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MJ kihara

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Everything posted by MJ kihara

  1. When you are doing that,you are processing information....the information is on 'virtual particles' (spacetime particles)...which themselves have several properties...in this case you are dealing with stable virtual particles...whereby they are five and you are seeing two of them,what you are missing is three of them... processing that information make you conscious...by being conscious you are basically going back(connecting) to the basic framework (spacetime fabric) to get the missing information,then you get the answer 3....depending on your processing power(intelligence). Therefore if you are sharp on algebra and other mathematics,its because you have developed strong connection to the basic framework (spacetime fabric) whereby your are able to harvest a lot of information from it and able to process it/manipulate it(intelligence) to get answers. Everything you look at or interact with, including information is spacetime fabric.
  2. Either that is contradictory-the above two statements-or we are agreeing given my statement-your second statement above and my statement. We are together in planet Earth in the same universe whereby when your are doing algebra what you are just doing is probing properties of the basic framework(spacetime fabric). In this case special relativity (invariance of light speed) is a constraint to maintain stability in the universe. When you look up to see the stars and everything you are simply probing information about the basic framework(spacetime fabric) that happen to be conscious..therefore contain memory about the past...you are looking at the past events. The ship to go FTL need to mask itself from the effects of special relativity not to induce instability(paradoxes, causality effects and energy conservation disorders) to the basic framework(spacetime fabric). It seem we are in a delicate universe..going FTL is not the issue.. the issue is how to learn and know how to mask ourself from the effects of SR.
  3. Just before we you are done...thanks for starting this because it's at the heart of what have been working out for several years and still on it. In my case the frames and the observer are made up of the same thing(spacetime particles='virtual particles') the difference is the degree of freedom of the observer from the basic framework (spacetime fabric). Fundamental influences such as violation of causality is dealt with and by the basic framework (consciousness-emptiness being fundamental constituent) i.e the framework is aware,has memory and all characteristics of consciousness..of a conscious entity...in it no causality effects because it guides the evolution of the the universe. Consciousness-Emptiness concept does not violate causality because FTL and FFTL (faster and further than light ) is an essential part of the concept. If you want to read it where I have arranged the concept coherently according to major physics topics..go to Amazon books- advertising deleted.. otherwise it will require several thread to clear the air...if I get that chance. Am still on the learning curve but so far so good...the concept helps me even understand science deeply and further esp when I engage in such forum....it's amazing.
  4. FTL would go below...As u move towards space axis it becomes FTL,then FTL,then FTL...that's you are still 'on' space axis as you move infinitely towards it....once 'in' it movement becomes instantaneous (inside the space axis) When the frames themselves are conscious....they will know/are aware what is happening and no causality violation...or it simply doesn't exist to them. There is still hope to the contrary...based on reexaming of basic framework of the universe....mmm that concept of consciousness-emptiness as the fundamental it allows FTL and FFTL(faster and further than light speed)...I know u will tell me that's not science but it reproduces scientific concepts perfectly well..if so if it's not science I don't know what it is. That's correct. But spacetime fabric claim existence in it's own right(-not the rubber thing or floor mat analogy-...in this case fabric made up of spacetime particles ('virtual particles') whose fundamental constituent is consciousness and Emptiness). I expect a lot of thumb downs esp from people who don't comprehend it and those who have been bound to reason within being born and dying.
  5. Just some clarification...ship's world line and ship's space axis are being referenced to Earth time axis?
  6. That's right. Then from the diagram STL space axis,it's time axis should be perpendicular to it..from there plot null line...in these case his STL ship will be moving FTL cause the angle between STL space axis and STL ship is less than 45 degrees as it appears...if so, it then means he is giving contradictory explanations.Perharps taking me back to my earlier statement an error occurred as he ( in the video) was making STL space axis.
  7. How will they move relative to each other if they don't have any means of propulsion as you have agreed.... objects freefall at the same rate when in a uniform gravitational field.
  8. In this case the signal will be moving at speed of light. However,if the signal is instantaneous they will know as the events are taking place and they will be able to extrapolate what will happen to Earth and Vegas to a future date but their knowledge will not cause causality violation since they are limited by their STL ship...the crew in this ship becomes dreamers of the future...when themselves try to send signal at FTL or instantaneous to warn Earth and Vegas...it will be a contradiction and it violates causality.
  9. If so even Vega, supernova,Earth sending signal and vega receiving signal are free falling...if both are in a uniform gravitational fields...then STL ship as it is free falling in tandem with them, will be receiving signal from them depending on how far they are and in this case STL crew will use distance to extrapolate sequence of events therefore eliminate causality violation.
  10. I would like to know if STL ship is free falling or have some mechanism of propulsion? Because if it has some propulsion mechanism they will send light signal to another comoving reference point and calculate the time taken for light signal to come back given that c is known the distance will be determined...using this distance and the time they cover part of it when their ship accelerate...they will know their ship is moving at STL.
  11. I think They will know given the invariance of light speed and age of the universe as they will use them as a point of reference....unless they are in parallel universe where constant c and age of their universe is different.
  12. In that case once the STL perceives all the events..four events.. that's Step1 Vega receives a signal,step2 supernova,step3 Earth sends a signal and step4 Vega sees supernova...the STL crew will realise there is an anormaly in the sequence of events....given that they know they are moving at STL...I think they will be able to extrapolate the right sequence of events therefore causality will not have been violated.
  13. According to that diagram effect occur before cause for STL Ship ...look at it's space axis...I think if there is an error is from the way he obtained STL space axis it doesn't seem to be on the same space axis with Earth and Vegas. I think in science progress is brought by discussions, arguments,reexaming what you know... accepting challenges... nothing like looking stupid.
  14. Causality and information.. just a question...if u read a book then throw it to the blackhole will you ever be able to retrieve the information in book?
  15. Same old problems...we may end up in cycles for another century...the foundation of our understanding about the nature of spacetime fabric....(not the rubber thing analogy or floor mat) is the one that needs to change... issues concerning, about origin of quantum and implications of lorentz factor and of course consciousness ..etc etc and finally our technological know how.
  16. Am trying to think about neutrino...it doesn't recognize a nutshell....can you hold it.is it physical?
  17. Looking for away to make my thinking clearer...but I think the idea has been around. You can't try to have different results such as if causality violation is possible using the same argument that has been there for more than a century expecting different results. Some things needs modifications and readjustments.....and of course redefinition. Yes more a kin to basic framework...'pop' come first before formalization. In a nutshell what are physical things? U can't hold it..you are it, you are in it. Just for the purpose of analogy...if you dive into the ocean you find your friend the Fish...then you borrow it a cup of water where will it hold to give it to you...in these case an ocean without a floor...?
  18. No. It's a fluidlike fabric...one large fabric called the universe...analogy in these case will be just like water molecules are to the ocean..spacetime particles,loops, bubbles( virtual particles) are to the universe.
  19. Its right. Space-time turning it into a thing on it's own right to become spacetime fabric.therefore..using space-time to explain/describe a thing called spacetime fabric... so that we can have a common point to merge GR and QM. Inevitable... unavoidable...you can't avoid that which has happened...others are assumptions. According to my thinking space-time emerged from spacetime fabric.
  20. Spacetime fabric it's on the canvas fabric,it's on the cotton fibre,it's in the cotton fibre,it's on elements making up the cotton fibre,it's in the atoms,in their electrons in their proton and neutron,in their quarks... etc etc It's the fabric that make you and me and the universe we know of...it's constituent being closed loops of space and time. When we interprate it mathematically using geometry we get spacetime. 🤯..loop..encircling that's the idea... bubbles...😇
  21. When the neutrinos are passing through the Earth,through our bodies, through our brains as we are thinking...they are just moving through the spacetime fabric.we are physical from our perspective...but I think from neutrinos perspective we're just spacetime fabric....being physical is just qualities of spacetime fabric. Since it has already happened it's an inevitable.
  22. The problem is us separating ourselves from the universe...we are not different entities...we are part of the universe...the particles that make us are part of the universe....we are also spacetime fabric. And of course maybe not a major part of it...but an inevitable part of it because we exist.
  23. Using the current models going FTL is impossible cause u keep pumping in alot of energy while warping spacetime until u get your self collapsed into a blackhole to realise you going nowhere.. wormhole and warp drive enormous energy til you wonder where to stand in the space as u make it. We need a model where energy issues are minimised and or reinterprate lorentz factor so that we redifine energy...to take into consideration of square root of a negative.
  24. Pliz sentient is not consciousness...it's just part of consciousness. If u sent a rocket past a planet inhibited by natives whose scientific knowledge is limited and they realize the rocket is manouevrable in unpredictable manner...they will interprate it to be a conscious object....therefore consciousness is not all about feeling pain...it's about responding and making decisions. In this case the rocket will be following instructions put in it in whatever form or following commands from back here on Earth. Traveling back in time is impossible for an evolving universe..it's not(universe) stuck in time. If u move FTL 'if possible' u simply arrive a head of light....it's like two ancient warring communities one uses a donkey and the other uses a horse to sent message...the one using a horse which is faster will have an upper hand in manipulating situation..but as the message is being sent the situation in the battle field will still be evolving. The issue of backwards in time,I think comes from the idea of looking up in space and seeing the way the universe used to be earlier because light doesn't move instantaneously it take time to arrive...however where it came from is still elvoving...if we happen to move there(source of light) instantly,we will not have moved back in time,we will just get it as it is...it's present form as it's evolving...let say it was a star as we look at the telescope several billion years ago...then it happened to collapse to a blackhole that later evaporated through emission of Hawking radiation...all this as the universe is evolving then we move there instantly we will just get a spacetime fabric without a star.if the universe is elvoving uniformly (at the same rate across) then we come back home we will get things going on as usual with the time difference being equivalent with the time spend out there.
  25. It's not about supporting statements..it's about you asking questions intending at directing discussions in a manner that if you don't comphrend you lock someone down.
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