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Everything posted by iweaver1772

  1. No. Well thank you all for the insight. I have trouble getting any feedback at all from most people. I will scour the globe in search of qualified individuals (not really, I'm homeless. I can barely afford to buy a soda everyday. Let alone travel) willing to support this oh so humble, low cost, low risk, health and wellness experiment. Once again thank you for the feedback and may your own endeavors, if they be good and true, bare fruit with flavor unmatched by anything discovered man or extraterrestrial alike. Have a blessed day.
  2. Aren't the neurological Impulse s in the brain and spine electrical in nature? And I thought the muscle s in our body contract due to electrical impulses? And I wasn't Implying we need electrical shocks to live. I was trying to say anything in our body related to electricity could be made healthier by "feeding" it electricity. It was a different age of exploration and discovery. We are a whole new generation of people. Blood that has probably change d since the last wave of electrical experiment s. If you want your findings to be thorough, it would help to have quite a few control groups. There is chance that someone born today will have answers that was present in the past. When I was a kid I heard plenty of stories of scientist who didn't just perform experiment s just to figure something out. They also performed experiments to see if they could somehow MAKE things work. Preferably without serious injury or loss of life. Of course I want to perform the experiment with licensed professionals. That is the reason I started this thread in the first place. But of course as history proves again and again you can't always wait for people to come to their senses or "Give you a chance". I can't remember simple math or focus in class. They say eat healthy to stay healthy. But every body knows how expensive healthy food is. And you have to be healthy to work to get the money to buy healthy food. And because you have other expenses you can't afford to eat healthy as nearly as often as you need to. And because of that your health slowly deteriorates. So here I am taking my health into my own hands thinking maybe there's a better way to replenish your body's energy generation rate........by using literal energy. Oh and by the way, in order to find "credible findings" you have to experiment..... Well I believe experimenting with a couple of watts is way less dangerous then shoving a needle in your body.
  3. @BufofrogSince this is a Scientific discussion of sorts, would you mind explaining why you believe the intake of raw meta Physical elements is absurd. Especially considering that fact the we do indeed derive from a meta physical Or "Supernatural" source.
  4. @TheVati had no evidence to assume you were joking...especially after bufofrog's comment >_>. thanks for the encouragement.
  5. @Bufofrog i didnt mean eat it with a fork and spoon. I was was implying to simply add it to our daily intake. Low current. only enough wattage to feel the buzzing sensation. if it hurts or is uncomfortable, your obviously using too much. Btw, even im smart enough to know potatoes generate electricity but im willing to bet potato electricity isnt the same as raw electricity our the neurological impulses your brain generates. and those charges you mentioned aren't enough to stimulate/nourish any extreme meta physical systems we may have in our body like chi, or ki, etc. @TheVatJudging by your comment i can confidently conclude you've never been tased before. if you read the label on a taser it might not look like a lot of wattage or voltage but i can tell you from personal experience it felt like a thoroughbred thunder kick.............twice. i believe the "wattage" was sufficient for a note worthy charge. and i believe the wattage from a taser is too much.......obviously. the consumption of nourishment is supposed to be comfortable. @PeterkinThe real focus thought here is when did scientists stop encouraging experimentation. we have had enough experience with electricity to make this experiment beyond safe. The idea is barely different than a "TENS machine". the only difference is the idea of the releaser is to nourish the body with electricity rather then just pain relief. @CharonYSorry i didnt mean to mislead anyone. im not a licensed educator of any kind. i came to this website for support, insight, and understanding. I was just guessing as far as the "genre" of the subject matter.
  6. I have a theory: our bodies have a strong connection to electricity (Fyi, I Am NOT a scientist, but i do ask if you look past that for a second and ask yourself if this makes ANY sense at all). We consume all the nesesary vitamins to repair and keep our bodies healthy. Calcium for our bones, protiens for our muscles etc. But we Dont take in electricity (one of the most important contributers to us even being alive) in its rawest form. Could raw electricity be the missing food group? If you dont take in the proper nurishment alot of your systems would ither not function correctly or they would not function at all. So wouldnt it be safe to assume that alot of or bodily systems related to electricty( or related to any meta physical systems in our body that may exist like chakras, chi, ki, etc) are not fuctioning correctly or not fuctioning at all because we dont nurish those systems with the elements they are composed of. I have an idea about electric rejuvenation chamber designed to safely charge or "pump" the body with electricity in hopes of "unlocking" any latent potiential the body has. And mind you, this thoery is based off my own experince with a police taser. After i got tased my arm heated up to the point of burning my underskin. But my muscles themslves werent in any pain. Ive asked many people about it but they are all afraid to try it. I just thought it to be funny that so many are afraid of experimentation but we as the human race would not have gotten this far without it. I would love to here what you all think about the i dea. thank you all for listening and have a blessed day. watch.html
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