Heya! I was browsing the net as usual and suddenly I was struck with a weird question about time travel. I don't know why my brain decided to pop this question all of a sudden when I wasn't even doing anything science related things. Anyways, my question follows:
Vers.1: Let's say, today, I was playing a different kind of d&d and the dice had 100 sides. I rolled 25. After a week I found a time traveling car and decided to turn back to the moment where I rolled 25. This car also has a gimmick where it makes you only a spectator meaning that you can't interact with anything or change anything.
Now, my question is if I can see myself rolling a number other than 25? If not why is that?
There is also a slightly more different version of this question.
Vers.2: It's still the same question as the Vers. 1, but this time the dice is not physical, you roll it on the internet or whatever. It's not affected by the temparature, noise, heck even the radio waves.
Thank you for the answers in advance.
PS: I'm not familiar with this forum. As soon as I was struck with the question I typed the words "Science Forum" and created an acoount here so...