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Everything posted by grayson

  1. Okay that is fine. But just remember, I am not DOING the class. I am using the "cheat code" and watching it on youtube. I am too young to be in the class yet If you wan't the link to the video, I will give it.
  2. I am not IN college, but I am watching college classes online on YouTube. (MIT ones, to be exact). They brought up linear differential equations. I don't even know how to solve any I come across. I know algebra and calculus but I know nothing about whatever that is. Can someone help me?
  3. iI don't know what you mean by 6v. But you can use a thermoelectric generator to convert heat into electricity. I would recommend using copper, or tungsten, depending on if you want it stored or flowed. Tungsten is a terrible heat conductor, which makes it good for "STORING" heat. Copper is a great heat conductor. this makes it able to go to the generator. I would recommend tungsten though.
  4. All proccesed meats are meats. Are you saying spam is good for you?
  5. Nei! Jeg kan knapt snakke norsk. Jeg kan lese boker sjont og jeg kan bruk google oversetter hvorfor sa jeg det? google oversetter! Jeg sverger hevn Vear sa snill hjelp meg Jeg ikke bruk google oversetter for det jeg knapt bruk google oversetter for det ^ dette er mitt emne! mitt! wrong topic, sorry tHought it was the one where I started speaking norsk Also, I have -13 reputation. I even tried not spitting nonsense. Look, at least I am not saying the earths gravity is reducing! Du er heldig, Genady! Du er heldig!
  6. If we take into account of the cosmological constant, it is an emerging theory. We have no true idea of why dark matter exists. In my mind I think it is quantum fluctuations but I could be wrong. emerging property, not theory sorry
  7. This topic is for people who think their stuff should be in the trash bin but can't put it there. Such as my "Campbell isotope stability spectrum" theory.
  8. Is the constant factor mean over time? ⍙Y is just the change of the y axis over time
  9. I don't do this to my dog. But I wander if cooked meat is better for your dog than dog food. We all know processed meats are "bad" And if you think in a technical sense, dog food is processed. So, I was thinking, why not read them meat instead of dog food? Obviously cook it first to get rid of dangerous bacteria. and give them a blend of veggies. And give them some variety so they don't eat bacon every day. So the question is, Dog food, or meat?
  10. Well, at first I guessed. I knew mechanics and (a little) thermodynamics. I knew about conversion, but nothing about conservation. So, I came up with it without knowing, and I realized it already existed. I learned something from this! And I love to learn more! But if you want to say that I am guessing, I backed this up with previous evidence. All I did was ask a question; and you decided to do whatever you are doing. I am still learning, and all I will say is I am not old enough to go to college yet. I am not the greatest of the great, I just love to learn. And sometimes I think of a concept. Sometimes it is wrong; sometimes it is right! So all I have to say, is that I backed up my evidence on this one. All I wanted to know is if there was a unit for measuring conversion of energy over time. So you can say that "Is there a unit for measuring the conversion of energy" is wrong, but you could also say that is grammatically incorrect
  11. Yah, since a spring is a good example of KE and PE, how would you calculate the exact rate of conversion from a spring? It would be so complicated! So (Me being the equation geek) How would you find the rate of conversion with all of these factors? Also, I didn't know about the conservation law before, but I thought of it. The idea was that, as long as force is applied to an object, the energy would stay the same. Obviously, if you are talking about a pendulum, or a newtons cradle, That is not true; though you can find that the energy would constantly be changing with a pendulum. And even with a spring. The idea is PE + KE. When you apply force (F) To an object, the laws of mechanics apply to it and energy is stored. Even when the object converts its PE to KE, the total e stays the same, because it is all energy. Because of external forces like gravity, or other pesky types of energy, the laws of thermodynamics come into play. That is why we can't make unlimited energy. I dont know If this is thermodynamics or mechanic anymore Also, how do we measure potential energy in space? A spring still expands after being contracted; so why does PE only work in gravity? I solved everything. You have a graphing calculator right? Well, without mechanics and thermodynamics in countability, you can just say f(x)=sin x. The y represents kinetic to potential energy and X represents time. So what I am saying is that ⍙Y (the y value) is the conversion of energy
  12. Yes, I know, I kind of assumed that before. It would not change after time, It would stay the same. Which is where the "One dimensional" line would come into play. This could be represented by a number, which is e (We can use Einsteins equation) So, what we do is when is when it goes down, it stores potential energy. And when it goes up, It stores kinetic. So the change of e over time is the number (E t) But this doesn't make sense. I just want to know if there is a unit for the conversion of KE to PE or vice versa Also, I have just realised I have become obsessed with making physics equations
  13. Yes I am dumb. I said two dimensions because of paper being "two dimensional" while it really isnt, I just imagine anything on paper as two dimensional Plus if you want to be einstein, the second dimension is time, or the rate of the energy converitng Also, tesseracts are not hard to draw. You just draw a Cube and connect the corners as if you were drawing a normal cube Alvor?
  14. Jeg angre dette vær så snill hjelp meg Jeg microbolget broren min
  15. Before I get into this, I am sorry for saying I was 'lazy' a while back. I was very tired that day and I am not a lazy person. Anyways, imagine you have a two-dimensional line that is just for measuring energy. the more negative you go; the more potential energy is stored. The more positive you go; the more kinetic energy is let out. I was just wandering if there was a way to measure the speed of the KE and PE changing (kinetic and potential). I was thinking KE+PE t (over time) but it is up to you guys to decide whether it is right or not
  16. Hvem? Dette er Norsk fra nå
  17. Det er Hyggelig!
  18. God dag, alle! Hallo, alle! hve er du gjorde? oops! hva, ikke hve liker jeg hunds kan du foler det? vinden?
  19. ranch hot dog
  20. Sorry, Too lazy to find it.
  21. Pchycology
  22. I have a YouTube channel, but my lawyer advised me not to tell what it is. I am not advertising but I do need Ideas. My cousin domninic said something funny. Do you wanna see how to eat a bunch of chicken bones in one try? Just go OUEGH OUEGH OUEGH. How do I come up with stuff like that. That was comedy gold! What makes someone laugh. Say what makes something absurd. Just tell me Anyone?
  23. One of my newest videos. At first I wanted to make educational videos but that did not work out. So I resorted to my cousin Dominic's mockery of the ai voice. I somehow got it to do that. Anyways, I like posting these videos and I was wondering if their is pcycology other than hooks that will grab their attention. Like what can I do to keep them entertained and not swipe away. Anything? I need my channel to grow so I can make a quick buck.
  24. website = requests.get('https://pixabay.com/photos/') soup = BeautifulSoup(website.text, 'html.parser') with open(r"C:\Users\grays\Downloads\words.txt") as file: words = file.read().split() html = soup.find_all(words) I am having a fight with chatgpt whether this is a database or not. I won't tell which side I am on. I jut need you to resolve this by telling me what it is. the only thing I am telling you is that the words.txt is a dictionary containing a lot of words. I need you to research as much as you can and tell me what this is. Help me (I made this code) website = requests.get('https://pixabay.com/photos/') soup = BeautifulSoup(website.text, 'html.parser') with open(r"C:\Users\grays\Downloads\words.txt") as file: words = file.read().split() html = soup.find_all(words) Data = requests.get(html) print('sorry, hiccup') I am afraid I am a hacker. When I put this in, It showed a huge stream of url's and tags, and stuff. I am afraid This is information the site doesn't want you to know. I tried to make it say "sorry, hiccup" for comedic effect. But it didn't even say that
  25. I just checked my code and I made a typo on the forum. so my code does say that but it still says that error Okay, It is fixed but I put in this code import pbd import requests import bs4 as BeautifulSoup import tensorflow as ts import numpy as np import matplotlib as plt from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense from flask import Flask website = requests.get('https://pixabay.com/') soup = BeautifulSoup(website ,'html.parser') with open('words.txt', 'r') as file: words = file.read().split() html = soup.find_all(words) model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(units=64, activation='relu', input_dim=8)) # Input layer with 8 input features model.add(Dense(units=32, activation='relu')) # Hidden layer model.add(Dense(units=1, activation='sigmoid')) # Output layer model.compile(optimizer="adam", loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) @app.route('/home', Methods=['GET','POST']) def home(name=None): return render_template('C:\Users\grays\OneDrive\Documents\PromptAI.html',name=PromptAI) It came up with a 'UNICODE TRUNCATE' or something. and something about bytes. I tried using bytesio but that did not work. I looked it up. said add r before it. Doesn't work sorry, too many add-ons
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