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Everything posted by Ned

  1. There is only two options of what is beyond the furthest away visible body Option 1 : free space Option 2: a solid We can disclude option 2 because if there was a boundary there couldn't be any sort of expansion. The system would be a contained system and by now the pressure would be immense . By our position , I mean the planet Earth of course , what makes our position could be one of several things . For all we know our position could of been far away and we ''drifted'' to this position . Additionally the distant stars are not single sided , if there was no free space beyond the distant stars then that is comparing distant stars to spot lights .
  2. The relevance is that there is space beyond the last observed visible body and that means the big bang is incorrect ! Space is not inflating like some balloon . The above is at error , the objects themselves are moving into ''free space'' that is unnocupied of matter! Additionally there isn't any evidence that suggests the objects themselves were ever located in our ''central'' position .
  3. The fact that our present measure of the observable universe is based on visible bodies , not the space ! My diagram and provided model of x^n is presently correct in regards to spatial size.
  4. If you can't understand some very simple , well explained diagrams , then obviously you don't understand it ! They are not non-standard terms , you are attempting to troll me and get a reaction but have failed . Good day Not at all, the evidence agrees with the answer that we don't know the spatial size of the universe ! As for the rest of your post , it's just nonesense .
  5. Before space-time any direction from a point can be viewed as x^n . During space-time any direction between distant galaxies can be viewed as x^n . That is why I agreed we don't know the size of space .
  6. I see your own NRF has some confusion ! No problem to me if none of you want to learn advanced science , I'll leave on my own and find some people elsewhere willing to learn . Good day
  7. The nuerological reference frame , NRF for short , is a more advanced way of explaining the mind. The NRF is entangled with the universe when your eyes are open and is your conscious reference frame , making note of all we sense , storing information we gain .
  8. Sorry , I thought it was a medical term. I guess I invented the term then !
  9. ''In quantum field theory, the Casimir effect is a physical force acting on the macroscopic boundaries of a confined space which arises from the quantum fluctuations of the field. It is named after the Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir, who predicted the effect for electromagnetic systems in 1948. ''
  10. The plates aren't relying on the electrical field strength to curve and split space-time , they rely on the Eigenstate . The splitting of space-time isn't anything to do with electrical charge . The only way I could think of to gain a high energy state is to ''charge'' some plates , changing the Eigenstate of the plate .
  11. Never said I was an artist
  12. I only mentioned high voltage in regards to the plates . We need a source of high voltage that we can regulate what travels through the plates . I'm not an electrical engineer , obvious I couldn't do this on my own or do I know everything about electricity etc . AC could work using the plates like an element but then the direction of current might have affect creating a wormhole rather than a BH .
  13. Well , the Eigenstate of the plates will be far greater than the Eigenstate between the plates . Because the plates are fixed in position , hopefully they will have more inertia than space . The force of the plates attracting the lower energy state . When the lower state is attracted to the plates , space-time will curve toward the plates opening up a void at the core of the space . I haven't said there will be voltage although there might be . I just see the result as being usable energy that will have a high magnitude . How we use this energy would be step two . In attempt to describe the math E=Vc^3 , V=volume . I'm not a math person , that is probably meaningless but that is how the process will work . The void created will be the volume and the 0 Eigenstate of the void will attract energy 3 dimensionally .
  14. Are you talking about the results or the plates ? One step at a time please I am talking about the plates . We will control how much ''juice'' we send through the plates , the process will be dynamic meaning variable . We will visually observe the results because the lensing around the space-time ''rupture'' will be dense . With having a dynamic source we can control the magnitude of the ''rupture'' (hopefully) .
  15. The idea of the controller or regulator is so that the electric field is dynamic ! We start off with a small amount of ''juice'' (safety) then slowly adjust the input to control the results if any . I thought a bare ''wire'' had a Faraday force ? I watched a video once where something rotated the source because of the force ?
  16. I came up with 16m sq because it has to be a large area and a multiple of 4 because 4 spatial points is the smallest possible area . I like to keep things in proportion . It is additionally the size of a quantum propulsion drive I have been considering , 16m cubed . Hopefully we will form a Neutron star and be able to syphon the energy . I've already explained the method of my idea and my interpretation of the physics that gave me the experiment idea . It does not really matter why others have failed because my idea isn't the same idea , I don't understand your point ! why all previous experiments to detect an aether have failed? Because they weren't my idea . If I have a new idea why are you insisting I compare to failed ideas ? I don't understand that . Please educate me !
  17. 1/2 is all I have ! Thank you for the interest but I don't think this is science fiction stuff . I believe it is space-time curvature . If you can some how make a y-axis split in two by curvature then thats it . Perhaps you could try coordinate points . This is open discussion and I haven't rejected anything ! Just because others have failed to detect an Aether that doesn't automatic mean my idea fails . I think you are being awkward for no reason .
  18. Ignoring the rules ? I don't understand what you are referring too . I have provided the diagram for critism .
  19. I didn't see that as objections but rather as pointing out existing experiments etc . Got what you wanted have you ??
  20. Not just a spark , the curvature of the Aether will effectively open up a micro black hole that will instantly attract a lot of unbounded energy . That is why it is important to regulate the experiment to control the BH .
  21. I've posted the experiment now , feel free to question it !
  22. Ok, what the heck , I will upload the experiment . Method . Take 2 sheets of copper , both 16 meters square in dimensions . Place the sheets parallel in a vertical position with a radius of 8 meters apart , 16m exactly in diameter surface to surface . Attach both sheets individually via cabling to a high voltage supply of electricity creating an inline circuit . Attach a regulator so the input current can be controlled and regulated . Expectations , a Faraday electomotive force and the high energy Eigenstate of the panels will curve the aether causing a spatial rupture . Q>0←Q<1→Q>0
  23. If you can't draw it then you don't understand it ! In my interpretation of physics when we emit a carrier signal of information , it isn't the emitted energy that waves but rather instead the Aether . The emmitting device in my interpretation is simply vibrating the Aether causing a wave frequency . No different than sending a telegraph signal through a wire . The wire is waving not the source ! Ligo detected a ''gravitational wave'' , again this wave I consider was the Aether waving! Although none of this is exact proof , with other physics , namely the conservation of energy of space , I believe there is an Aether . Finally in my interpretation of physics , I think lightning is an observable rupture in the space-time ''fabric'' (Aether) . I can provide the full diagram and method of how the experiment works but as I said the results could be dangerous . Do you feel it is safe to draw a diagram of the experiment and upload it to here ? If you think it is safe I will happily provide the experiment in detail !
  24. ches_for_Lorentz_violation Based on the fact that all these experiments came out negative, I can pretty much guarantee you that whatever it is you have in mind will also come out negative. In all likelihood, your specific experiment has already been conducted in some form anyway. Your concerns are misplaced - these tests have all been done already, this isn’t a new thing. I am aware there has been many attempts to prove the existence of an Aether without success but my interpetation of physics brings ''new light'' to the table ! I am convinced the whole of space time is filled with a Higgs field that is ''fused'' with space . Space having the ability to conserve point energy . This point energy will have inertia and in appearance it is indistinguishable from space in its transparent form . An aether would be required for wave functions or space would conserve the wave energy , ''applying the brakes'' . An Aether acts as a ''quantum bridge'' between distances . It is a necessity or there'd be no motion ! I understand you have not seen this before , I haven't published any papers for it to become official science .
  25. Hello , I have an experiment that may demonstrate the existence of an Aether . In theory the experiment should work but the potential results of the experiment could be highly dangerous with several possible outcomes. The physics of the experiment seems viable physics and there is a great chance for success ! The problem I have , how do I explain the experiment here when there is potential dangers ? I wouldn't want the results to end up in the ''wrong hands'' . This isn't the sort of experiment I can do at home ! One of the possible good outcomes of the experiment , is that we invent a way to ''siphon'' spatial energy .
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