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Everything posted by Logicandreason

  1. So, if I disagree, please inform me how I can go about explaining why I disagree without incurring the wrath of the moderators.? Because the easiest thing to grasp about SR is that its not rational and contains internal errors. Which are obvious once you are made aware of them. What is the value of the down votes if no one explain why they are downvoting? Is this the Scientific Method? Seems that this is a tool to discredit a member, without the bother of providing any justification. I bet this gets downvotes too. Proving my point.
  2. The root of your problem is that you first believed that Special Relativity was a rational Theory. A correct theory. This false belief leads to all manner of weirdness. Common excuses to overcome questions like yours are: Shut up and Calculate (don't ask questions) , Its "Unintuitive" (meaning irrational) , and my favourite, "Some people just can't grasp the concepts". (said by superior intellects that can understand it but just can't seem to find suitable words to explain it )
  3. The "Light Clock" has nothing to do with Physics. Because such a device is a physical impossibility. So you have an imaginary device that can't possibly function in reality, then you expect to be able to do Math calculations on its performance? That's equivalent to calculating how many tooth fairies would be required to lift a block of Moon Cheese.
  4. Please don't give up so easily. What you have been trying to understand, (SR theory) cannot be understood by rational analysis because its irrational and illogical. If you really want to know where the error is to be found in SR, (and there must be an error in here somewhere, all those Paradoxes point to there being an error) then its actually really easy to see once you stop being led along by the nose by the pseudosceintists. I can explain exactly where the core errors is, and from that core, there are other issues that many others have already tried to expose. But I've not actually heard anyone point out the core error before, they all seem to have skipped it. the reason why any claim that SR and GR are wrong, is ridiculed, is because of the false claims that "all the experiments support it, and its predictions are accurate". This is actually untrue. They are looking at everything through rose coloured glasses. I cant say much here because they will ban me for life. (as other physics forums have done. Great to see that Science is now done and decided by Popular Vote system. I've already got 1 downvote, so that voter must be correct. Its solid proof for sure. SO if I get 10,000 of my Scientology friends to "like" my comment, I'll win!
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