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Dr. Wlazlak

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Everything posted by Dr. Wlazlak

  1. All above is true to the limit of what was said Without seeing the effect of everything else it does not seem to apply The point being true or false, what can be done by some is not to conform to all And again it really does not matter, what is done can not be undone and all Physics apply and the laws of thermodynamics apply in what is done and what was said above applies and it done not change the facts that if something is real and it does something it does that seems unreal does not change the facts that it really does the things it does Why comments do undo the do unviewed by the commenter This is why I invite all to see for themselves if it does or does not do in fact what is does: all comments without viewing and saying down for up is a simple non-true witness to the event as stated. contact info deleted if you do not look: Please: Do not look like a fool later. because this technology is being shown not just here but everywhere and soon worldwide. It is in the disbelievers best interest ( Just Don't leave a comment ) This is for the World's use that is all it is for, Nothing more Thanks Tom End of my comments on this topic 1 / 24 / 2023
  2. Hi Again: So what is said is Proof of concept is required So: Who here can read Engineering Concepts on Energy designs systems of gravity and magnetic propulsion systems motors That allows for the recirculation of non-energy drives that produce a reduction of Counter Reaction force to the Action force of power applied. That is to say, in hydroelectric power the Sun Evaporates water that goes up to a higher level and drops to produce gravity power output It the magnetic system the iron balls are in the same realm as water being evaporated and lifted to a higher level then gravity is the power source that recirculates the energy in a balanced Counter Reaction so The Action Energy made by the Gravity is the driving force. Easy: Right? If anyone is interested enough Email me. info deleted There are drawing I show - you can see for yourself - Easy - Right? Maybe not so - Because I am showing these drawing to an computer simulation Engineer in Australia That ask a million question on it's works Again This is not Overunity, or Perpetual motion - I don't use those terms as they not this type of Energy Technology. I am trying to clear the Air on that subject to many Science Groups. I say Just stop using the term Perpetual motion it is not a real thing. This is why I use my own Terms - EttCM - Energy to torque Conversion Motors - systems - or Magnagravity - non-electric motor systems Thanks Tom
  3. Hi, This is a very old subject Using the term perpetual motion machine - is somewhat not the right term to use as it is not a real machine at all What people are after is a limited but long lasting energy source ( Gravity or magnetic ) Point 2 is the power output must run the device itself and produce usable output to run other things ( not perpetual motion ) Most people believe this is impossible But unfortunately for them it is Possible Again ( not Perpetual motion ) But again unfortunately not any want to find out that it is possible - So it remains impossible for lack of interest. ( Energy Technology ) So the very few that know it is possible with their working devices, maintain that what is possible for the few remain impossible for the many. This is what Hobbies are for in the line of Retired Engineers But there is the wind, and Sun, and Oil, and radiation making machines. So all is good - People don't need Gravity or Magnetic Power machines. The main thing is Perpetual motion machines are impossible only because they are owned by the Easter bunny. And any energy that come from nothing to make more that 100 percent is owned by the tooth fairy. Only something from something is something - friction Tom Wlazlak - EttCM Energy to torque Conversion Motor - systems This is the Technology of Gravity or Magnetic as told about. Talking about something that is Not Real, saying it can or can not work because of something Real, is somewhat not very Scientific Using the laws of thermodynamics to say perpetual motion can't work it not very clever. one of these things are not real. So ? Why Talk about Perpetual motion machines at all. They are not a real item they are only Theory that is not real at all. Use the Right Terms to describe Working Technology, unless otherwise noted on the drawing. End of Story
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