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Everything posted by thewowsignal

  1. If you are interested in my private research about the direction of the Wow! signal, you can find it on free hosting infinityfree. Please note, the website is still under construction.
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unsolved_problems_in_physics The list is getting longer and longer. How many of those questions are you planning to eliminate in the 'near future'? Have a nice day.
  3. I am only trying to describe what I experienced long time ago. If you have a problem with this, I can only say that 'the science' on this small planet is in the middle of nowhere. And my intention is not to discourage the scientific world. I stop here, as requested and leave you some food for thought.
  4. Ten years ago I asked the question about 'is the LHC worth it and whether it can solve the problems of particle physics'. Measuring smaller interactions at some insane energy levels is such a challenge, that the entire global GDP may not be enough to touch the 'bottom' of this Universe. I have no doubt that in ten years from now I will push my question to a higher level.
  5. Given my experience, if related to the Wow! signal of course, the frequency received by a narrow-band radio receiver is only an 'impression' of the actual transmission. Those who created us are capable of placing photons in 3D space-time is such a way, that our brains can receive the contents. However, any radio receiver will only get some narrow-band 'buzz'. If you look at the printout of the Wow! signal (the entire page), you can easily see what I mean.
  6. Placing a small transmitter on a drone to simulate the Wow! signal makes sense only to certain extent. TX on 1420 MHz band is prohibited by international and local laws anyway. My private research suggests, that the signal was sent from a distant place in our galaxy and a massive power was used. You can laugh now, but the math around it I was just playing with gave me numbers I cannot read properly. In my opinion those who created us are on a higher level in this Universe. Perhaps some civilization of type 2?
  7. This thread is about the LHC costs of operation. The LHC project has no positive impact on my life so far. As far as The LHC is a very good example of the above. Many people clearly see, that building even bigger particle smasher should happen sooner rather than later. This will create another level of financial and technological challenges. Do you think your capabilities are as big as the Universe?
  8. My personal opinion is based on three decades of observations in the area of particle physics. As the scientific world approaches the end of its capabilities, more and more problems and questions arise. If there are plans to build even bigger particle smasher, is this going exponentially? Was the main purpose of the LHC to confirm predictions of the Standard Model and find the Higgs boson? I think the most fundamental laws of the Universe are very simple.
  9. Indeed, I am asking questions. Because I do not know answers. From my little perspective, of a small EU taxpayer, whose country donates money to this project, I am a bit worried. Things are getting bigger and more powerful and there are plans to build even a bigger particle smasher? Are you people crazy? Or perhaps there is something wrong with your theories? If theoretical physics is ahead of experimentally confirmed theories, which seems to be the case, there is a question of how far you want to go down this path. So far the LHC project is not that successful, in my opinion. If it did not costed billions I would not have a problem with it. There are high expectations in regard to this monster project.
  10. I hoped to have some serious discussion here about the LHC costs and if such costs make any sense. Is there any official data available about the public money spent on the project so far? I am unable to find it that easily. Any help would be appreciated. Some articles on the Internet suggest that the LHC costs about 1 billion euros per year. Is this official data?
  11. Within two decades the LHC consumed lots of money. Is it worth the money already spent on it? Is there a way to evaluate this gigantic project? If yes, what criteria should be applied? What is the total cost since the beginning of this project?
  12. Many decades of scientific research in the area of particle and quantum physics did not manage to bring this civilization to a higher level in terms of energy efficiency. There are many smaller and bigger labs around the world trying to make a scientific breakthrough. A small team of scientists following their own path, in my opinion, has better chances of making a significant scientific discovery. At least if they fail the financial 'damage' is not that big. I know that many people will never agree to the above. To support my point of view please take a look at the LHC and how much it already costed. Do you think it is really worth the money already spent on it? Besides, a small team of scientific and enthusiastic nerds is worth more than thousands of people following the same way of thinking and waiting for a coffee break. I think last couple of decades is the best argument to support my point of view. And scientific forums full of unanswered questions and weird theories make many young people doubt in trying to follow what is going on.
  13. I must apologize here for my terrible English language skills. I never had a chance to learn this language properly. I am neither an expert in this area nor a scientist of some sort. Do you really think for another 30 years there will be no progress in 'fusion' technology? By the way, is there already an official name assigned to such 'non-existing' technology? In my opinion a few reactors are already under construction and will be operational soon, to tackle constantly growing global energy crisis.
  14. Is there any alternative to nuclear energy? Long term, nuclear energy creates more problems than solutions. For many decades mankind has been trying to develop more efficient way of producing energy and tackle nuclear waste. Many scientific teams around the world hope to make some progress in this area. Billions of taxpayers money are being pumped into the research every year. Is there any chance for nuclear fussion technology to power our homes and businesses in the near future? Is there any chance for nuclear power plants to become obsolete? I want to start a serious discussion here about our future on this small planet. This thread is especially dedicated to those of you, who are enthusiastic about atomic energy and energy crisis.
  15. Well, you mention my private amateur radio website. Yeah, I described what I experienced in my childhood there. There is however another website dedicated to calculations I am trying to complete. Hence my initial post. If there is anybody interested in doing the math, let me know. I need a radio astronomer ideally.
  16. According to my research, if the event from my childhood is related to the Wow!, the signal came from different direction than officially published and its power was immense. Giga or Peta Watts of energy was transmitted towards the Earth. If I was allowed to place a link to the website dedicated to my event here, you would be able to read more about it. As far as classified information, which in my opinion is the case, only people like Jerry Ehman could confirm this theory. But it will never happen for obvious reasons. Because my intention is to find someone good at math and radio astronomy, I think further discussion here is without any sense. From my perspective of 45 (?) years since the event I mentioned, I am only trying to calculate things. And hope to find someone willing to work with me to confirm or decline, that my experience is related to the Wow! signal.
  17. Fair enough. If the event I experienced is related to the Wow! signal, the signal was transmitted not from constellation Sagittarius. There is not much there, according to the official Wikipedia conclusion. Besides, I believe some information from Ohio was classified in 1977 right after the discovery of the signal. And there is no way to know what exactly. This is one of the reasons I am looking for help to do the math and prove or not if my experience has anything to do with the Wow! signal. The radio telescope was modified a few times, it is almost impossible to know how exactly it was operating in August 1977. Most of the images available online are from the 90s. The radio telescope had different horns in 1977.
  18. Well, as mentioned earlier I built a website about it. If a link to a personal content is not allowed here, I do not think you want me to copy and paste all the contents here. There is however help needed in math to help with my calculations. In fact I am looking for a radio astronomer - experience with radio waves, astronomy, physics, math. In regard to your 'Surely the scientists know where the reflector was pointed' - of course, there is lots of information about it on the Big Ear's memorial website. However, they have no clue why the signal was received by one of the horns and not both. My research suggests the signal went into one of the horns from a different direction. The antenna reflector was pointing somewhere in Sagittarius, but the signal came directly from another location. This is one of the possible explanations. I base my calculations on my experience assuming the events are related to each other. I mean the event I experienced as a child and the Wow! signal in Ohio. I am trying to find a place to find people interested in helping me to solve the biggest mystery of my life. Perhaps this website will be suitable, I do not know yet.
  19. I am very sorry. Just placed a link to my personal website. There are some useful things there for amateur radio hobbyists, I thought it could be useful here. Is there any chance to place my initial post in the Speculations thread?
  20. Thanks for your response. I do not want to repeat myself here, hence the link to my website. The event, which happened to me when I was a child is described there. Since it has been 45 years since the Wow! signal, I want to calculate, if this what I experienced in my childhood is somehow related to the Wow! signal. Assuming there are 2 locations, where the signal was received, it is possible to calculate from which direction signal came and thus calculate the angle and horn, which could have received the signal in Ohio. Sounds simple, however I am not a very good mathematician. I need someone good at math to help. My amateur research and calculations clearly indicate, that the signal came from a different location on the sky than officially published. This is of course assuming my experience and the event has to do with the Wow! signal. Perhaps this can explain why only one of the horns received the signal. I built a website with all details about 2 locations I want to calculate, one of them being the Big Ear radio telescope in Ohio of course. I also created a documentary film about it. If you are interested to help or know anybody, who can help, please let me know.
  21. Hi all, I am a Polish individual, a pianist, radio amateur and electronics hobbyist, please see my website for more information about me. I currently look for someone good at math and radio astronomy (ideally), who will be able to help me with calculations related to the Wow! signal received by the Big Ear radio telescope in 1977 in Ohio. To this very day it has not been known which horn of the Big Ear radio telescope received the Wow! signal. I think I can shed some fresh light on this problem. More details on my websites. Regards, Jakub Commercial link removed by moderator
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