How were these fragments clearly Neanderthal? When I go to the doctor and he prescribes a medication, he usually does not tell me what the side effects are, or what the test results show. And because I sometimes research these things, I sometimes do not take a recommended medication once I read unbiased reports about it. In the case of figuring how scientists decide what type of being a bone fragment is from, if I can't understand the explanation (like dna analysis without outlining it in pretty much detail), I tend to figure, "oh well..." and then think they are just making figures based on some specifics but only they, the ones involved, seem to know what they're doing and then express it is terms the general public will not understand. If I have to become an analyst to find out for myself, that won't happen. Npro time and not enough interest. But who knows? Maybe I'll contact a professor and see what he says. So while I appreciate all the answers here, nothing convinces me that the answers from scientists are beyond doubt. Thanks though for trying to explain things to me.