 53 years - UFOs ? The LLRR was also featured in an episode of of the Big Bang Theory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v52LFgUq-8&t=23s
  9. Archaeologists have confirmed that a papyrus scroll discovered at the Saqquara necropolis site near Cairo last year does indeed contain texts from the Egyptian Book of the Dead— the first time a complete papyrus has been found in a century, according to Mostafa Waziri, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt. The scroll has been dubbed the "Waziri papyrus." It is currently being translated into Arabic. https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/01/archaeologists-discovered-a-new-papyrus-of-egyptian-book-of-the-dead/ These "books" were actually collections of funerary texts and spells to help the deceased on their journey through the underworld (Duat)—not to bring people back from the dead—and they are not holy texts like the Bible or Qur-an. They were originally painted onto objects or written on the walls of burial chambers. Over time, illustrations were added and spells were also inscribed on the interior of coffins or the linen shrouds used to wrap the deceased. Copies of the Book of the Dead were made to order by scribes, and the scrolls could be as short as 1 meter (3.2 feet) and as long as 40 meters (about 131 feet). People knew of the existence of such scrolls in the Middle Ages, and assumed that they were religious in nature because they were found in tombs. Prussian Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius coined the name Book of the Dead in 1842 after translating one such text. The best known example to date is the Papyrus of Ani, discovered in luxor in 1888 and now housed in the British Museum. But such finds are increasingly rare. The Saqqara necropolis served the ancient Egyptian capital of Memphis, and boasts numerous pyramids, including the Step pyramid of Djoser, whose design and construction is usually attributed to Imhotep, chancellor to the Pharoah Djoser Sample illustration - ‘The Weighing of the Heart’
  10. Mr(s) Ripley has angrily denied new reports today that he performed as a drag queen in Brazil back in 2008. Journalist Marisa Kabas interviewed another Brazilian drag queen called Eula Rochard who befriended George Santos when he lived near Rio, and obtained a photograph of them in drag together at a Gay Pride event at Icarai beach in Brazil in 2008. Rochard said the congressman was a "poor" drag queen in 2005, with a simple black dress, but in 2008 "he came back to Niteroi with a lot of money," and a flamboyant pink dress to show for it. Santos competed in a drag beauty pageant that year using the drag name Kitara Ravache but lost, Rochard said. "He's changed a lot, but he was always a liar. He was always such a dreamer," Rochard said. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/embattled-us-rep-santos-was-drag-queen-brazil-pageants-say-associates-2023-01-19/ The New York Post has since released images taken from a video of Santos in drag, and being interviewed in Portugese at a Pride event on Niteroi beach near Rio in 2005. https://nypost.com/2023/01/19/george-santos-boasted-about-brazil-drag-shows-in-2005/ George Santos who is a staunch supporter of Florida's controversial "Parental Rights in Education" law, which prohibits classroom discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity, is to be seated on the House Small Business Committee, and the House Science, Space and Technology Committee in a few days time according to The Hill. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3816976-george-santos-gets-two-committee-assignments/
  11. Police in Albuquerque New Mexico have arrested a disgruntled Republican party candidate in connection with a recent spate of six targeted shootings aimed at the homes and offices belonging to Democratic party state officials and politicians in New Mexico. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSzIkNz_CMM Solomon Pena - the suspect now in custody - was an unsuccessful Republican nominee for a seat in the 14th District state legislature election in which he was comfortably beaten by the Democratic incumbent. Police have now linked him to four of the six shooting attacks that took place last December and January. They say there is firm evidence Pena carried out one shooting himself, and hired other parties to carry out another three. According to reports, Solomon Pena already had 19 prior felony convictions for burglary, larceny, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and receiving stolen property, and had spent seven years in prison before becoming a Republican nominee.
  12. A BBC report today says that almost 90% of the population of Henan 河南; - China’s third most populous province - have now contracted COVID. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-64208127 This equates to almost 88.5 million people. Ths figure was disclosed by a provincial official called Kan Quancheng at a press conference, and it stands in stark contrast to official Covid figures issued by the central government which say that just 120,000 people in a country of 1.4 billion have been infected since China changed its ‘Zero Covid ‘ policies in December. The same report mentions that Chinese officials have declined to include Pfizer’s antiviral Covid medicine Paxlovid in its basic medical insurance schemes as a result of high prices quoted by the US firm. The drug temporarily covered by Chinese healthcare insurance schemes until 31 March has been in high demand since China’s Covid cases surged last month. China abruptly abandoned its ‘Zero Covid’ lockdown policy in mid-December because it had become politically untenable, and increasingly unenforceable as well. There was an interesting story by CNN last month about an emigre blogger using the the handle Li Lao Shi (Teacher Li) - who became an unofficial clearing house for information about the remarkable wave of protests that broke out across China in mid-November. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/10/china/china-twitter-teacher-li-profile-intl-hnk/index.html The blogger says that even he was stunned to receive videos of mass protests on Urumqi Road - one of the major streets in Shanghai - with protestors calling for the overthrow of Xi Jin Ping and openly defying a mass police presence in doing so. Similar reports were flooding in from many other parts off China, including the capital Beijing, the southern metropolis of Guangchou, and that of Chengdu in the west. The Chinese authorities have always been highly sensitive to the possibility of a complete collapse of central government in their country, It has happened many times in their history, most recently in the warlord period of the 1920s and 1930s. China’s constituent provinces are so large that many of them could easily form independent countries - Manchuria alone is the size of France and Germany put together, and Sichuan the second largest inland province in China would become the 8th largest country in the world if it declared independence. The most recent change of policy by China on its Covid policies is basically driven by Realpolitik and pragamatism. They had no alternative. There were real fears that the Chinese Communst party would lose social control of entire provinces if they did not change course.
  13. In case you missed it - a photo of Santos flashing White Power gang signs on the floor of Congress - published by Reuters and taken during the chaotic 15 ballots to elect a US Speaker - Also answers to 'Mr Ripley', and currently wanted in connection with cheque-book fraud charges in Brazil which he confessed to back in 2008 before skipping the country.
  14. Kevin McCarthy’s loss in the ballot to become Speaker of the House marks the first time such a thing has happened in US Congressional history since 1923, when it took 9 ballots to elect Fredrick Gillet (R-Mass) as Speaker of the House. After losing a sixth straight ballot earlier today, Kevin McCarthy reportedly said that he had no problem in breaking the record for the number of ballot attempts on the Speakership. It is not clear however that he understands quite how high that bar might be. In 1855 it took 133 ballots over the course of two months for the 34th Congress to elect Nathaniel Banks as their new presiding officer and Speaker of the House - Anyone care to start a sweepstake on how long this could run ?
  15. Ritchie Torres, a Democratic Congressional representative for New York's 15th District has tweeted his intention of introducing a new bill called the SANTOS Act - (Stop Another Non-Truthful Office Seeker) - which would require candidates to disclose their educational, employment, and military history under oath. 'Mr Ripley' could yet wind up being immortalised by an Act of Congress
  16. ‘Mr Ripley’ is now reported by the NYT to be under federal investigation by the U.S. attorney’s office in Brooklyn, and also by the Nassau Coumty N.Y. district attorney’s office of Anne Donnelly. Both are looking into the “numerous fabrications and inconsistencies associated with Congressman-elect Santos’ during his successful 2022 campaign to represent parts of of Long Island and Queens”. NBC News reports that George Santos lent his own election campaign $700,000 in 2021, even though he had signed a declaration on a campaign finance form that he was making just $55,000 per year in 2020 - which meant he would have had to save 13 years of income in its entirety to make such a donation. Under FEC regulations, candidates are required to itemise and declare campaign donations above $5000, so in the absence of records that could account for this $700,000 loan, investigators will be taking a long hard look at his state and federal tax returns to determine whether they are looking at tax fraud, campaign finance fraud - or both.
  17. There is a dictum “Follow the money”. Where did this guy get the money to launch a second attempt at a Congressional campaign? Who is covertly paying him? What interests does he really represent ? Some of those answers are alluded to in a photo of a document shown at the end of that video clip I linked. It shows details of filings in Florida for an LLC called Devolder, a holding company which magically transformed George Santos from a penniless deadbeat who had been twice evicted for non-payment of rent in 2017, into a millionaire by 2020. One of the principal investors in this LLC appears to be an associate of a Russian oligarch closely allied to Vladimir Putin. And by a curious coincidence George Santos is an outspoken critic of US support for Ukraine, and is a sympathetic apologist for Putin . “The best poliiticians that money can buy” - as they say.
  18. An article in The Atlantic by former Congressman Steve Israel tells an interesting tale of how a complete con-man has become the new Republican Congressman-elect in New York’s 3rd district - one which Steve Israel himself represented for 16 years. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/12/george-santos-fraud-long-island/672587/ George Santos is a character who seems to have stepped straight out of the pages of Patricia Highsmith’s 1955 novel - or its excellent film adaptation starring Matt Damon - ‘The Talented Mr Ripley’(1999). Practically every statement made by this Congressman-elect during his recent election campaign has turned out to be a complete falsehood. The resumé details of his high school and university education are completely false in every respect, ditto for his claimed employement history with Goldman Sachs amongst others. George Santos has claimed to be Jewish, though he is actually Roman Catholic - he subsequently tried to finesse this by claiming he only said he was ‘Jew-ish, not Jewish’ - Santos says that his parents were refugees from the holocaust , but research shows they have always lived in Brazil. He claims that his mother was in the South Tower of the WTC on 9/11 - she was not. He also claims to be openly gay, though he is in fact married. You can find a full run-down and exposé of all his lies in an entertaining and excoriating interview with Tulsi Gabbard on Fox News ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWaj7-uwLzg
  19. The J6 committee also claimed in its summary report on Monday that a Trump-backed attorney urged a key witness to mislead the committee when giving evidence to them. CNN has since claimed that Stefan Passantino - the top ethics attorney in the Trump White House - was the lawyer who allegedly advised his then client Cassidy Hutchinson to tell the committee she did not remember key details. Before giving testimony Cassidy Hutchinson dropped Passantino and got a new lawyer. https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/jan-6-committee-final-report/index.html Passantino and his law firm Elections LLC were being funded by a PAC (political action committee) called ‘Trump Save America’. By Tuesday, Passantino’s biography had been removed from the website of a mid-western law firm where was a partner, and he is now said to be on ‘a leave of absence’. Given that lawyers, especially jurists, are supposed to avoid ethical conflicts of interest like this, it’s unlikely to be the end of this particular matter.
  20. toucana

    Political Humor

    Yours for only $99 ! The exclusive NFT - (Non-Fungible Trump)
  21. This is a recent video posted by a computer repair YT channel I follow. What intrigued me was the nature of the problem. Basically a computer gamer tried to improve the performance of an Asus laptop by applying liquid metal to the motherboard - instead of the thermal paste normally used on heatsinks. And it left me wondering - Did they sleep through the class about metal being an excellent conductor of electricty - or what ? Kudos to the repair guy for getting this one running again ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-mClhyaJng
  22. Extending easy loans to people with bad credit records has been likened to handing your credit card to a heroin addict - it’s unlikely to end well. The most compelling example in recent history is the Subprime mortgage crisis which very nearly wrecked the world banking system in 2008. It began in the USA when the Bush administration dismantled statutory financial controls on the housing market. Lenders embarked on a highly predatory campaign of selling ARM (adjustable rate mortgages) to low income ‘Subprime’ customers - quite often without any form of background check, and using automated ‘No questions asked’ underwriting systems. The lenders offset their financial liabilities by setting up parallel companies with separate books, and rolled the debts up into financial products called CLO (collateralised loan obligations) sold as bond issues with superficially highly attractive returns of up to 26% p.a. which were subject to only minimal appraisal by credit rating agencies - who were paid by the vendors to provide AAA+ ratings. The gigantic flaw in this scheme was that it depended entirely on massive sums of money coming from the Subprime borrowers at the bottom of the heap, who were now being leveraged by the rapidly rising interest rates on their ‘adjustable rate mortgages’ (which only ever went up - not down). Many of these mortgage holders went into default. Without this income, the CLO bond issues began to fail catastrophically, and their failure in turn started to pull down the big monoline insurers who normally underwrite bond issues of this type. Within a very short time, major banks and institutions went into a global panic, and they stopped lending money to each other, because none of them knew how badly each other was compromised by these bad debts. Several of them such as Lehman Bothers and Bear Stearns went bankrupt and collapsed altogether in 2008. And that is the problem - Where does the bad debt go ? It is completely reckless to issue cheap loans to deadbeats, and just assume that someone else will pay them off when they default.
  23. There are several recent articles about Chinese dissidents in the southern provinces successfully using Cantonese slang idioms to confuse and defeat Chinese state censorship on Weibo. https://qz.com/china-censors-stumped-by-cantonese-1849496778 Cantonese which is spoken by up to a 100 million people in the south of China is usually incomprehensible to Mandarin speakers in spoken form - apart from anything else Cantonese has a 9 tone pitch phoneme system - as opposed to the 4 tones normally found in Mandarin. It is possible to write Cantonese in standard Chinese script forms that Mandarin speakers can read relatively easily, but it only works if the Cantonese speaker makes a conscious effort to use standard simplified script forms, and avoids the use of obscure idioms and dialect vocabulary and grammar. The dissidents protesting against prolonged lockdowns and other forms of repression have taken to using complex and archaic scripts form for many words - quite a few of which haven’t been in common use in Mandarin since the Ming dynasty in the 17th century. The famous 18th century Kangxi dictionary (康熙字典) for example lists over 47,000 script forms, as opposed to the 8,000 or so characters that a a literate Mandarin speaker would normally be familiar with. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwckaHxOWXs
  24. toucana

    Political Humor

    TFG calls for the "termination of the Constitution", and his immediate reinstatement as POTUS.
  25. The Thirteenth Floor is a special favourite - as noted by TheVat it was based on a German TV series called World on A Wire. If you enjoy VR based SciFi theme films, then you might also enjoy Avalon (2001) which is Japanese/Polish collaboration directed by Marmoru Oshii - who is probably better known for his original animated version of Ghost in The Shell (1995). Avalon was made on location in Poland with a Polish speaking cast and crew. A stand alone sequel called Asssault Girls set in the same world was released in 2009
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