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Well my good man , if his theoretically long arms where th elength i posted that would be the distance that light would travel in one second, so if he clapped his hands he would probably do this in under that time frame meaning his arms at his elbows only travelled 8 inches in that second to bring closed his hands , but his hads being on those impossibly long arms? projected on the same angle. of trajectory , would most likely be over that light per second distance , so it would have to travel over a light year in under a second , theoretically of course.
if a giant man standing had arms that where in length 299,792,458 metres and he clapped his hands, from start to clap it took him .2 of a second. what would happen to his hands?
FRAGMASTER2023 replied to FRAGMASTER2023's topic in Speculations
i'm glad that you took the time to read and somewhat agree, thank you for that ,because this was not a thing i was taught or ever heard from another human being, i visioned this in a semi awake dream and ran to my laptop to type up before it left me. when this stable equilibrium as you so rightly name, i just saw it as negative and positive in that Goldie locks position of just on the edge of arcing out but not, and held by electro magnetism until they did and matter came to be . electron nuclei whatever not my field.. but these where birthed in that instance a mini little stable equilibrium in a space where no space was, crushing in that newly expanded place, creating movement and thus time, form movement and in the coupling created light(spark) heat and energy, as like when we cross a batteries terminals we get this as we know.. so what ever was created in this instance this mini equilibrium was forced to short out again thus creating a second one in a space created for only the previous creation. crushing these two yet again , making 4 and so on and so on?, could you help me with what part of this theory firstly . as i only see it as a logical follow up to that balance being upset in the original instance.. its a repeat of the first over and over... any reply would be gratefully appreciated.. and thanks again. its all about understanding why i saw this for me lol -
how,? there are black boards also. id say pretty balanced
"do unto as done" unto simple instructions iv lived by and i was not offending people over religious belief i was returning the sentiment imposed by narrow minded pre programmed individuals with no balls to step out of the box that binds them and whom ridicule like bullies as they have no rational argument other than the put down,, hey im happy with my result im still here and some people took the time.. im not looking fame im looking exploration.. decent debate from free thinking people ... with atleast an opinion..
ahhhh the narrow mindedness of so called intellectuals is second to none,,, ANYWHERE.. and their lack of substance in any replies is probably due to lack of understanding in anything important and would un impress my 8 yr old son.. .. there was me trying hard not to insult anyone's religion .. as this is a religion none educated to discuss in here that's why it would never become a discussion and seem like a lecture... and your a moderator??? lmao Human time = the agreed medium that humans developed to show movement second,minute,hour etc "ALL" is everything all places all systems.. everywhere.. thank you for your reply. i appreciate you took the time to do so No priest preaches to me.... what do you believe is beyond the unknown ..math is a man made understanding , God does not need math
- 21 replies
FRAGMASTER2023 started following My belief in GOD,
I believe in my GOD, The Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end everything that ever was and will be the almighty. I talk with God regularly and he listens sometimes in life i feel like Job, and my law is everything will go wrong that is possible to go wrong and regularly does. i help others and never seek reward even in a thought. i do unto other as i would have them do unto me.. and the rest. But even in times of real despair do i fall from grace , i would never blame my GOD infact i seek comfort understanding and his shoulder in these times. herea the thing though, i wrote up my take on in the beginning as scientists say the big bang..... God fearing people ask me how can i go against the bible with writing about my belief of the big bang.... can i ask you all in here, do you see God in it? all i ask is for the word "ALL" thats used could be recognised as the ALL the alpha the omega the all there ever was and all there ever will be..THE ALL GOD. Even my calculation prove that the heavens and the earth where created in a very very very short human time, Big genuine thank you to any who take the time and an apology to any offended it is never an intention.. (First heard here as an original concept).. hey im not a scientist, im just an Auto mech from Northern Ireland and would love this stated,debated or debunked ! The world is changing
The purpose of life is to realise that you are ,, you exist ......your life? its for your carbon body to cleanse its contained life force/soul for its return to its source, if its not clean enough it comes back to this big carbon filter housing called earth where it gets a second pass through and so on etc etc.. Thus giving Creedence to God heaven the light travelled into when dying, stories of reincarnation Buddhist monks who enlighten themselves out of 3 dimensional existence but that's for another forum please do not scold me mr moderator but its hard for anyone actually to give the correct answer for life its all speculative and relative to the person place and understanding of oneself Not a swamy nor guru nor priest nor minister.. although have lived, still living , had life instances i wouldn't wish on an enemy and ones i believe others will never experience and wouldn't trade those for anything, so i believe i]m pretty diverse in life and living and always learning.. so i feel qualified by default to answer..
Hi i seemed to have posted in wrong sector or forum.. i did not understand what it was that was conveyed in a message its been moved ? i had believed it to have been corrected if so id appreciate a message back with regards to how i go about correcting this or indeed other mistakes or subsequently have these changes made from your side is most welcome... thank you..
Also there seems to be some thing of a problem with the information i supplied and i'm unsure of what is not correct.. i have checked everything over and over and cannot see the problem
All the things said are completely true, i just added them together in the most logical way possible each one creates the next .. and no one has given me any argument to the contrary.. not even the currently accepted theory.. for me to investigate and agree or debunk.. thank you again all help recognised ,, absorbed and appreciated
Light photons coming from same source will never ever touch. so if not touching they they have no light in these places as light is only made up of photons blasted off like bullets from a machine gun so no light> then all dark.. Einstein once asked what if we could chase a beam of light, first instance light is not a beam but divided photons as learned in replies from the late great S. Hawking. but what would we see? we would See nothing if we could slow the light to still light or we could travel at light speed,, light is only translated as visual by our brains, and only when that light is absorbed into our eyes by our eyes so if it was to be slowed to a stop it would not be seen as light as it would not reach your eye and if we where to speed up also it would never get into our eye so we wouldn't see it,, light photons only travel forwards from the source. no light is emitted back to the source so you could never see it from the rear. if you could follow a photos
this place is the existence not as anything you can imagine this place is void of anything two opposing forces, the negative and the positive they cannot exist without each other but they existed together in its reality it was the all and from it came everything into its set of "ALL" see my other post but the numerical value of one cannot exist ,,, its a man made concept or a half of the all which was two tarts negative and positive each side a half of the a "ALL "https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/131572-big-bang-auto-mechanics-take-on-things/#comment-1239383 everything works in my model of everything (First heard here as an original concept).. hey im not a scientist, im just an Auto mech from Northern Ireland and would love this stated,debated or debunked ! The world is changing virus cell what ever.. lets call it a thing. lets just say thast about as little of importance to the theory as the spelling mistake you just read and said look he cant even spell right..
FRAGMASTER2023 replied to FRAGMASTER2023's topic in Speculations
perhaps i write from the tongue and as its sporadic perhaps i make little mistakes in your eyes,, yes you are correct in saying energy is a property of something and not it ,in your world of science,, that's only emitted or transferrable energy like a battery a radio sound light, and the likes . did you know energy is produce form a state change in matter and or movement first thus a need or a calling for energy" ( like a magnet... + and - one calls for and the other gives out relevant to other poles on other magnets push and pull need give) to actually move and then by friction and heat etc of that matter .. or am i wrong? matter causes friction casing energy, split the atom unleash the energy . its stored in matter form., in fact energy is as much a part of matter and not a property as that same matter could not exist without the energy - and + vibrated caused mater caused movement caused time caused energy movement and friction cause energy and need for energy .. either way they cannot exist without each other is what i see. -
FRAGMASTER2023 replied to FRAGMASTER2023's topic in Speculations
Its not for agreement its a theory based on information known and received .. set in a time line and then constructed into a flowing running theoretical on the evolution of all things.. the half of something is always something and never nothing.. therefore as i came from something . i rolling piece of mass/matter or unknown size and form must also be in me ,you and everyone or thing,, correct? . i believe in the plus minus in the beginning . that was the "ALL" containing the + and the - they produced the magnetic particle and set of a chain reaction or explosion, growth and expansion,, the figures i wrote are correct based on information readily available on the internet , i calculated for the speed and mass growth ,using them... the other factors like speed change, atoms crushing and splitting under force as they are produced in a place that only a micro fraction of a second before only housed an entity have the size or the next two i have a question for you then if you could care to help me out and i do appreciate anything that i learn from my peers, this question is and anyone please feel free to help me with answers and understanding.. if an entity / mass , gas whatever is inside a room perhaps visualise a glass cube that was filled with liquid completely and sealed, no air space completely full like two vibrational waves1- and 1+ where a force and they vibrated and caused a particle/ atom of matter between them,, what would happen if this cube then had to suddenly endure the pain of holding another complete cubes worth identical in size ? id say it would explode... what-s your thought? so say it explodes . but if the cube instantly grew by itself in size ?: these two waved move outwards and so begins time,, something has moved form point A to point B within this set of "ALL" now as outside this place does not exist there is no place for it to go but as matter has now appeared into this originally sterile environment then the rule that every thing that exists has to have somewhere to exist , so as the need for it to grow repeats so does the need to contain it , you cant have a magnet with only south and another with only north. one cannot exist without the other being with it to show difference... something cannot exist without another item to have comparison a man/male cannot replicate without a female.. there is no such thing either as a being that is all male or a female that is all female taking that a wee bit further.... so if then vibration cause matter caused crushed atom caused explosion caused more movement .vibration caused more matter twice original size, then this is in a chain reaction is it not??? what has happened here is matter has been created, time begins, magnetism is created and so is gravity, Gravity id the residual magnetism that happened when the two waves plus and minus connected , and produced the matter,, this matter then absorbed a apart of this original magnetic matter , this matter .that all things came from and for ever,, that is why all mass has gravity.. its residual original electromagnetism and the lasting effect on matter.. TELL ME IM NOT THE ORIGINAL FATHER OF THIS THEORY PLEASE!.. surely this is already a thing right?.. so if you can see the pattern of existence as i do where am i wrong? because im only stating known things about something needing to be somewhere or it cannot be/exist. something has to have a companion or it cant exist, and when something exists in a containment and is needing to accommodate another of its self , then they collectively need a bigger place .. and it two things are forced into a space half its side it will implode/crush, causing force and shaking/vibration.. and it vibration caused matter in the first instance then its now causing more on each atom of matter so the growth rate is x2 each time as the crushing force is uniform and all at once, no atom of matter is protected the chain reaction is in motion.. when movement happened , time existed, with explosion there is light,, with mass and an electric charge around this mass we have a magnet , with magnetism we have magnetic transference under immeasurable force, causing residual magnetism now called gravity on that mass.. please highlight my misunderstandings and provide alternatives for my problem areas for me to absorb and combine.. in my quest for understanding ..THE ALL. (First heard here as an original concept).. hey im not a scientist, im just an Auto mech from Northern Ireland and would love this stated,debated or debunked ! The world is changing -
FRAGMASTER2023 replied to FRAGMASTER2023's topic in Speculations
yeah i know, science wasn't my strong point. didn't know wither to split it up and confuse, or leave it on one track, bit like the standard model of science really. hey its how it comes to me. . i see it i scribble it down.. now if i posted these scribbles up there might be a problem. i have to decipher them a few times before i get to this point. and can i say whao!!! another great answer : ) -
LIGHT--- THAT TWO DIMENSIONAL 3D ARTIST and or LIFE FORM Light travels at 670,616,629.384 miles per hour,. so in theory, if we build a wall in a circle with a radius of that distance or indeed scaled down by a factor of 60 to bring this distance down to distance travelled in one minute and then 60 again to give us 19615.7304 this would equate to miles per second. Then, in theory if we could run around this wall in one second we would be travelling at the speed of light , correct? but if we then reduce the wall by a factor of 1000 it leave us with a circumference of 19.6157, meaning we would then have to travel the wall at a speed of 1000 revolutions per second to balance the equation.. Or indeed 60000 revs a minute to travel at the same speed on the wall , the speed of light… If we then / by pye (this circumference)_ we get a radius for this circular wall of 6.2341miles, a bit easier to visualise. If at dead centre we have a laser shining vertically on to a prism which reflects the beam to the wall and the prism is then spun at 60,000 revs a minute , the light dot on the wall will then race around the wall at the speed of light, correct? my question is what happens to the light dot if the speed is increased by a small amount,,,, a time warp? Also given that at different points along the entire length of the beam the light will have a shorter distance to travel than the first emitted light what will happen to these light photons which are travelling sideways slower than the photons at the end of the beam during one un-calculable small amount of time or indeed a frozen instance ..using the rule that light travels away from everything even objects travelling in the same direction as it, at the speed of light, there is no minus speed factor .for example a car travelling at 100 miles per hour and has headlamps on is not emitting light at light speed minus 100 mph.. Stephen Hawking’s under studies have informed me that light is not a complete beam but rather a series of photon fired off rather like machine gun bullets and if we could slow this down we would see a spray pattern on the wall proving this.. Using the theory that light always travels away from things at the speed of light, this means that two photons would never collide until reflected back onto each other .This then brings me to the question if a beam is not a beam but indeed a series of photons fired of which do not collide, then because of the “no touching” rule there would indeed be spaces between these photons and if there where spaces, what would be in them if there was no light? Complete darkness? A photon only illuminates that little spot in the universe that it exists in for the duration of its life, it does not shine forwards , it’s the mere travelling of this photon that gives illusion of shining forwards away from itself. If we where to fire of one photon and slow it down we would see no illumination in front or behind it but a little speck of glowing whiteness moving forwards and away from its source. If time is measured by movement, the speed of a travelling photon and we can then interfere with this movement or indeed make it behave in a way not relevant to its physics , can we then manipulate time itself? And what is the life time expectancy of a single charged photon ?or does it survive forever? I do know that torch that is lit up in a complete dark room will light the area it is shined onto, but once its turned off it does not leave little, lit photons travelling forwards forever and light cannot travel threw solid matter so where do they go? But by the same token we can see light given off by distant stars and may have started their journey many thousands of years before. Is it a case of light will always travel until it is stopped by a none reflective substance as I know it will keep travelling after it has collided with a mirror , albeit a different direction.. Therefore in theory if a light was shone inside a mirror ball and then was turned off would the light stay in there for ever trapped as there is nothing to absorb it?. answers on the back of a postage stamp please or just pin them up here on my profile