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Everything posted by kba

  1. I'm not sure exactly what do you mean I have to provide as model - formulas or how it works. I can represent relativity of gravity in 3 different ways: 1) By classic, I think we can imagine the gravitational field as some kind of substance. The Sun generates its volume of such substanse with gradient of density, Any planet of the Solar system generates its own too. When this planet (asteroid of comet) comes closer to the Sun its gravitational filed (which we imagine as a substanse) dissolve in the Sun's one, and its strength gets weaker for bodies placed near to it. 2) By space-time effects it looks like the strength of gravity force depends on a run of time. When planet comes closer to the Sun the time for it runs slower and slower and planet's gravity acts to near bodies as visually "weakering and weakering" force. 3) By geometry, gravity of Sun and Earth can be represented as their gravity systems. (see fig.1) The planet's gravity systems are placed inside the Solar gravity system. The cone of proportionality demostrates us the border where gravitational acceleration to the Sun and to the planet, calculated by Neuton law, are equal. Therefore, the result acceleration is zero. If we accept that superposition of gravities on this border is zero and in the center of planet it have some constant value (aka gravity potential) while the total gravity function has simple form with only factor (supposably G) then the gravity on the same distance from the planet (e.g. on its surface) on the different orbit of planet should get different resulting value. Only evidence I can provide for relative changing of gravity I can see above. It's a comets' tale which change its length while comet change its distance from the Sun. As you can see, the relativity of Gravity isn't known and it doesn't considered in Neuton's Mechanics and in the General relativity. But if it have place, IMHO it could explaint dinosaurs' extiction by changing of Earth's gravity.
  2. I mean electron's running around atom's core, and nuclones periodic deviations (vibrations), as the Sun deviate under gravitation of planets, especially Jupiter, and Saturn. For example, exoplanet's mass can be calculated using such deviation of parent star.
  3. Actually, the gravity of the Sun depends on distance from one. I used the Sun's gravity to demonstate relativity of gravity. If I just say that Earth changed its orbit, and it caused the change its gravity noboby understand - how and why? Above I listed 3 ways to change gravity of the Sun on Earth's orbit. 1) By changing Earth's orbit. 2) By dropping cover of the Sun during very big flash. 3) By changing external gravity (of the Galaxy). Third scenario also uses hypothetical relativity of gravity. I prefer first one, because it explains the non-inversible climate's change on the Earth during last 65 mln years. But how it is possible - to increase Earth's orbit - I don't know. Probably by means of impact? Only evidence for the gravity changes - are giant dinosaurs (and other giantic animals and plants), and their total extiction. I just meant to engage topicstarter's attention to my theory to participate discussion as like-minded person on dinosaurs' extinction causes. But I'm ready to start new discussion.
  4. As I see electrons and nuclones in the atom's core are continuously moving relatively to each other. And any particle (or body) move relatively to most particles (bodies) in the Universe. Any such movement generates gravitational force which appears as weight. And any bodies consist continuously moving particles - electrons and nuclones.
  5. I have a theory which explains the Gravity as dynamical force which appears only between moving particles. Actually electric and strong (aka nuclear) forces also appears only between particles, but as static ones. This theory has few conclusions. One of them that the infinitly continued relative movement of all bodies in the space remains by means of dynamical force of gravity. Thus, 1. Stars in any galaxy move with weak acceleration. By time they their orbit and speed increase. When they reach the galaxy's periferia their velocity increased greatly. This is explanation for dark matter phenomena. 2. Cosmic rays get their high speed and energy during the weakly accelerated (by gravity) movement between galaxies after mil-ons and bil-ons years. Known "knee" shift in the energy spectrum of cosmic rays demonstates the border between galaxy nad extragalaxy ones. Only the extragalaxy cosmic rays have energy exceed galaxy's ones by times, because the distance between galaxies much bigger then galaxys' size, and extragalaxy cosmic rays get thier superiorioty in the velocity and energy over the galaxy ones by weak gravity acceleration in this distances. There are many other conclusions in the Dynamical Gravity theory.
  6. I have similar theory explaining dinosaurs' extinction by gravity change. But I explain it by other way. I have hypothesis that gravity of planets has a relativity to solar gravity. Thus, when gravity of Sun changes on the planet's orbit, it affects to planet's gravity function. Gravity potential doesn't change because planet's mass doesn't change. But the superposition of gravity function changes while the local gravity system of the planets changes its size. When gravity system change its size, but planet's size is constant, the gravity on the planet's surface changes its value. For examle, if gravity of Sun on the Earth orbit will change with factor 2, the size of Earth's gravity system enlages by factor 1/2. The gravity correlate with orbit as function of 1/R^2. Therefore the gravity value on the planet's surface changes with factor 1/2^2 or 1/4. I don't know exactly what called changes of Sun's gravity function about 65 ml. years ago, but I suggest that Earth increased its orbit. The decreasing Sun's gravity on the Earth's orbit made the increasing of gravity on th Earth surface. Probably, the relativity of gravity what is cause of undefiniteness of gravitational constant. Also probably the changes of length of comets' tail are called by such relative gravitational changes happens near to the comets' surface. PS. Other possible causes made solar gravity weaker probably could be Sun's superburst with dropping its cover or similar relative changes but relatively to Galaxy's gravity when Solar system entering or exiting its sleeves.
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