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Dis n Dat

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Everything posted by Dis n Dat

  1. What do you mean "your presence here is limited"?
  2. Ah. Sorry I misunderstood your comment. I have heard this comment made by most atheistic apologists on the internet That's not evidence. That's conjecture. It's like saying "there are many theories on who killed kennedy. So the whole thing must have been invented".
  3. Let the person I asked the question answer it objectively rather than just making commentary on every post you come across.
  4. That's not evidence. I take it that you don't have any study to show or any empirical evidence to your claim which you just came up with because others have done so. Thanks for the response. Edit: Now I realised that you are just replying to every comment without anything to contribute.
  5. I am guessing you are thinking God is a physical being? Like a rock?
  6. Can you provide evidence to these claims? I am interested in seeing the exact study you are getting this information from. 1. Most people are atheists. 2. 99% of the gods humans have invented throughout history. Thank you very much.
  7. Did you really get any valid response to this post at all in this thread? If there were any, I would like to hear about it from you. Nevertheless, I am thinking that this verse does not really speak about why God created life or the birth of life. It's a verse that's speaking to you as a reader, not as an absolute ontology of life itself.
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