Apologies for misunderstanding the topic at hand, "Always exists", seems to me quite the absolute indeed. Always is preceded by a certain presumed idea (or definition) of consciousness that is always, in the first place.
We are not geocentric no more, as a cautionary repeating tale against any philosophical/scientific ideas of certainty, past, now, or forseeable future. Not to be confused with not thinking about it, of course we should spending time investigating, debating, etc. But without abstract religious ideas of certainty, absolute, nothing, infinity, etc. It's a matter of humility of our human small existence. Don't know why we declare that god does NOT have a gambling problem with dice games, per our most respected scientist.
One of modern scientific tragedy may be our inability to understand the "the hard problem" of consciousness, the very unknown thing that gives rise to the grand theories of standard model, quantum, string, multi-verse, holographic universe, etc. Modern physics has degraded into the study of "dead things", atoms. We seem to accept what the mysterious computer spits out, without a good understanding of how it works.
I would love to hear what our current definition of consciousness is