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Everything posted by JohnPBailey
Genetically-inferior men may still have sex with mutually-consenting women as long as they get a vasectomy beforehand to terminate their inferior genes for good. Geneticallly-inferior means having a family history of known hereditary health issues.
- 5 replies
Man should seriously breed Homo sapiens for longevity, strength and overall health both physically and mentallly. The healthiest humans tend to be the most productive in society and the most sexually attractive as well. It's a win-win situation to breed healthy and strong people. People with known hereditary health issues should be taken out of the gene pool. These people who are not genetically fit to breed should unselfishly adopt children in need of homes if they have the means to do so. People without sufficient stable economic means should not parent children at all. The world is well overpopulated as it is. Also, women who are about to become pregnant, are pregnant or are lactating should not drink or smoke and eat junk food. They should not put any perfumes or cosmetics upon their bodies. This risks fetal injury and fetal deformity. Of course, no healthy human should smoke, vape, chew tobacco, eat junk food, drink much or do dope.
- 5 replies
external genitals' naming conventions
JohnPBailey replied to JohnPBailey's topic in Anatomy, Physiology and Neuroscience
I would think VULVA was adopted for females so as not to have to say, "mons veneris, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, urethra, vulva vestibule, vestibular bulbs, Bartholin's glands, Skene's glands, and vaginal opening". For the male we have to at least say, " the penis, testes and the scrotum" to name the whole shebang on the outside of the body. It would be easier to say a single word for all these parts collectively. We can say MANHOOD but that word has multiple meanings. Terms are invented for simplification of speech. -
The vulva is the female external genitalia collectively. Laymen commonly call that a vagina but that term is not accurate. There seems to be no formal scientific collective term for male external genitalia but slang terms including manhood and package. What might be a good scientific term for male external genitalia as a whole corresponding to vulva for females? VULVA is Latin for "covering, womb, or matrix". What single Latin word might best describe the whole of the male external parts? The Latin word for "rooster is "gallus". Does a bird's head with wattles not closely resemble male parts?
- 7 replies
I think the bounty method might be highly effective coupled by stiffer fines and penalties. People with portable telephones and cameras have a powerful weapon to catch slobs. Most littering tends to happen in poorer areas and poor people and older people on fixed incomes are always looking for an easy extra buck. It could be a lucrative hobby for private citizens to use modern tech to catch people doing bad things like trashing the environment and make an extra dollar at it to boot. Probably pays better than panning for gold or beach-combing with a metal detector. Wave a dollar bill in front of the ordinary people as the community's "litter police" and watch our neighborhoods get clean real fast.
Over the past 20 years while living in American cities like Citrus Heights, California, Boise, Idaho and Lawton/Fort Sill, Oklahoma, I have noticed a disturbing amount of trash covering residential streets, residential front yards, highways and parking lots. People pollute this way because they don't care, they are are lazy, they have no appreciation for cleanliness, there are no incentives to control litter and/or there are no consequences for littering. I don't think many parents teach children the value of good stewardship of the land. Litter is much more prevalent in low income areas than in rich communities. Do schools even teach children the value of not littering? Much littering occurs in close proximity to convenience stores and fast-food restaurants. These could be great places for concerned citizens on patrol with smartphones. What are some of your good ideas to seriously deter trashing of our landscape? I feel we need much tougher litter laws at federal, state and local levels with more severe penalties for littering. We also need bounty programs that would encourage citizens to report litterbugs into the authorties. Citizens, upon the conviction and fines collections from offenders, could get a kickback on some of the fine money as a reward for helping to bring convicted litterers to justice. Almost everybody nowadays carries a mobile phone with a camera. People have already effectively used phones to report people in public parks with unleashed dogs. Offering reward money to catch litterbugs would surely give people an incentive to report them in and actively be on watch for litterers so as to catch them in the act. Bounty money would follow litterers around wherever they go to pounce on them. Penalties for offenders could include jail time, trash cleanup of streets, fines and public shaming. Billboards in cities could post pictures and names of persons caught littering such as the city hall or local post office. Singapore and Tokyo, Japan are some of the most litter-free parts of the world. What is their secret to making people actually give a hoot about not polluting? I think that when there are serious consequences, people actually care. I have not seen any anti-litter campaigns on television since about the 1990's.
Does mysticism fall under religion?
I have been around literally forever.
JohnPBailey replied to JohnPBailey's topic in General Philosophy
Humans don't know, think or perceive everything as facts. Sometimes even wild human notions are tested and proven to be true. -
I have been around literally forever.
JohnPBailey replied to JohnPBailey's topic in General Philosophy
I believe my conscious self will live on forever regardless of whatever physical form I take. If I'm a dog in some other suit (living body) worn by my soul, I will be aware of myself as a dog. I could be a woman someday too. I probably should not even worry about what happens when I die. Only time will tell. What will be, will be. This is a philosophy forum, actually. I never said I was a master writer. I'm here brainstorming. I'm just trying to throw out what is on my mind. Most humans naturally consider the possibility of an afterlife. If there is 'another life' waiting for me, I can only hope it beats this one. Scientists should be open minded enough to consider the possibilty of a hereafter. Did you know some medical doctors are even religious persons? Nobody is twisting your arm here to repsond or read what is here. That's all. That said, MigL, how do you feel this morning?- 18 replies
Could quantum mechanics be the key to interstellar space travel in a flash? Is there a connection between quantum mechanics and the future of astronautics? Think of the Starship Enterprise's being able to travel at various warp factors, powers (exponents) of the speed of light? Could advanced quantum understanding someday make this science fiction science fact?
I have been around literally forever.
JohnPBailey replied to JohnPBailey's topic in General Philosophy
Why don't I remember past lives? Simply, put the soul, though conscious of the ever present, possesses no memory. Memory is only a process of the living human brain and that is mortal so all terminal life experiences in a physical body are forever lost at death. Who, what human mortal, here dares say what will or will not happen when I die? The bottom line is I don't know for fact. I don't think any of you know for a fact. Consciousness will either follow my physical death or it won't. I have the notion that I will be most likely aware after I die at some future time or another. Something has to happen to the mind and soul (or spirit) after death. We all know the human body resorts to worm food, but without any conscious thought in the hereafter, my future done-for body shall mean nothing to me. Yes, I do indeed only live once, but eternally so. When one has an immortal soul, an eternal life, who needs more than one life anyway? A succession of reincarnated living bodies are not so much as a series of multiple lives as they are a series of clothing changes. I have but one life but it is an ever-lasting life. It is my living and aware soul which is the "one and only me for all of time". I once asked what my soul was to a church minister. He said to me, "YOU are the soul." That is a simple but very profound and true statement. Who are all you here? YOU are all souls. -
I suppose the answer that younger hearts beat faster than older hearts seems reasonable. But as the why that old textbook left out the word BOYS explicitly in the age/sex heart rate comparison I don't think I shall ever understand. Perhaps it was a misprint by accidental printing press plate omission to have left out BOYS. I should have asked the teacher about it way back in 1982. I was hoping a human heart expert could chime in here about the heart rate of male children specifically in comparison with the respective heart rates of adult males, adult females and female children. I am now 58 and I have been progressively getting more interested in science lately.
Well, I took this course 41 years ago. I don't even know how to contact my teacher or even if she is alive today. I can't remember the textbook's name but why would the author have left out BOYS on purpose when comparing heart rates by age/sex demographics? By saying that the average heart rate for MEN is less than that for WOMEN and GIRLS, one is saying that adult males have a slower heart rate than females of all age groups. It implies to me that male children, living or dead, have no heart rate at all. Words mean things.
When some primates started to eat meat by using tapir leg bones as weapons, the dawn of man had arrived. See Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey for details. Human enlarged brain size and intelligence came about from animal protein consumption. The carnivoires/flesh-eaters are the smartest and keenest of the animal kindom. Making fire then would follow making weapons to hunt game.
I have been around literally forever.
JohnPBailey replied to JohnPBailey's topic in General Philosophy
Genady, what do you believe will happen to you when you die? Is the hereafter totally ruled out as a mere possibilty for you? The cherry-picked list is all the troubles of this world I can imagine. Please add any earthly troubles that I missed. -
I believe in reincarnation. Forever is much too long to experience but one short terminal infinitesimally small conscious existence in the vast sea of everything, known and unknown. My eternal and immortal soul cannot be made nor destroyed much like space, space-time, gravity, energy, time and matter. In 1964, this soul that is the ever me found a new living male human body to posssess. This occured on planet Earth in the Milky Way galaxy. Mother Nature and Father TIme have already been in existence forever like my own soul. Time extends infinitely into the past as it does the future. I have forever yet to come. I'm very disappointed in Mother Nature and Father Time. They have been piddling around in the universe literally forever and this pissy little planet Earth and the far-from-perfect human race is the best they can do for all of evolution. Forever has already come to pass and there's still this crappy world in 2022 AD. There are children dying of starvation. There is cancer. There is war. There is hate. There is disease. There is squalor. There is poverty. There is politics. There is childish, fairy-tale, evil, fear-mongering and hate-spawning religion. There is ignorance. There is greed. There is crime. There is apathy. There is laziness. There are evil governments. There is self-pity. There are lies. There is cheating. There is jealousy. There is famine. There is pain. There is suffering among living things. There is drought. There are earthquakes. There is inclement weather. There is pollution. We have not yet traveled in the flesh to a celestial body farther away than our piddly little moon. The human race is a pure dinosaur for lack of advancement. I really think it is on the verge of extinction. I hope Mother Nature and Father Time do much better in creating the intelligent life that follows the death of man. I hope I'm not doomed to forever keep returning to such horrid and imperfect worlds as this. Come on Mother Nature and Father Time, stop being so damned slow in making perfection. Hurry up and create a natural utopia and put my soul upon the cosmic express bus there to live there forever. Please make sure there are beautful living intelligent beings there in the likeness of human form and there are beautiful animals there like black German shepherd dogs. I don't want to look like a monster out of a sci-fi movie in some future lifetime. Make sure love, peace, kindness, joy, sharing, caring, selflessness, truth and wisdom abound on this future planet Utopia. This is my wish and prayer to the gods of the universe: Mother Nature and Father Time. This is my dream for my eternal soul. Forever. Do you undertand what that word really means? Our souls are surely in it for the long haul.
It seemed to cover anatomy and physiology (human organs, tissues systems and functions) more than anything else and it also hit upon psychology, the human mind and behavior. I never really understood the "biology" aspect of this course. What is "biology" really in the context a Homo sapiens? What is "cell biology"? What does BIOLOGY cover regarding the human body that anatomy and physiology don't? The course started out by defining what all living things needed to be alive and to be considered living things such as the consumption of water and the ability to respond to stimuli. The textbook I had in this very same class was kind of odd. It said that the heart rate for women and girls was higher on average than that of men. It did not explicitly mention boys. That said, how does the normal heart rate of boys compare with that of men, women and girls? My mother also did not understand why this class was called "human" biology.
1. THE BRAIN, the seat of the mind and conscious existence. Without a conscious mind, human or otherwise, nothing matters, nothing in the universe is relevent, what does the beauty of a songbird or rose mean without the means to perceive such beauty in the first place? Consciousness is the single most beautiful thing of Mother Nature, the single greatest natural miracle, and the paradox of this is that consciousness is also the ugliest thing of nature: consciousness means pleasure but it also means misery: the brain is a true case for "mind over matter", without a mind, nothing matters 2. REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS, the single greatest feeling in nature, sex, would not be possible without these and I would not be here typing this right now if it weren't for working male and female parts, of course the conscious brain and some nerve endings are also required to experience the greatest feeling in nature, the BRAIN is the number one sex organ after all What are the things that fascinate YOU the most about our bodies?
pertain to the human body in one way or another? What field of science is more concerned the human body than any other? If I were to want to pursue a science career to gather as much knowledge of the human body as humanly possible which scientific disclipline would be ideal?