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  1. Is it possible we are living in a pressurized system where what we see as matter is actually space and what we see as space is actually matter? We accept that matter can pull on matter even if we don't know how it works and it appears impossible. It’s action a distance. We see it all the time - in magnets, gravity, and the way common objects are held together (atoms do not touch). It's easy to accept what we see as fact. But how can matter affect matter from a distance? Can you imagine a way? I can’t. However, if we are in a pressurized system, matter can push matter over a distance to cause and create everything we have in the universe without the unimaginable, and impossible, action at a distance. If it’s possible that we could be fooled and space and matter are, in fact, completely switched without our knowing, then, in theory, there should be a 50% chance we have the right view and a 50% chance that we have the wrong view. So this deserves your time. see attachment for more, you might need to refresh image a bit
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