Hello, I am just learning about political science an having trouble understanding these two concepts.
On the surface its super straightforward. They are committees for the purpose of raising money for political candidates. One has spending limits and the other doesn't.
But I have to admit, this makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. The first confusing thing is that there exists two different ones, if a Super PAC has less strict rules than a PAC, why does a PAC even need to exist at all? The other thing that doesn't make any sense to me is that the PAC has something like a $5,000 limit on how much money it can spend on a candidate. So let me get this straight, if Bob is running for president and I want to start a PAC to support him, I can only give him $5,000? What is that going to accomplish given that the average presidential candidate has to spend over one billion dollars to win? What even makes a PAC any different then a political candidate just asking people for money directly?
The whole idea of PACs is just rife with confusion to me. Can anybody clarify?