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Everything posted by cpu68

  1. I began to wonder whether there really is any Nothingness above God the highest. If not, then this whole doctrine would fail.
  2. No, it is nihilism.
  3. Nothingness condenses into space, one could metaphorically say that Space is the daughter of Nothingness.
  4. The anthropic principle - the genetic code of the universe encodes life and intelligence, can lead to the conclusion that the creator of the cosmos, our cosmos and other cosmoses is the supreme God. There are as many of these cosmoses as there are galaxies in the cosmos, or about 400 billion.
  5. this text comes from bigger work New horizons in physics: Black holes, Big-Bang On the basis of the supercosmical model of subquark particles, we can obtain an explanation of the mystery of black holes. The use of quantization produces specific results. Alleged black hole is a kind of black star - with size about a star for our galaxy - consisting from condensate of small particles corresponding with gravitons. Black because does not let go photons. More suitable name than black hole is for this object name black star. So called event horizon is identical with its surface, so called Schwarzschild radius relates to its real radius. Inside the black star in the center of our galaxy, there is a singularity in which the tunnel with a very small cross-section (about 1 inch) opens and leads in to the a dead body the size of a planet in a big distance (probably other galaxy). This body is dead after some time has passed since the black star at the center of our galaxy has gone dormant and is no longer taking in new material. The theory of the black star is justified by the fact that it logically complements the sequence of stars, including white dwarfs, neutron stars, strange stars, preon stars, up to a black star. I should add also that primeval sinagularity which was a beginning of Universe had size not a very small particle but a size of the order of 4 inch. Thus there was no period of inflation and this concept must fail. The previous concept of the big bang, where we are dealing with extremely small sizes of the original singularity, seems to be nonsense. To assume the existence of such a small object for the entire cosmos is nonsense (I created the black star theory in 2012, only originally black star without a tunnel). Gregory Podgorniak, Poland, years 2023, 2024
  6. In time, perhaps a certain number of believers will be found. In time, perhaps a certain number of believers will be found.
  7. My religion of Nothingness refers to the concept of the ancient philosophical system of the Greek sophist Gorgias. It also refers to its successors, the ancient Greek skeptics.
  8. Return of a big danger... One can believe or not into theory of reincarnation, but for my money this is one from religious conceptions which is valid - of course after certain and pretty thorough corrections, for example conception of karma is in big degree a superstition. Now in years 2040-2070 or 2090-2120 (what less probable, similarly as admissible whole range 2070-2120), it can be expected following public activity of A.Hitler. This information can appear insomuch important that probably he will lead to unleashing of nuclear war, what predictably will cause annihilation of biosphere. It is worth to notice that if he caused eruption of World War II so on the same basis his future political activity is practically tantamount with eruption of world war III. One from basic methods of protection against effects of nuclear conflict is extension and improving system of atomic shelters. To much greater quantities, sizes and technical abilities than hitherto. Even building shelters of sizes of cities, equipped with ability of botanical and agricultural production, access to sources of water, ability of production of energy, industrial production and mining economy - let us notice that even many years of stay in shelters does not protect against long term effects of radiation, pollution of flora, waters and atmosphere. If this prognosis will not prove correct this will mean that I was right, because Hitler can be held back on the earlier stage, he can also be weakened. Whereas it will prove correct this then of course it will also prove that I was right. To avoid suspicions of formulating arguments of which cannot be subjected to the empirical verification, I can add 'probably' before in years 2030-2060 or 2050 etc.. It is worth to notice that the date of his following birth can be connected with terrorist attack on World Trade Centre in New York from September 2001. The date 2013 also seems likely. More exact time estimations - beginning of his perceivable activity possible from 2036 to 2045. From 2045 to 2060 visible aggressive political activity. From 2040-2050, war conflict with mass use of nuclear weapons. Round date of eruption of war 2045, 56 years after cold war this is as many as it took and as many years as Hitler had in a moment of death (1945). He can appear in such countries as China - motivating war with need of living space for overpopulated country, with racism, in Russia - after a lost cold war with reference to a tradition of communism, nationalism, chauvinism etc.. He comes to authority through military or political overturn, obtainment of general rank (eventually lower) or political position. Besides nuclear strike threatens also biological or chemical attack on a large scale as well as terrorist biological or chemical attack on a large scale. It is worth to add that in fact both - cold war and future war was and will be in a big degree also effect of politics of democratic president of USA H.Truman (1945-1953) - he made 'gift' for USSR in the form of Atomic weapon - what was a greatest political mistake in history. Truman procrastinated so long till the competitive power accessed to the new military technology. An other less meaning but a serious mistake was a foundation of post war Israel as small, located in unfavourable climatical conditions state. It should be formed big country for example on an area of south part of Africa - a side effect of such activities would be large migration of Jewish population diffuse in different countries to this new state which would become in the future one of regulators and stabilizers of political situation both regionally as and in the world scale. From time of invention of atomic weapon, mankind is standing on a verge of following total conflict. A period of so called cold war 1945-1991 was time of stable tenseness and permanent threat of such confrontation. Later followed detente which will last fairly long time. Then it comes, unless will undertake remedial steps, to a sudden conflict and series of nuclear strikes on a large scale. Gregory Podgorniak, Poland, 2012 * There is a high probability that the prediction described above will not come true because God may intervene. I also recommend that readers pray to Christ, Father and Nothingness (see my thread on this forum New religion of Nothingness) to stop the current incarnation of Hitler from coming to power. There is one more problem. Even if it is possible to stop the current (it is probably correct to assume that Hitler has already incarnated) incarnation of Hitler from coming to power, there remains the problem of subsequent incarnations, influencing them and stopping Hitler from coming to power again. You should also pray for this intention. (year 2024)
  9. Outline of new religion. I assume that God exists. He resides over space where there would be a higher vacuum (vacuum above the cosmic vacuum), which can be treated as nothingness. Some form of God includes the planetary system, above all the Earth and the Sun. Christ was one of his incarnations. There were more such incarnations-avatars than accepted in the Vishnu religion, which mentions only ten avatars. There were probably several dozen of them. It dates back to the appearance of Cro-Magnon Man, approximately 40,000 years ago. Of course, we can assume that there were also incarnations in earlier hominid forms, and there were many of them. Christ is an incarnation of a spiritual being (solar idealith) of the solar system, primarily the Sun, and can also be called the Sun God (let us recall the Egyptian religion). Although Christ was only one of the incarnations of a certain form of God, he is the last, tenth avatar of Vishnu, but I believe that he was not the last avatar and that there will be more. Over the being of the Son Jesus extends the much greater and more powerful being of the Father. The Father covers the entire universe with his power. He is also the creator of the universe. Above I presented the order of cosmic structures. As for the cult of the Virgin Mary, it is false. Mary actually migrated after Christ in subsequent human incarnations and will continue to migrate. Therefore, among other things, Marian sanctuaries are unnecessary. I will also add that the concept of the Apocalypse presented in the New Testament is fiction. Instead of Marian sanctuaries, sanctuaries of God the Father should be built. About ultramodern architecture. You can also simply build churches in honor of the Father, although currently there are Fatherly temples, namely synagogues and mosques. However, the portrayal of the Father as strict and threatening, as in Judaism and Islam, is not correct. The father is actually friendly and gentle. Above the being of the Father resides the highest and most heavenly non-existence of Nothingness. Nothingness is actually the supreme God, or rather the Mother-Goddess, and creates everything. The Gorgias theory can be recalled here, but this would be its new and more interesting version. Why you sleep at night. Because darkness is inactivity, also passivity, femininity. Darkness and Nothingness is passive, which is why it can take the form as if of a woman. For us humans, Nothingness takes the form as if of a goddess, a woman-mother, but this image should not be taken too literally. In fact, the statement that Nothingness is a woman should be treated as a pictorial metaphor. Nothingness also means freedom and liberty. Mystery is darkness. Nothingness is darkness. Nothingness is the deepest mystery. The doctrine and religion I have presented may seem beautiful because Nothingness and Darkness are beautiful. I would propose creating a new religion of Nothingness and building temples and sanctuaries of Nothingness, about ultramodern architecture. The religion of Nothingness should be considered the most important of all, the temples and sanctuaries of Nothingness the most important. Nothingness is the supreme God, the Mother-Goddess. The condensation theory of Nothingness assumes that everything is just a condensed form of Nothingness and Darkness. Nothingness and Darkness as the Mother of all gives birth to the cosmos from the seed of the primeval singularity. This singularity was created by God the Father (cosmic idealith). The Father himself probably emerged from Nothingness and Darkness. diagram 4. Nothingness is darkness. Symbol of new religion of Nothingness. author of text: Gregory Podgorniak, Poland, 2024 People interested in creating and organizing a new religion of Nothingness, please contact me
  10. The results of these studies did not come from direct examination of the brain but from pictures, so they can be misleading. If you look at the photo from the first post in this thread, you should be able to see the features of an enlarged braincase.
  11. quote from the same text: "Witelson's team found that Einstein's parietal lobes--which are implicated in mathematical, visual, and spatial cognition--were 15% wider than normal parietal lobes. The team also found other unusual features in the parietal region, although some of these were questioned by other researchers at the time."
  12. You too can reach this level.
  13. How to increase your IQ level ? How to improve your IQ ? The level of intelligence ranges from 70 to 200 IQ points, and very rarely exceeds 200 points (in the case of normal, not impaired intelligence). Below 70 points, Intellectual disability begins. Well, it turns out that the level of your intelligence can be raised by 20, 50, 100, 200 and even several hundred points. To do this, you need to tune in and set yourself up to raise the level of intelligence. The mind shifts to a higher level of intelligence with the right effort. In my method, the mind is moved to the target level of intelligence, e.g. 180 IQ points, or 400 points. I initially increased my IQ by 20 points. Then 50, then 100, and finally I got to 400 IQ points. However, this is not the end, after quite a long time I came to the conclusion that I can raise the level of my intelligence up to 1600 points. For this I used a special method of magically reaching this level. However, this level seems too high, and threatens to remodel the brain, a better level is about 600 points. As a means of supporting the exercise of intelligence, I use music from the radio through headphones, I analyze the musical structure as well as the text. In the case of text, you can test the meaning of a given text at the appropriate level, e.g. 180 points or 500 points, and after the analysis result you can find out that this is this the level of intelligence. Similarly, musical structure starts to sound much better as we raise our IQ level. Listening to music from the radio through headphones is not necessary to raise the level of intelligence, but it can be helpful. However, the method described does not immediately give huge lasting results. Raising IQ to, say, 400 points is a short-term effect, it is obtained during the IQ-raising procedure and shortly after that, later the level of intelligence drops to a lower level, a permanent IQ increase of about 10 points is obtained. However, constant practice with the described method should bring results after some time. Perhaps after a long time you can permanently raise your IQ to say 400 points, it depends on the development of the brain. For a more lasting result, the intelligence-enhancing procedure should be used continuously. I estimated my IQ at 160 or 250 (230) points. Of course, thanks to the described method, I got an increase in IQ level. With one analysis, I got 160 points, with another analysis, I got 250 (230) points. This second analysis is related to the changes in the structure of the braincase that I have observed in myself, namely its enlargement. This is congenital trait. This is manifested by "falling" eyebrows on the outside. A similar feature can be observed in Einstein, only it is more pronounced in him than in me. Einstein's IQ is estimated to be around 165 points, due to his enlarged braincase he could though have scored as high as 300 (260) points. photo. Albert Einstein in year 1921. On the photo it is shown "falling" eyebrows, a sign of an enlarged braincase. One time I tested a certain problem at 180 points and using an enlarged braincase. The second result turned out to be clearly qualitatively better than the first. I estimated it at around 250 (230) points. For scaling intelligence that e.g. I have reached 400 points, I use an imaginary scale and scale. I know from my own research experience that the most important concept for the entire theory of science is the process of scientific discovery. The physical model of the psychological process of discovery is the strike of lightning. Discovery is a mental flash, the manifestation of a higher intellectual process. Larger discoveries are usually a manifestation of a scientist's genius. Certain competences in the form of the knowledge accumulated by the scientist are required to be discovered. In connection with the above analysis, I set a lightning wallpaper (lightning touching the ground) as my computer desktop background. That it resides both in my consciousness and unconsciousness, starting the process of discovery. I also imagine lightning striking in my consciousness as a flash in the form of a flash of discovery. author of text: Gregory Podgorniak, Poland, year 2023 below description of a high and very high level of IQ up to 185 points, data comes from the IQ and Chess strength website - http://www.jlevitt.dircon.co.uk/iq.htm IQ (Standard deviation = 15), Attributes 185 High natural neuro-kinesthetic control; high curiosity drive; anti trivia; in a hurry 180 New creation 175 Knows intelligent (and right!) 165 Formalisation; beginnings of self confidence; less hiding 160 Interest in logic; paranoia; minor creation; recognises good work; art; music 150 Trivial formalisation 145 Below this level and often above is everywhere found a slavery to conditioning At the beginning, it is worth practicing on the levels described above.
  14. below paragraph is from the text New horizons in physics: Antigravitons or antiparticles of gravitons can be used in the construction of an antigravity drive because they probably generate antigravity. The propulsion of the antigravity vehicle will be a miniature anti black hole with an anti singularity inside, built from antiparticles to particles at the level of gravitons. Another possibility is a drive built with an anti singularity. So, visions of flying cars from science fiction movies can be put into practice. Gregory Podgorniak, Poland, year 2023 Sorry for the mistake but not year 2023 but year 2021 Sorry for the mistake but not year 2023 but year 2021
  15. The matter lies, among other things, in the secrets of the workshop, which I would not like to go into here, suffice it to say that these data are certain
  16. You don't believe it, but I give reliable data on my incarnations
  17. about the author, My name is Gregory Podgorniak (brn. 01.1977, Szczecinek, West Pomerania, Poland). I am working on field of natural as well as social sciences. During philosophical studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (1996-1999) I was actively act in student scientific organisation, got a scientific scholarship, and one from my articles titled Circulus vitiosus and fourfold petitio principii in the system of Descartes was published in Humanistic Drafts of Publishing House of Humaniora Foundation in Poznan, no. 6, 1998. Unfortunately certain fate events made impossible to me continuing studies to master's and later doctor's degree. Thence I was forced to be content only with a title of bachelor. Thanks to deep and penetrating researchings I was able to establish indisputably some number of my past incarnations reaching of ancient period, these data are certain, these incarnations are: Auguste Comte (1798-1857) French philosopher and sociologist, Edme Mariotte (1620-1684) French physicist and meteorologist, Bodhidharma (5th or 6th century) buddhist patriarch, Aenesidemus (1 st century BC) Greek sceptical philosopher, Arcesilaus (315-241 BC) Greek sceptical philosopher, Gorgias (485-380 BC) Greek sophist.
  18. 1. diagram. Logistic development Logistic development (see diagram and for example my text Sociological theory) can explain a difference between a qualitative change and quantitative change. It shows that each kind of so called qualitative change, like for example liquefaction of gas, is just some form of quantitative change. Marxists are using conception of change where quantitative changes transform to qualitative change. But this idea is containing fundamental mistake that there is a difference between qualitative and quantitative change. What I would like to emphasize is each so called qualitative change, for example the transition of water into ice, or steam into water, is actually a cumulative quantitative change; that is, a quantitative change taking place quickly over a short period of time. (the above paragraph is from year 2008) 2. Let us assume an existence of homogenous formation space-time-matter, shortly STM. Illustrative formula but not mathematical: STM = S + TM = T + SM = M + ST [spacetimematter = space + timematter = time + spacematter = matter + spacetime] M + ST is concerning macroscopic conditions. If - M, + ST matter loses then spacetime profit, it is distance - perspective, objects decrease with distance - ordinary contraction. If + M, - ST matter profit then spacetime loses, it is bringing closer - perspective, objects increase in progress of bringing closer - ordinary dilatation. S + TM is concerning microscopic conditions. If - TM, + S timematter loses then space profit, it leads to waves and fields. If - S, + TM space loses then timematter profit, it leads to particles. (the above paragraph is from year 2011) 3. Electrons, quarks and gluons possess internal structure, consist of quadrillion of particles of size about 10^-35 m [they correspond with photons], these then from quadrillion of particles about 10^-50 m, these then from quadrillion of particles about 10^-65 m [they correspond with gravitons]. To confirm legitimacy of assuming of hypothesis of internal structure of smallest from hitherto known structural subatomic particles as electrons, quarks and gluons it can be invoked the theory of science created by A.Comte (see after text Comte's Theory of Science). diagram. Galatical model Every following field uses in a large extent from previous, sociology from biology - theory of evolution, biology from chemistry - an example biochemistry, chemistry from physics - even if structure of atom and periodic table, physics from astronomy. Invoking astronomy it can be in physics reach eg. conception of existence of atoms and their internal structure - stars, planets, planetary system. It can be also reach models applied in conception of subquark particles and QG. It is galactical, cosmical and supercosmical model. Mystery of dark matter can be explained in this way that preonical particles possess mass (the above part is from year 2014). A more careful analysis of the galactical model leads to the conclusion that there are more types of particles of the right type. Types of stars, by supergiants, giants, dwarfs, all the way to the black star (black hole) would correspond to the types of these particles. Cosmical model analysis leads to similar conclusions, where the types of particles would correspond to the appropriate types of galaxies. At the end, the analysis of the supercosmical model leads to similar conclusions. In addition, it can be assumed that there are types of photon-like particles and corresponding waves with significantly higher speeds than the speed of light. So there are non-electromagnetic waves far above the speed of light (the above part is from year 2019). 4. Two theories which modern physics is based on is the general theory of relativity (GR) and quantum mechanics (QM). GR refers to great phenomena in cosmic scales, where gravity works. QM refers to phenomena in microscale, relates to particles and interactions. Years of research have shown that these two theories work well in experiments. On the other hand they are incompatible with each other. This inconsistency is revealed in very much small scale, Planck scale. To solve it, one should discover the theory showing a deeper reality, it will be the TOE (Theory of everything), explaining all phenomena in the universe. Among ancient theories, apart from atomism, we can find another one equally useful theory created by the Greek sophist Gorgias who lived in the 5th century BC, which turns out to be helpful in searching for the TOE. In the work On Non-Existence we can find the first thesis of this theory: nothing exists. Well, the ultimate basis for everything is nothingness. (the above paragraph is from year 2019) 5. Popper's Falsificationism seems to be wrong because the theory tests always strive to confirm it or confirmation and not refute it. So this concept is not unreliable with the actual way science is practiced. From the point of view of scientific research, striving to refute the theory seems to be a kind of nonsense and is something illogical. For example, General Relativity found confirmation in the Mercury orbit anomalies that Newton's theory could not explain. This confirmation is treated as proof of the validity of the theory. Of course, you can give more examples. Knowledge is inherently uncertain, as the ancient skeptics have already demonstrated. Therefore, science must use invalid inferences. Induction inferences is one of the basic types of inference of empirical sciences. These are uncertain inferences. Deductive inferences belong to the field of formal sciences such as mathematics and logic. On the basis of empirical science, the use of deduction is not meaningfully possible. By the way, ancient skeptics have also undermined the credibility of the deduction. 6. Solipsism assumes that there is only me, and all reality along with other subjects is only my imagination. Solipsism is more consistent than the positions of Bishop Berkeley. Berkeley assumes that observable things and phenomena are only systems of impressions, because only impressions are directly accessible to us, and assuming the existence of non mental matter is unauthorized speculation. Independence and order as well as existence beyond the perception of things and phenomena observed Berkeley justifies that they are perceived by God. Berkeley accepts the existence of other subjects, which seems unjustified, a more consistent position is solipsism, which in some formulation may formulate the thesis that the things and phenomena observed are only systems of my private impressions, including other subjects. So since we accept the existence of other subjects, then on this basis we have the full right to accept existence beyond the mental reality. This argument is the strongest argument against Berkeley's theory, let me call it an argument from solipsism. 7. Mass of rubbish fills present physics, for example - cosmical branes giving beginning to big bang and creating other universes, multidimensionality, strings existing in 10 dimensions, parallel universes, microblisters, hyperspace and so on. They are products of exuberant speculation completely detached from reality. 8. Induction would provide knowledge about the future, as would all scientific prediction. However, any transfer of the past to the future is contradictory, because the future does not yet exist and is therefore non-empirical, unverifiable. Therefore, there is no reasoning that gives some knowledge, because 1. there cannot be knowledge about what is not empirical 2. there cannot be knowledge about what does not yet exist, therefore knowledge by its very nature is uncertain and if it was certain it would have to be contradictory. Still different, if certain knowledge is such knowledge that leads to the future, it can be seen that it is impossible because the future does not yet exist. Therefore, no reasoning about facts can be certain. We can't even know what will happen in a few seconds because the future does not yet exists. 9. Are there general abstract ideas? Do they exist in any separate world or reality? Well, the question of whether there is a world of ideas can be answered in the affirmative or negative if we answer the question whether there are general abstract ideas at all. The answer to this question is that these ideas do not exist. General abstract ideas are contradictory, for example, the idea of a tree must combine the properties of large and small trees, with serrated, round, coniferous leaves and so on. 10. For philosophy not questions are important but answers. Philosophy has not to pose, to multiply questions and leave it unanswered. What allegedly has to be its characteristic attribute. As same as science has not to pose questions and leave it unanswered. A function of philosophy, as same as of science is both to pose as and to give answers. But second are much more precious then first. 11. The development of science cannot overtake the moral development of society, an example of such a phenomenon is the release of atomic energy (under the pressure of Hitler's actions), this example should be a warning to future researchers to carefully present certain results, and hide some facts as necessary. Consider how you can make use of your concepts and the scale of the threat. 12. Marxism's errors consist in the fact that 1. the final development is the middle class, not the working class 2. A process of qualitative transition is not necessarily and usually not revolutionary. Even a demographic boom with a growth rate of 2% per year is not revolutionary but evolutionary. Against the background of previous development, it seems very fast, but only because that one was very slow. Therefore, if changes are needed, they should be endeavor gradually, though dynamically reaching them finally 3. Any so called qualitative change - for example, the transition of water into ice, or steam into water - is actually a cumulative quantitative change; that is, a quantitative change taking place quickly over a short period of time. 13. Plato proposed an involutionary model of social development based on gradual decline and degeneration. Which exactly contradicts evidently occurring social evolution and the emergence of an increasingly perfect system. Popper, in opposing historicism, did not take into account the theory of Spencer or Comte, where the development is shown so clearly that only a complete fool can deny it, it probably resulted from his ignorance. 14. Most metaphysics is irrelevant because it uses a not-so-precise, accurate, clear language. With such formalization of physics and chemistry, an informal study of reality should be possible, one should only indicate what it should look like, it should be a scientific philosophy, clear and linguistic precise. Examples include the Gorgias system, the Democritus system and the Berkeley system, others include philosophy closely related to empirical sciences, theory of science or philosophy explicitly referring to empirical sciences. 15. Characteristics of extended theory of evolution of Herbert Spencer, presents as follows - process of evolution is an integration of matter, whereat matter passes from a state of undefined, incoherent homogeneity, simplicities, primordialities, physicalnesses, unformed, amorphisms, undimensional, uniformity, homomorphism to a definite, coherent heterogenicity, complexities, modernities, culture, formation, construction, dimensionality, variousness, polymorphism. This seizure of process of evolution has a polycomplex character. 16. Astrology is the same what a divination from scattered animal bones - so from an aleatorily obtained configuration, function of bones fulfil planets; "accuracy" comes from inaccuracy of used categories which each separately can contain any property or notion. Of course, information value of such "method" must be equal zero. 17. Against claims of such philosophers as Popper atomism does not descend from metaphysical speculations. Democritus took over this view from Hindus during his travels in the east, conception of atoms existed there at the very latest about VIII century BC, and was based on paranormal perceptions of yogis - a source could be only paranormal activity, but for sure not philosophical speculation, in Europe spherical atoms appeared not before XIX century AD. Gregory Podgorniak, Poland, year 2020
  19. maybe it would be better if I wrote birds and mammals
  20. New theory of evolution Applied by me conception derives from social theory, similarly was in the case of C. R. Darwin which used conception of T.R. Malthus when he was elaborating conspectus of his theory in 1842. Earlier, in 2008 I worked out a framework of theory of social evolution, basing on logistic conception which was discovered by P.F.Verhulst in 1838. 1. Biological evolution The term evolution introduced to biology Charles de Bonnet, Swiss naturalist from XVIII c. A biological evolution we call process of transformations of organisms within many generations, both with reference to transformations of their construction as and functions. It leads from more simple forms to more complex and developed. Eleven billions years took evolution to reach biological phase, but only three to reach first primitive organisms, and only several hundred millions to reach high developed and later intelligent animals. It is rather sure that it is not only perspective delusion arising because of passing of time - like optical delusion when we see close objects more precisely than far. I think that this development can be described the best by so called Logistic development. diagram 1. Logistic development In 1972 J.S.Gould and N.Eldredge proposed new conception of evolution - arising of specieses called Punctuationalism. In this theory speciation, takes place very quickly in not large populations. Can last hundreds of years, what in scales of the geologic time counted in millions and hundreds of millions of years, has a punctual character. Sigmoid development describes exactly this conception, though hitherto was not at all considered its use in this intent. In mathematics logistic development coupled is with Normal distribution model. Turns out that also this model, which founds some applications in different disciplines, has important meaning for biology. Simple plants and gymnosperms include above 150 thousands specieses, angiosperms above 250 t. specieses, fungi 1,5 mln, insects about 1 mln, primitive animals tens thousands, fishes 24,5 t., reptiles 13 t., birds 9350, mammals 4630. Moreover the same conception describes evolution on higher levels, Mega - whole biological evolution and Giga - three phases of gigaevolution - see diag 2. Gradual changes on these levels can - in a greater temporal scale - show differentiation. In reference to biological megaevolution logistic theory clearly illustrates and can explain so called "Cambrian explosion" (590-545 millions of years). It shows that development after achievement of certain critical level suddenly accelerates - see end of text - mechanism of evolutional processes. 2. Gigaevolution diagrams 2. Gigaevolution Quick biological phase was preceded by relatively stable astrophysicochemical phase. Attainment of relatively stable civilizational - psychosociocultural phase it takes hundreds years. On diagram 3 we can see Gigaevolution with more details. Cosmological megaevolution was leading from primordial explosion - nb. logistic development is its perfect model to arising of matter. Physical from fundamental particles and interactions to atoms and chemical elements. Chemical from inorganic to organic compounds. Biological from simple cells to intelligent hominids. Civilizational megaevolution is leading from simple religious culture to complex cosmical culture. It consists of three main subprocesses connected with three types of civilization, dependently from their cosmic range: - Type I, planetary, is connected with transition inside simple religious culture, about 10000 BC - Type II, civilization which is entering in interplanetary space, is connected with transition from simple religious culture to complex scientific culture, present and future time - Type III, which is entering in interstellar space, far future Processes of gigaevolution and biological megaevolution possess common turning point, it was appearance of fish-amphibia similar to genus Ichthyostega (370 millions of years). According to mechanism of evolutional processes (see p.3) a limiting factor designating this turning point and developmental limits was environment - properties of environment. It designates framework both for mega as well as giga evolution. Conception of microevolution of Gould-Eldredge can get confirmation from the point of view of my theory of biomegaevolution, considering that evidences confirming its rightness seem to be more convincing than evidences in interest of Punctuationalism. Hitherto conception of Gould-Eldredge was treated harshly. There is not its in basic manuals from a scope of biology. Logistic development can explain also a difference between a qualitative change and quantitative change. It shows that each kind of so called qualitative change, like for example liquefaction of gas, is just some form of quantitative change. Marxists are using conception of change where quantitative changes transform to qualitative change. But this idea is containing fundamental mistake that there is a difference between qualitative and quantitative change. One from subprocesses of sociomegaevolution we can see below. Primordial phase of development of civilization was backward, at present we are during transfer into scientific phase. diagram 5. Social development 3. Mechanism of described mega and giga evolutional processes is based on three rules: (1) First predicates that no development cannot last endlessly. (2) Second that unopposed development has autogenous tendency to self accelerating in compliance with simple rule of duplication or multiplication quantity of evolutional improvements - a model of this process can be sequence of numbers ...0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8.... Simple organisms possess small quantity of adaptive and constructional solutions, multiplication their quantity does not bring through longer time greater results. Only after achievement of certain level of complication their multiplication effects with impetuous development. Similarily as duplication of small values does not bring through longer time greater effects, only after achievement of certain level appears impetuous increase. (3) Third predicates that when self accelerating evolution meets limiting factors then begins more and more quickly slowdown, in compliance with simple rule of partition - which a model can be sequence of numbers ...8, 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25.... Complex organisms possess huge quantity of adaptive and constructional solutions, and after achievement of certain level of complication further impetuous increasing of number of complications becomes impossible. They meet limiting factors, which more and more diminish quantity of evolutional improvements. Similarily as first partition of great values brings visible results, later partition of small values does not bring greater effects. Gregory Podgorniak, Poland, year 2008 * It can be assume that extinction events are connected clearly with logistic development. Each such event can mean a jump on higher level of evolution. For example last Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event of reptilia tied in with transition on higher level of evolutional development and with a capture of environment by mammalia.
  21. prediction about the mass hidden in the universe establishing this will be the result of further research It is a new concept that connects spacetime with matter. An example is given in the text. The introduced formula is for reference only and it is not a mathematical formula.
  22. Since this model predicts the existence of hitherto unknown particles which, if assumed to have mass, can explain the hidden mass of dark matter
  23. One of the predictions of the Galactical model of matter is to explain the mystery of dark matter. From this model, or actually three models, galactical, cosmical and supercosmical, it is possible to make a prediction about the mass hidden in the universe.
  24. I am an atheist because faith in God belongs to the backward phase of the development of civilization
  25. mentioned in text from first post Comte's theory of science According to him whole of sciences consists of theoretical and applied knowledge. Theoretical knowledge divide on general fields as physics or biology, which are an object of his research and detailed such as botany, zoology or mineralogy. Main fields mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology and sociology it is possible to order according to decrescent range of research and complicatedness of theoretical tools what is connected with growing complexity of investigated phenomenones. Following sciences are based on previous, for example to methodically coll chemistry, we must imply acquaintance of physics, because all chemical phenomena are more complicated than physical phenomena, are also from them dependent and themselves do not have on them an influence. Similarly sciences classified as earlier, are older and more advanced from these which are presented as later.
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