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Everything posted by raphaelh42

  1. I like this idea of visualizing, I think it's going to help me to reduce my inner voice But I think I asked for something that is not consistent, like asking how to drive a car without using the engine, I could always get it pushed or pulled, but the drive would not be the same... So I am going to accept that it is the way it is. I thank you for having helped me, I'm sure that visualizing the mustard will be less exhausting than repeating "don't forget it"
  2. But I guess what follows is not the same if I finish or not...
  3. I wanted to edit remove this part but too late aparently
  4. Hello, I did not read all the responses sorry, I would say love If you are a man, I think that sharing love with a woman is the thing that can give you the most happiness I'm not talking about sex (only) Also I would say don't being addicted to drugs, don't being addicted to porn and don't do self masturbation (but i guess if your partner want you to do it when you are with it's cool......) I would also say learn how/when to fight or avoid fight Hmm I think all this makes you feel stronger and then happier I think you can't enjoy things when you are/feel weak I've been through depression One thing I like is lay in my bed with no video/music, in the dark/night, close eyes and think to the things I try to forget, like a fight, to the point you accept them, I don't want to dig things because they can go back to the surface so I try to leave with. I also try to have 0 regrets, I don't know what will have fully happen if I did different so... Maybe if i did not broke my tv i would have been killed by a bus......... Of course if tommorow i fall of a tree and finish my life in a wheel chair, i will regret.........but.... we don't know what would have happen if I didn't fall................
  5. I have read on internet that some people are not able do to intrapersonal communication
  6. Hello, I just wanted to say that spiders can make me think of a cut human hand moving using fingers. (I did not read the full thread (yet?) but searched in it for this thought(ctrl f))
  7. Hello I try to find a way to think without talking to myself in my head using my language. (I don't mean I have my own language) (I don't always speak to myself when thinking (for example when I take a quick decision), and I don't ask questions like there was two me) I want to find a way because often it makes me tired, like it's to much, I also want to check if it would be more effective/faster. Sometimes I notice the thought is over but the sentence is not yet... so recently I started to try to don't finish them. Do you have any suggestion please ?
  8. @Peterkin I didn't notice that nuts has that much carbohydrates : o I thank you very much for these information @TheVat I thank you for detailing that much @exchemist @Phi for All I try to do a recipe that contain all the recommended elements (without food from animals) (I would try to do several to avoid getting disgusted/tired) I imagine a bucket containing all the recommended elements (with precise quantities) for a day, and I would divide the bucket for each meals I have in the day. I don't try to follow trends, I love convenience and simplicity but my goal is really as I said above, I would do complicated and uncomfortable for efficiency and apparently this is the way to achieve my goal, I say that because I realize now that nutrition looks very complex... _________________________________ I was thinking that one food for carbohydrates, one for lipids and one for proteins could be "good" but of course it would have be too easy. I know that it is recommended to eat varied to improve chances to get everything needed, but I don't want to buy everything in the store and hope I will be great without too much of this or too few of this... I want to know as much as possible what I need precisely... So I will continue my researches, thank you all for helping me, information are still very welcomed.
  9. Ok I think I will try to get tested regularly and try to find a health care provider/physician. I have read the abstract part of the study, I don't understand everything but I will continue learning. For the moment I will maybe take halves of 1000µg pills daily. Thanks again, a lot.
  10. I thank you very much for your response, after your message I did some quick researches about wheat vs potatoes and it looks potatoes are "better" although I see they contain less carbohydrate. So I am going to replace wheat by potatoes for this combination. (I'd like to edit my first post+title but it looks I can't, I'll probably contact a moderator) I am going to do serious researches to try to fully reply to my question, I think I wanted to be able to discuss about it before starting...
  11. Hello, I was thinking about eating only wheat(for Carbohydrate), hazelnuts(for Lipid), chickpeas(for Protein) and B12 supplements. Of course I guess I would want to change food after some time and I would but let's imagine I wouldn't please... I did not calculated yet if I could get enough calories without overdosing Carbohydrate/Lipid/Protein... maybe I should calculate before asking but I'm asking anyway... Do you know what deficiencies this diet would cause (if it would cause some...) ?
  12. I thank you very much for your response, I think it is getting more clear for me now, I'm interested about B12 because I don't eat food coming from animals anymore and I understood that I should then take B12 (I read animals don't produce it but some bacteria does and farmed animals get B12 from water/supplements/injections...) If I understand, to know how much B12 I should take, I should do blood analyzes and compare them over time ? And if I know how much I need, how to know the base quantity needed to get the final result quantity that will get absorbed ? Doing an internet research, it looks that people in my case just simply need to take one pill of 1000µg /day and they are good to go... I'm a bit lost...
  13. Hello, do you know how to absorb 2.4µg (or around) of B12 per day using supplements ? I read 2.4µg is the recommended daily amount, I notice almost all B12 pills contains 1000µg and they say to take one pill/day I struggle finding why they contain 1000µg instead of 2.4µg, I read it could be because it is easier to put 1000, I don't understand why monster energy drinks are able to put 2.5µg of b12 in 100ml, do you ? I also read that your body absorb 10µg of a 500µg pill, I read it's because the body don't absorb the unneeded amount, so the body would absorb 10µg of a 10µg pill ? same for a 1000µg pill ? Something is strange ! Or did I miss something ?
  14. hello, i'm a beginner we are not able to look inside a black hole, could we see out of it if we were inside ? when we try to look at the past of the big bang, would we be trying to look at the outside of a black hole from the inside ? what do you think of about this ? Are there any theories evoking this hypothesis?
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