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  1. Lactic acid is hard to extract from fermentation broth (currently the process goes: precipitate calcium lactate, regenerate with sulphuric acid- uses up a lot of chemichals, leaves a lot of waste)- so I am left wondering: why not use membrane electrolysis? calcium lactate is insoluble in cold water, but reasonably soluble in hot- or in methanol; either way, once a salt is dissolved regenerating the acid out of it ought not to be harder than putting two electrodes in with a semi-permeable membrane between them: calcium would precipitate as Ca(OH)2, which could be reused; in the anode compartment, lactic acid could be harvested and used for bioplastics etc. the purification step (precipitation of Ca salt) would be preserved, therefore the purity might be as well?
  2. Well aware of the two problems outlined- as for the former, using antibodies or engineered oligopeptides would not necessitate any new metabolic pathways; another option would be to engineer the gut microflora to produce said chelators As for the latter, from what I could find (admittedly not much) thiol-based chelating agents (dimercaprol) are reasonably selective towards heavy metals- ignoring calcium, zinc and iron; its toxicity having a different mechanism. Emulating that with a peptide might be possible- and even if simple (mono/bidentate) ligand selectivity is not good enough, the differences between most common heavy metals (Cd,Pb, Hg) and biogenic cations (Zn, Fe, Mn, Ca) -eg. ion radius, ligand preference, charge etc- might (?) be possible to be leveraged (mimicking K/Na selectivity in ion channels- with thiol ligands, for instance): most heavy metals are thiophilic, for instance: and all of them significantly larger than their biogenic counterparts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionic_radius: from the table Iron (the largest biogenic /thiol binding/ 2+ion) is >0.15A smaller than Cd; if we ignore that, the difference with the second-smallest (Hg), 0.25A, approaches that between Na and K (0.36A)- and the significantly stronger ligand-ion interactions of transition metals would likely improve the selectivity as for the mechanism of action, having a system like this would of course not prevent (even the targeted) metal toxicity to enzymes- it might, however, prevent their accumuluation, or limit the toxicity to a specific location (lead would inhibit M2+ uptake in the gut, but get mostly neutralised once in bloodstream)
  3. The ideal case would be a simple DNA vaccine-style system, which would allow for wide-scale implementation; As to why not to use preventative measures, well we have already kind of failed there- lead water pipes, mercury in seafood, platinum in soil... the fun stuff (ie we -as a global civilisation- are veery bad at preventative measures) Most importantly however- why not? Some heavy metals have zero safe dose, and there will always be minute amounts in water&food simply from geology- as we live longer lives, there are indications heavy metal accumulation is among the processes that cause aging as we know and fear it (eg cognitive decline, chronic inflamation).
  4. Heavy metals are useful industrially, and omnipresent- however, as cumulative toxins with low (or no) safe dose, that is a bit of a problem; so I was wondering: mammals (and most life on earth) already deal with "toxic heavy metals"- Fe, Cu, Mn... by producing proteins (eg ferritin) that bind it before it has a chance to break anything too important. Here comes the question then: would it be possible to create a gene therapy to produce low, but constant levels of heavy metal (at least some of them- Hg, Pb, Pt) chelating agents in the blood? An antibody, or a cysteine-rich oilgopeptide or something specific enough not to chelate away the useful stuff (it seems dimercaprol ignores biogenic transition metals, so perhaps a biological analogue?) to be secreted by a random cell type into the blood and grant one passive immunity to low to medium doses of the most prevalent (and problematic) heavy metals?
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