Is this type of brain a fascination? Is this a rarity? I feel I need to bring attention to this. I came into this over two years
knowing nothing about the brain. I am the only one that has ever had access to this childlike state. And his powers over
the brain phenomenal! There was input over 40 years, from his outside world altered state. Blocked were memories of childhood trauma.
From my understanding when in childlike state, experienced flashbacks of this trauma. Over two years he had enlisted me through my subconscious, I was unaware of it at the time, to bring him information on the brain. He was intent on resolving the flashbacks. He was suffering over 40 years within whenever in that state. His altered state with blocked trauma 50 years old, unaware of memories or flashbacks, is now his current and only function state. Flashbacks have been all resolved. Altered state and childlike fully conscious state, combined. As of last week.
The power of his subconscious while in that childlike state, is why I am posting this now. He is fully functioning now. What he is aware of??? I still don't know. I will be seeing him soon. I am stunned by the amount and precision of information communicated to me from his subconscious. At the point I was able to understand that took some time, tho it came to me as a fascinating childlike view of an escape plan, with the child in his body. Understandable, I over a few weeks, worked up a sort of psychological profile with terms and astounding information on things I know nothing about. Brought it to him in my mind. Within 24 hours----after 40 years--- healed his brain of flashbacks and now one single conscious state with no access to the traumatic memories, that I know of, and no flash backs. Restored his essence and all things good.
I am stunned remembering and the clues and information now in my subconscious looking back I see he was perfecting his brain for the transformation. Now I see, I knew things without knowing. And don't speak a word. All this without speaking a word. Now Im shocked to learn this was done intentionally, It was crucial to him that not one neural network was formed within his brain. The precision astounding. Is this rare?