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Everything posted by observer1

  1. so what is the minimum kinetic energy i have to send a proton towards carbon atoms to form nitrogen?
  2. For carbon So i am guessing the reaction will occur only if the product is non-excited and that also depends on the TYPE of reaction. and it is also not an exact number but a range which depends on some initial conditions.
  3. If we have a volume of hydrogen gas, when not heated, only collisions without much change in heat (say it is in room temp.) If the volume is heated a bit, the collisions increase and the temperature of hydrogens in it also increase. If even MORE heat is supplied, the electrons in the hydrogen leave the atom and get excited. If WAY MORE energy is supplied, we might get nuclear fusion, (like what happens inside the sun), the volume is constant and the pressure increases with temperature. The question is:- What is the minimum energy required for an atom (say carbon (or) hydrogen) to undergo fusion and below the energy, it undergoes excitation and collision heating is basically giving the system energy
  4. do they really keep it in fireworks? any way to see if it really is aluminium?
  5. So i searched some fireworks and found one which contains only sulfur and some silvery metal pieces. I added NaOH into it and the metal pieces started bubbling and turned black and the gas that came was not that smelly but was chocking the thing i wanted to do was to take a mix of solid NaOH and the powder and add water to it so that the heat from NaOH dissolving could help react NaOH and sulfur to make Na2S and Na2S2O3 so my doubt is what could the metal be? properties:- silvery reacts with NaOH and becomes black releases some gas when reacted with NaOH Brittle used in fireworks
  6. so basically, it might be the organic stuff reacting with air while in water and turning yellow to get around it, I started evaporating in a larger plate, so more surface area and faster evaporation, so not it is becoming nice long white crystals. if i heat it it basically turns black
  7. pretty sure, reactivity series says it will occur. can't test it because I don't have a magnesium ribbon
  8. Answer shall come in 2 weeks
  9. @exchemist?
  10. btw I forgot to mention that it only appears yellow when concentrated. When kept in a lot of water, the water appears transparent. Also, will I be able to break the proteins if I heat them, making it somewhat whiter?
  11. so like if the layer is not calcium acetate, I will remove it. I am doing this just to confirm because I can't find anything about this in google
  12. It was white eggs I basically was following this video, except i did not heat it to evaporate, I lift it to evaporate Link :-https://youtu.be/32vCLXTjnyQ
  13. yes, so is this yellow because of me using eggs or is something ELSE happening?
  14. when i filtered it, i say no insoluble particles
  15. So I basically wanted to make calcium acetate. So I took some vinegar and egg shells, mixed them and kept them in a container fr about about 3 weeks. I kept an excess of eggs and it finally stopped reacting. After that, I transferred the water and calcium acetate without the shells or the egg layer using a filter. I later left the cup to evaporate fr about 2 weeks and a mostly transparent, yellowish layer started forming on top. Is is calcium acetate?
  16. so in a reaction, if both the reactants and products are soluble in water, the reaction does not take place while if the product is not completely soluble in water, then the reaction is possible. Also if the reactants are no soluble in water, the reaction does not take place
  17. why does that happen? is it because here both sides completely dissolved while in the one I gave, Ca(OH)2 is slightly dissolved in water?
  18. so since Ca(OH)2 is slightly soluble and not completely, the reaction is not possible now i understand so, just asking, let's ASSUME Ca(OH)2 is also soluble, then the reaction will go back and forth?
  19. that was what I was just telling. Only the first reaction is possible because both the reactants completely are soluble in water
  20. That, frankly, is all I understood form the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solubility_chart link u sent. I was specifically looking about this reaction and that was the only difference I found(from the table u sent) if you can, can you pls explain this in a much simpler was or give a video for it?
  21. the first reaction is possible since both disassociate in water
  22. Ca(CH3COO)2 + 2NaOH ---> 2CH3COONa + Ca(OH)2 or 2CH3COONa + Ca(OH)2 ---> Ca(CH3COO)2 + 2NaOH
  23. so the problem is the hydrogen atom
  24. so in that reaction, the acetic acid will again react with CaCO3 to form calcium acetate again then why doesn't this reaction occur? Ca(CH3COO)2 + NaHCO3 ---> CaCO3 + CH3COONa + H2 here the hydrogen leaves as gas
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