Hello. I am not a scientist, nor do I know where to put this, sorry.
Was at work and started thinking about how we're able to see colors. It reflects every other color and holds the one you see, and it got me thinking about metallic surfaces and more specifically chrome. If chrome wasn't "shiny" then what color would it reflect if not all the ones around it? Would it be black, grey, or white? Anyways, my thoughts led to light, if light were "physical particles", and surely they'd have to be in this "dimension", how are we able to see through them? If we can see through them then how are they emitting light? Are they just small enough to float around like a gas, or like, steam? Tiny particles of something roughly similar to gas, but they just glow? Small enough to not see but bright enough to float around and glow? I'm not sure what I'm asking if I even am asking anything, but I figured I should probably get this thought out there somewhere, idk.
Thanks for the read, any thoughts or ideas are appreciated.