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Everything posted by horseguards

  1. How do I reply individually? Peterkin, "unable to focus or concentrate." I think that is the crux of the problem, its resolution another. I've book-marked your link. Thanks for the reply. CharonY, that's a good elaboration of Peterkin's post. I would suggest comprehension is the least of my problems, however, effectively or efficiently internalising content, as you imply, is what I need to address. StringJunky, thinking about thinking. I like that. I certainly need to slow down (everything is a race). Really interesting suggestions. Recalling massive tracts may be superficially impressive but unless accompanied by a degree of profundity, it's a mere party trick. Thank you all.
  2. If there was a test to measure memory capacity, my score would be lowest. For example, a simple paragraph may need to be re-read. It is depressing. Assuming no (known) physical impairments, what are possible reasons and remedies?
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