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MJ kihara

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MJ kihara last won the day on October 28 2024

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  1. How? 'Faith' am not getting it..hhh..whose faith? Does it keep changing?
  2. It depends with how you comprehend the information....to what extent do you think you know about yourself?.....you can read a 'whole book' only to make a wrong summary about it. Back to yourself;
  3. Reinventing the wheel...it might be the same wheel but a more efficient one... probably not... Maybe a different perspective...to be superficial.....self.... Cambridge dictionary -the set of someone's characteristics, such as personality and ability, that are not physical and make that person different from other people. It seems to me(self) to be someone's summary... 'written' by yourself or by others...we get summaries after processing a lot of/ or less of information. This summary(self) I regard it as the projection of one's information by yourself or by others basing on the information they have about you.
  4. This sounds interesting 🤔.
  5. '...seperate from the rest of the universe.'..???? What do you mean by that? It seems you are suggesting the universe is just a mental projection of some kind.
  6. They don’t interact I expected the same answer, therefore,the source of confusion..how do you know about something else without interacting with it? That’s not really how wave functions work Really? How does it work in a nutshell?
  7. We are not getting each other correct...I meant the link between consciousness and many worlds interpretation....as in Oxford dictionary; link..a relationship between two things or situations, especially where one affects the other. No, each world has one universal wave function. If multiple worlds had the same wave function they would be in identical states. That’s contrary to the notion of the many-worlds premise. We are talking about the same thing only that it has been paraphrased differently.
  8. Since you have read the book....I earlier asked you to offer the link,many worlds interpretation and consciousness...your response
  9. I haven't read the book... synopsis from Wikipedia..In this book, Carroll examines the reasons why people misunderstand quantum mechanics and advocates a version of the many-worlds interpretation, while objecting to the views often grouped together as the Copenhagen interpretation. ....many world interpretation supports a universal wave function..if am not wrong, that means any other wave function Is independent;that means no collapse to the other...if so, there are many worlds for each wave function....to me these increases confusion...how do this 'many worlds' interact? Me am of the opinion that there might be one universal wave function that collapsed to many wave functions(not many worlds)...these many wave functions interact through wave function collapse...after all,so far it's generally accepted that it was a single Big bang. Therefore I regard this.. as an over statement .
  10. How is it related to consciousness, what's the link?
  11. Have you ever considered quantum fields to be an emergent phenomenon?..... The aurora of consciousness...mmmm...
  12. Humans,trees and 'stone'...not all is equal...+1. We like( us humans)comparing everything with ourselves..so egocentric.
  13. Oxford dictionary.....The state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings.... Get the key words.."aware"...and..."responsive"... We can have as many as possible definitions but I think all of the will narrow down those two terms. I think one part is already solved...."responsive=interaction=wave function collapse"....the other part "aware" is somehow debatable.
  14. It's high time we develop a fundamental theory that considers consciousness as a cornerstone...otherwise machines will out smart us as we are busy defending our status quo...it would be a pity for humans to wait for AI to develop TOE...with time the machine will see the common sense we refuse to recognize..anyway what a wonderful conversation from Deepseek... personally I have so far refrained from chatting with AI bots as I think they are at the stage of harvesting whatever information they can get from humans and developing human mental maps... afterwards I don't what they will become!
  15. A solution is a solution because it can be arrived at from different perspective/methodologies....it's becoming clearer to me we might already had a solution,from an explanatory point of view...this is after trying to compare my approach, others approach;of course author's approach(OP) and explanations from Various sources such as this.. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Dbl_wGRfbc3w&ved=2ahUKEwjCgqy36qSKAxXFfqQEHaMtO70QwqsBegQIIBAF&usg=AOvVaw135bqe_R6OrGVjR7q_uUE5
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