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Timothy Huntley Williams

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  1. Doesn’t it seem like we’re the first planet in our solar system, and not the third? Where are Mercury and Venus? Just like the flame on a candle, the Sun needs oxygen. This creates a vortex that is responsible for the orbit and rotation of all the planets, with Earth at the center of it. If you’re located in America, or the otherside of the planet in China, you’d see the same constellations. That’s because the Earth doesn’t orbit the Sun, and neither does the Moon orbit the Earth. The Sun and Earth are stationary, while the Moon orbits it’s own area opposite of the Sun. Technically since it doesn’t orbit the Earth, makes it our 4th planet, Mars. The direction that the Sun is shining on the Moon, from where it is located in that orbit determines whether there’s a full or half Moon. During an eclipse, which is when Mercury or Venus are passing the Sun, sunlight is blocked, casting a shadow or causing the Moon to disappear from view. Think of it as pulling the plug on a drain. The Moon is sort of fighting us for position, but no other planet can pass us in this vortex, because it’s not a drain. If it were, we’d be sucked into the Sun. So what’s preventing this from happening? The Sun is consuming and exerting energy, the heat it produces creates force pushing outward. Keeping everything at a distance, is responsible for gravity and also the Earth’s atmosphere. So a planet such as the Earth, is brought to a point where both forces act on it equally. Also as the planet rotates, heat is attracted to the core, making what’s on the surface attracted to the core. Size and mass also play a role. The use of fossil fuels decrease the mass of our planet. Inching us closer to the Sun causing global warming, but possibly threatening us with an ice age as well. As heat hits the surface of our planet, it gets deflected back the way it came. It collects at a certain altitude, and because the Earth rotates, it starts to form a vortex. The temperatures of the dark side of our planet, along with the North and South Pole help form our atmosphere, and keep it from expanding. (The North or South Pole would also be the place a space launch would be ideal;-) Space isn’t made of an infinite amount of elements. We make up something bigger. We are an atom. The Sun is our nucleus, and planets are electrons, protons, and neutrons. If stars exist, they would make a vortex similar to the Sun. What we think are stars, are planets made of the same elements as the Moon, reflecting light back at us from the Sun. “Space” is the space between matter, and our everyday lives is the consumption of energy. We are the life force, that life needs to exist. Timothy Huntley Williams Tempe, AZ 85282
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