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Posts posted by Comptus

  1. Science is a field of work that involves studying the organic and inorganic matter of the earth and the universe. There are three main branches of science: physical science, earth science and life science. Each of the three branches of science has its own career applications.

  2. 5 amazing science facts that will blow your mind
    • A teaspoonful of neutron star. ...
    • Metals that explode when in contact with water. ...
    • Hawaii is moving closer to Alaska by 7.5cm every year. ...
    • Sunflowers are known as hyperaccumulators. ...
    • A cockroach can live for up to one week without its head.


  3. Some Amazing Science Facts
    • The oceans produce the majority of the oxygen on Earth. ...
    • Soil is full of life. ...
    • Bananas are radioactive. ...
    • Water can exist in three states at the same time. ...
    • Helium has the ability to work against gravity. ...
    • Humans have inherited genes from other species. ...
    • Human Body. ...
    • Animals and Insects.
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