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Quark (2/13)
The answer to what spacetime is made of is right in front of you, but (and I don't want to hurt your feelings), there is a bunch of junk that has been dumped on top of Modern Physics (which is correct). All the stuff about superstrings, LQG and MWI is total garbage told to you by a priesthood of mathematicians who just want to control you. Modern physics, GR, SR, QM, particle physics, Standard model, are all correct. Superstrings and loops are garbage. There is a problem built into those theories that completely falsifies them. There is only one way to interpret QM and GR. You interpret them in a way that leads to a Quantum Gravity theory that, in turn, leads to warp field generators. Anything else is just shoving garbage into your brain. If you had the intelligence, you would challenge my ideas; not deduct points from me like some feckless theorist with no imagination. There is one necessary characteristic that a quantum gravity theory needs. But you physics theorists can't seem to figure it out. Even though established physics gives you lots and lots of clues. We argue. I punch holes in Loop Quantum Gravity, because I know what the "loops" should be replaced with. But you guys can't have that conversation because your Common Sense was written over with LQG mathematical bulls*** that divides by zero more times than... Look, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings. I'm just trying to help you figure out what's wrong with your quantum gravity theory. I'm starting to get the impression that this is supposed to be a science forum, but nobody here really understands Loop Quantum Gravity enough to understand what is wrong with it and how it doesn't fit with actual empirical observations. Maybe you should be emailing whoever created it and tell THEM that something doesn't add up.
- 26 replies
Conservation of energy refers to any kind of energy, not just mechanical. Your knowledge of physics is corrupted. If you put a mathematical theory based on elements with no experimental reality (strings, LQG, MWI) then you should get a CAT scan. Or even better, you should go find some source of Common Sense, maybe a book about common sense, and read it.
- 40 replies
OMG! Everything you claim to know about big bang expansion is completely corrupted with nonsense. I would be happy to explain my Expanding Graviton theory after your LQG theory is revealed to be a Frankenstein monster. Show me the experiment that proves that "wilson loops" are not some fantasy, some made up baloney. So you have this ackward model of 1D objects that are not even related to actual spacetime in some natural coherent way. And you need 7 compactified dimensions that we should just take on faith, just so that your theory doesn't die of awkwardness. The proposition that Intelligent Design is true means that the best and most efficient engineering capability will be employed to create the universe. It will work like beautiful engineering design, not like some Frankenstein theory with 13 compactified dimensions. Do you even realize where the word "compactified" comes from? The word 'compactify" is used to describe fecal material that is too dense to be able to pass easily.
- 26 replies
Show me the experiment that supports your incredibly dubious claim. And don't tell me any superstring theory bologna, because all that baloney is made up.
- 40 replies
The whole idea of evolution as the cause of how life began to exist is just a funny joke! I mean, seriously, if you don't clean your room, do you think your underwear and dirty socks will evolve into some creature???!!! LMAO!! I can think of 50 things off the top of my head that improved with intelligent design (engineers and talented entrepreneurs). I'm not even sure what the actual line of bologna is that convinces otherwise intelligent people to believe that life happened by accident. If you know that bologna, please tell me! How do atheists think that life came to exist?
- 3 replies
What happened to all the people here who knew physics? It's like dead around here.
You didn't know that Conservation of Mechanical energy is physics?
Why the hurt feelings? I was only trying to talk about physics.
Seriously. I do think that the surviviablity of the human race is in danger because people like this are allowed to go "un-offended". It's like motorists who have no intention to hit anyone, but then some attention seeking person stands in the middle of the road because their feelings are hurt and they need all the motorists to pay attention to them. We have no wish to offend you. Just don't act all high and mighty with your lame theories and then be prejudiced and hostile toward people who think that God did it. Admit that your theories are baloney, they don't work, and they are built upon a false premise, a no Intelligent Design premise.
It could be an accounting trick. In the same way that KE_i + PE_i = KE_f + PE_f. The kinetic energy of the big bang is KE = EBB (energy of the big bang). Potential energy of curvature of spacetime equals zero. I assume you know where I"m going with this. If I have to explain, it means you've never studied Conservation of Mechanical energy.
- 40 replies
I am speaking for everyone else of like mind; all 7 billion of us. We all want to explore. There are no solutions down here. Loop quantum gravity is based on the idea of a ringlet mesh. Ringlet meshes don't expand. Superstrings are just vibrating 11 dimensional strings (although no experiment has verified the existence of 11 dimensions.). Strings just vibrate. They don't expand either. You are like the dirt on a cable that is losing signal because of the dirt. The dirt doesn't understand what the signal is. The signal was correct. The universe and all of its life is actually pretty happy. It's the people like yourself, down on Earth, who are too miserable, bitter, vindictive; it is people like you who don't want anyone to laugh because life is so serious. Unhappy civilizations die off. I pray to whatever intelligence will hear my prayers that people like you... learn to not take life so seriously. The biggest problem here on Earth is that there are people who don't want to laugh, don't think it's appropriate to make a joke. They are taught that there is no afterlife or that life is limited, or that God doesn't exist or is otherwise out to get them. There kind of physics theorist philosophy is extremely damaging to the health of a civilization. You should take pity on yourselves, as humans, and burn all your philosophy books. You should wear "I love Jesus" shirts. Or even "I love sacred crystals! They make me happy!" The lack of imagination in your physics theories is the proof that your philosophies are not helping you. Seriously, what does it take to teach a human civilization that being miserable all the time is not healthy. It's no way to go through life. Just because you don't agree with your early religions (who were not willing to suffer a party pooper) doesn't mean you can't get along with people now whom you don't agree with. From the bottom of my heart, I hope you find a good wholesome reason to laugh, laugh like you were 6 years old again. Everything I've said in the thread that was closed is consistent with thinking the way aliens think. We should try to laugh more. We should be less sensitive. Maybe not work so hard and be so serious about everything. What I posted was an honest assessment of what aliens think of the humans like yourself, the atheist academic physics theorists who have thousands of awful TOE's and Quantum Gravity theory that are all experimentally useless. I think that deep down, you have given in to your cynicism and this is how you will live out your life.
I don't think they know what is right and what is wrong. They rely too much on mathematical equations and not enough on experimental data. They even ignore experimental data. If you think they are right, then you also rely too much on math and not enough on experimental data. You would think that someone, out of all of those tens of thousands of string theory and loop quantum gravity papers written based on all that math. You would think that one person would have noticed that superstrings and quantum loops can't be what spacetime is made of. Spacetime expands at the speed of light. Superstrings and quantum loops are like Cheerio loops stuck to a mesh. They don't behave like an expanding universe. This is an example of the kind of flawed thinking that cannot be relied upon to lead the way to interstellar travel. You are too anchored to black holes which are too heavy to move. What gives? You can learn even more by being right and following the best models you can find. When did this place become such a ghost town?