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  1. hello i would like to ask if it is possible to delete my posts in this thread. thanks very much.
  2. hello i would like to ask if there are small radio telescopes that can image stars, galaxies, and universes similar to the larger radio telescopes. thanks very much.
  3. thanks a lot for your help. i really appreciate it. i managed to find a way using google.
  4. yes i am referring to metamaterial wormholes, and optical wormholes refers to optical analogues and duals.
  5. i tried to edit my post but wasn't able to. i meant to say how to generate metamaterials and optical wormholes from wifi, sdr, and 5g. thanks a lot.
  6. hello using invisibility cloaks i would like to ask how to generate wormholes from wifi, sdr, and 5g wireless. thanks very much.
  7. hello i would like to ask if resonant tunneling diodes can generate macroscopic quantum tunneling. thanks very much.
  8. hello i would like to ask where it is possible to purchase metamaterials. thanks very much.
  9. hello i would like to ask if astrophotography can image through walls similar to terahertz and millimeter wave imaging. thanks very much.
  10. hello i would like to ask if there is a way to implement black holes, wormholes, and warp drives on antennas, rf circuits, and signal processing. thanks very much.
  11. these are some references. thanks. https://www.proquest.com/openview/253c09c3a9b389c0627cd09bd7f48f2b/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=426327 https://www.laserfocusworld.com/lasers-sources/article/16556847/photonic-frontiers-optical-singularities-optical-singularities-range-from-black-holes-to-laser-speckle-and-rainbows https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_vortex#:~:text=An optical vortex (also known,is known as singular optics.
  12. hello i would like to ask if circular polarizers generate wormholes and warp drives. thanks very much.
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