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Everything posted by Ring0kp

  1. Has there been any real breakthroughs in solar cell technology in the past years as far as electrical output per millimeter?
  2. That is why I am researching this to find out if there ia a "means to practical realization" We have much technology today is there even a place to start on any damping techniques?
  3. Hello, this is more of a thought experiment, if ammunition had an additive that would cause it not too fire when some type of external field is applied or external trigger you can more or less make a dampening field for a gun with this ammunition, would not fire. Just throwing it out there. We can't take all the guns that's never gonna work, so we need to come up with other ways to stop all these mass shootings. You can hope for world peace and kumbaya but that is not going to do it. My2Cents - spend it any way you want
  4. A question about gunpowder or smokeless powder, whatever it is they put in ammunition. can an additive be made that would cause the ammunition not too fire when a external force is applied such as radio waves or sound wave?
  5. I was out walking my mouse on the internet, and found this place. I'm an armchair scientist with no degree but many questions. Nice to meet you all.
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