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  1. That was exactly like this Wikipedia photo! (i forgot to mention the moon seemed low) Thank you very much!
  2. Hi About 5 years ago, i think it was a morning, I was walking on a small countryside road in north of France Then I looked on the side and I saw the moon being very huge compared to usually It scared me, i think it looked about twice the size as usual I don't remember well, I took no photo, I think the size decreased pretty quickly, i don't remember well Would someone have an explanation/assumption/idea about this? Could that have been some reflect/visual effect? I think it was during a cold season Regards
  3. I understand, I should have explained less deliriously, and written a clear question I'm sorry for the aggressiveness and the off-topic
  4. @swansont Are you able to confirm that you closed my thread because the info provided was not useful as part of a discussion? Or because it was my personal info and not references from a journal? Or is it because I merged the info with feelings? Could you please be clear?
  5. I don't understand your phrase Do you mean like if I read in a journal someone's words about how a drug interacts with the body, then we can continue to talk about it here? I'm not sure to understand what you mean by references, I expected the info in my thread to be "references", such as - 350µg - like the beginning of a video, being rewind to the ultimate beginning - yellowish light - reassuring - [...]idea of good or bad, like it cancels I made a reference about the feeling of reassurance, isn't that a reference? ___________________ Don't people talk about reassurance and bright light during Near-death experiences? (this is not a real question) I can understand that you don't like my way of telling my experience, such as the extra info like "I felt I saw like the source of the universe" But I don't understand that you mean this is not useful as part of a discussion, I would appreciate if you help me to understand. Me what I guess is that the way of telling the experience and the extra info added, probably due to the fact the experience happened like just 24h before, made you miss some info as the above, that imo can be useful to understand what was that But again, if I don't understand that this is not useful as part of a discussion, I would appreciate if you help me to understand.
  6. Restart linking data to my account, like when you just create one To decrease the risks that some people get influenced by other posts I made, when they would write on the new threads I would open To increase the focus on the thread and the the efficiency of the shared information ________ I mostly wanted my account to get deleted after my report thread on a lsd experience got closed, I expected the community to be able to express themself if they had some ideas about what kind of phenomenons happened to me, such as states of mind that are studied, like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ego_death#Scientific_research... Btw I'm surprised we can talk about religions but not about drugs Would that mean that if lsd was not illegal, you wouldn't have closed my thread Would that mean you let governments decide what you can study The disappointment was over but it just came back after realizing this The only messages i received on this thread was 1 like the one from Sensei above I mean provocation, like they are smarter And the other one was from a moderator meaning the references are not useful as part of a discussion In this thread I didn't write "Could you help me to understand what happened to me?" because I felt embarrassed/disturbed Would that have prevented my thread from getting closed? (this is a real question)
  7. i appreciate your explanation i guess that only the website owner could change this behavior i like to restart from scratch sometimes, without having to use another email address for that
  8. why i can't delete my account? i don't ask my messages to get removed i was thinking i could delete my account and then create a new one, using the same email address so i guess i would first have to change the email address of my current one, then drop it then i could create a new account using my real email address if you propose to manually do it, please don't but add a button so everyone could i think keeping only posts but deleting username/avatar/signature etc, would be good.
  9. Hi Yesterday I took a 350µg LSD tab obtained from a trusted source on Tor I didn't sleep since like 10 hours, then took the tab, after like an hour the effects started getting felt I'm used to stay laying on my bed in the darkness, listening to music using noise canceling headphones, the kind of music like Clozee does I didn't take some since like 6 month, I don't drink, neither smoke and such At some point I felt better than usual, I felt like I hear much more the music details I started thinking about what would be connecting everything, then I thought the last barrier to understand is to break the time/go beyond it. Then in my mind I started seeing a source of all, a bit like the beginning of a video, being rewind to the ultimate beginning And then, still eyes closed, I saw a yellowish light, it was so powerful and reassuring I don't practice a religion, but it felt divine, it lasted for few seconds, made me cry, started again... Some time after it felt scary, I started thinking: so is it good or is it bad? I couldn't tell, there was like no space for this idea of good or bad, like it cancels It was like there was everything, like an infinity. It was all yellowish in my head. I felt I saw like the source of the universe, like a singularity. It was violent I heard about Ego death and Near-death experience, I guess it's something related to this that I experienced...
  10. i don't do iq tests i'm too afraid to get a negative result
  11. I think I see what you mean, I guess I was talking about another type, the discrete one that you get for a long time until one day a result occurs I didn't know this quote, I think it's great I really appreciate thank you I don't have an example to share that I think would bring an useful info sorry, I don't understand what says when someone really deserve contempt, I guess it's subjective ______________________________ I thought of a benefit of contempt, a person who felt despised could have a reaction that pushes him to become more powerful
  12. me it's a tv show called Barry, he is an ex marine soldier, now depressed hitman during a mission, he accidentally meet some beginner actors training in a theater of LA (the man he was ordered to kill is one of them) they bring some happiness in his evening ____________ i think it's really funny, original, like from another world maybe And you what did you just watch?
  13. I really appreciate your replies I notice no mention of benefit of contempt in these. I know that contempt contains anger, which I think is useful for noticing that you really don't like something that is like imposed on you Like a signal saying "you have to change that", of course it's not always easy to understand/act I guess please tell if you think I'm missing something fundamental about anger's purpose But about contempt, would that just be a defective form of anger that has no benefit at all?
  14. Hi I contempt everyday in my thoughts, maybe people see it through my acts I feel it is toxic to me, like being mean doesn't makes you feel good I think I do this to make me feel I'm better than others, to reassure myself, I think it's weakness. I try to stop, but it looks to be widespread in myself I guess there could have benefits from this like in maybe everything, I struggle to understand the "Virtues" part of the Wikipedia article by the way One benefit I think about this is to build who you are, I mean knowing what you like, and what you don't, getting firm and reliable I would like to never contempt again, but would my life expectancy reduce a lot? I would prefer living without this even if the time duration decreases, but not sure about 24h... Do you have an idea of what would it be like to never contempt?
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