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About FierceFirefly

  • Birthday October 28

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    Swimming, music, nursing and teaching
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  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    GCSE level student wishing to become a Nurse!!
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  1. Hi sorry took some time to find this comment... It is part of my catch up work but thought that as it is questions it would be best to ask in the Homework Help section.
  2. Hi yes this is the exact wording of the question.
  3. I am just going to put this here so that people understand why I don't have any basic General Knowledge of Science. 

    I started high school the year we went into the first lockdown and science wasn't easy to complete over a google meet, I then was in and out of school due to some illnesses. Then the school year just gone(I was in Year 10) I missed lots of school (6-8 months) as I was in and out of Hospital, and Doctor Surgeries. I was not given any work to complete and am now having to use my Summer Holidays to catch up. 

    Since I missed so much of school I don't have the knowledge of a Year 11 in science. I am hoping to help that by having some help from others on this website. 

    I hope this clears up any issues.

    1. studiot


      Welcome and in a few years, hopefully welcome to nursing.

      Thanks for the info, we can work with that.

  4. The water chains in the xylem become thinner and thinner... The plant is loosing water faster than it can replenish it. I believe this is correct to your clue. And thank you.
  5. I'm sorry I'm not really sure all I know is that it is GCSE level biology- year 10 if that helps. I have missed around 6-8 months of school. This isn't very helpful I know. I'm sorry. All I know for this is that it is to do with enzymes and the pH of enzymes. I am not sure what else I can say to help on this. I'm sorry
  6. Just wondering if anyone is able to help me with this biology question. When you get an infectious disease you may get a temperature. This is a way your body defends you as many microorganisms cannot reproduce at high temperatures. However, people always try to bring the temperature of an ill person down. Explain why this may be the case. (4marks) I have absolutely no idea where to start here..
  7. Just wondering if anyone is able to help me with this biology question. Suggest and explain why osmosis is so important in the structural support systems of plants. (6marks) I have an idea that it's to do with the fact that depending on the state- whether it's hyptonic environment, hypersonic environment or isotonic state. Other than that I have absolutely no idea. Any suggestions would be greatly received.
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