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Everything posted by Rocks

  1. Thanks for your answers I'll think about them, Why is pressure connected to acceleration? A column of air also has pressure, vertically from gravity but I think there is horizontal pressure too. Plus isn't the wind compressed from the wind behind it, and compressed air obviously produces pressure. Okay so if the speed is constant maybe the air isn't compressed, but isn't there any horizontal pressure anyway? If the air was more rarified on one side I bet a window, or something thin, would fall to that side. studiot I finished highschool a long time ago, things I didn't understand back then still come back to me ocassionally though. I remember studying momentum m*v, it is also connected to mass.
  2. If a gust of wind blows at constant speed, it can demolish a wall - so what is the mass of the wind (where do you start measuring the length of the wind)? And isn't the acceleration 0? So what is the force of the wind?
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