4th dimension (Inside out Dimension)
'4D objects cast 3D shadows when observed' Well naturally if observed, an inside out object casts a 3D shadow.
'Quantum tunneling, Electron gains more energy, couples with an Electrons in a higher energy orbit, then emitts a Photon as it goes back down to its original orbit.'
Now; If you think of this Electron as expressing its Volume outwardly, the more energy it has, the more Volume it has, which means it's technically INSIDE the Electon in the higher orbit.
The Photon emitted is equivalent to it coming OUT from the Electron in the higher orbit.
I was thinking on it then out of nowhere I came up with something that can be tested.
Right now as I type this I do not know the answer, I have yet to even look into it.
Do Quantumly entangled particles emit virtual Photons after they become unentangled? I predict that they do. I predict this as I now believe that they are VIRTUALLY INSIDE eachother. Then they VIRTUALLY come OUT from eachother.