Matthew Walters
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Fundamental Mathematics issue and resolution
Matthew Walters replied to Matthew Walters's topic in Speculations
My main point I suppose to all of this is what if we are looking at a lot of this all wrong because of dimensional space e.g. (1 Dimension) Time (Time is a finite direction with one movement but I think time itself is just a result of a Velocity factor) = Single one way dimension (a start and a finite end = your statement were 0 does not exist and we only have 1 motion of time) (2 Dimensions) Forward/Back/Left/Right = The ability for movement in multiple dimensions across a singular axis were all intersect (if removing 0 with this means that we have 5 points along a axis Forward/Back/Left/Right/Centre (infinity point of all) = 0 1 (binary) if we remove the infinity point of 0 in this also then binary breaks also and we are just left with a single function of 1 along the wave function axis for binary to function properly (3 Dimensions) Forward/Back/Left/Right/Up/Down = 6 axis's but the thing that would glue them all together is 0 so 1 = 2 = 3 = 0 = 4 = 5 = 6 = + - or also a wave function in a singular dimension so with 6 points in a 4d space then removing 0 in this also would mean that wave function does not work at all and this is something we know that is not true due to quantum entanglement and computers +- and even the very basics of wave function, there was something that I was thinking of the other night also with the delay in magnetic fields with this logic and if 0 = a wave function then that delay in a magnetic field before it effects anything with a pull/push would be a single dimension of time with a energy factor, the energy then hits a atom for example and it would enter a 3d object with 8 axis points and that singular point of energy then spreads across a 360 environment in all directions and then once all wave functions occur in this 3d object with 8 points making it up then it would cancel out at one singular point and the energy would exit this object back into our dimension of space/time and that in my opinion is what cause's the delay in that magnetic field before we observe an effect from the field but if we suddenly remove 0 or the wave function from this dynamic then all wave functions would cease to be able to exist or interact. This would be mathematically possible also to replicate I know with computers or even anything really but the issue I think is this linear thinking of start to end were as we clearly live in a environment were we have multiple dimensions of space/time/mass/velocity's/fields and non of these function together if we remove 0 but if we consider that if 0 itself has a wave function then it also has to remain as a whole somewhere else also. -
Fundamental Mathematics issue and resolution
Matthew Walters replied to Matthew Walters's topic in Speculations
ok so so the way I see that syntax is 1 and if that's the case its then 0 because like you are saying 0 is a null number and then that is what the simplest of syntax errors might have lead to because the first number may or may not be considered as a whole number and that leads to infinite variables without the correct syntax then for the above statement is 1 without any representation of 0 and in base 10 that like working with only 9 numbers with a system that requires 10 whole numbers for function e.g. 10 without 0 = 1 because if we start with it as a null number then 10 might as well follow that same logical step also (this is the main thing I'm trying to point out as well as the direct observations I have made with the math to things in science and chemistry) also with the iron thing that is a mid way point for example 78 - 52 + 26 so we observe +26 as a whole but if the left number determines the stability in 3d space then 78 = + 12 - 18 is the same wave function stability as carbon or its ability to switch magnetic fields is extremely good but then also if its atomic decay in 4d space is somewhere between 78 and 52 (first and second values) then the object we perceive in 3d space could be very close to a base 60 factor and 60/360 = 6 so as a whole number with no fraction of it then its a really good magnet from that math because as soon as I add the decimal then it would weaken the magnetic field pretty much. The stability factors I presented there are 360 for all dimensional spaces not just ours because if we are in ours observing another 3d object without moving then it appears 2d and we would be unaware that another dimension of that 2d space would exist without a time factor for measuring it, for the most part going into a 3d object would essentially turn it into a 4d space within that 3d area. with the Ca thing that was just its stability factor for 3d space and the stability for it I suppose I was asking mainly why are plants green and why are our bones made primarily from calcium and a few other things like say carbon a perfect match to the above iron for wave function with 18 -12 +6 were in a stable state of decay its atomic stability would go to 13 if I had to guess off the top of my head so carbon 12 or carbon 13 for its stability factors would be practically identical if not better depending on its isotope decay factors. So anything then within that range of 18 -12 for isotope decay or energy could be considered as having the same stability factor as carbon for example Be = 12 -8 +4 B = 15 -10 +5 C = 18 -12 +6 N = 21 -14 +7 O = 24 -16 +8 F = 27 -18 +9 this is a problem though because Be 12 is the infinite point were beryllium is formed and it begins its state of decay or its 1/2 life cycle towards -8 and we would just perceive it at that moment as carbon 12 but all of those numbers between 18 to 12 in a 360 or 1/3 environment could be perceived as either one of them F could be there but if its the start of the carbon decay towards a more stable state, only way around this issue is multiple measurements over time for comparison of the extra dimensions we cant see observing their 2d plains. So when this is applied to light also then green = 6+ force so it would be the most energy efficient for storage of energy I am asking if people could take a few moments to try to understand how this does function because I know nothing about a lot of things in science but yet iv managed to reverse engineer the whole periodic table and every property of every element so far and from what I can see in it is there is logical reasons why some things are the way they are in science like the fact helium can never form a solid state or why oxygen is magnetic at lower temperatures or why we sleep for an average 6-7 hours because that with this math is the average time for chemical stability factors but also why the same sleep factors across age have a similar chart to a atomic decay factor and also the reason we require less sleep on average when we age due to our chemical stability because DNA for example with this math says that once everything is stable and not reacting with anything then its the best stability factor in a 4d environment (space and gravity) so essentially what that means is that the reason we need less sleep to age means our wave function is reducing or more less energy is needed in the system for stability. There is still a large amount of things I have not checked into but now I'm working with this math looking at all its variables at once then there are logical explanations for everything we see and perceive around us and this could potentially remove a lot of the unknown factors or chaos factors in things e.g. with that math I calculated that with just a combination of 4 elements of say Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen the possible combinations of just those 4 in different states is very high, I have 48 stable possible combinations done so far with just those 4 elements and I have checked with just googling them if any of them did exist and to my surprise all of them did in some form but mainly in the area of biochemistry though if this same process though is done on a atomic basis per atom you would end up with very long chains for stability factors for example long carbon chains or H10 molecule also in a stable form because H10 = H +27 -3 so in theory if hydrogen binds with only hydrogen it can = a stable state for the H10 molecule to exist or form is the better word so this also tells me that its most non reactive state is H10 but if it were say H9 then that is the same as say Fluorine so with fluorine as 27 -18 +9 it only needs 3 more for stability or a single hydrogen and by stability I mean the most stable form of the elements in 4d space and not a comparison to noble gas's (I cant stress this enough that by stability I mean for the element to remain stable in its state of decay not stability as in safe to work with, for that safety would be determined by I'm going to guess elements we are made of and the possible combinations of all of those elements together functioning at any one point in time so say say H2O 30 -20 +10 (stability factor) converts to HO for some reason then that's the same stability factor as fluorine with HO being then 27 -18 +9 and if that's true then at that point its the same properties for reactions as fluorine might have or it would share similar traits chemically I would assume with these numbers (I will add I know nothing about chemistry but with this potential fix I have managed to math large combinations of atomic bonds and not have to add a decimal because a 1/2 of a whole thing is not a whole thing and therefor it cant exist at all for the most part, split the atom and there's no more atom type thing but but the energy has to remain so in total the factor of 1 remains and nothing is lost to a 1/2 variable or a decimal point. -
Hello My name is Matthew, for the last 20 years I have been pondering on the areas of science and mathematics and about 2-3 years ago I was pondering on the fundamentals of the mathematical system for the number base's specifically the representation of the decimal or the null factor it represents because in a lot of mathematics I see it representing things that are clearly observable but are represented with a null number similar to 0 in base 10 mathematics also, so for a few days I pondered on this for a while and I kept thinking that 0 cant exist because its a null number representing infinity pretty much but to be able to write the number 1 next to it it has to have 0 beforehand so the math problem I was pondering on was how does 0 = 1 without just writing the number 1 next to it. So after a couple of days I settled on that for 0 to exist and be able to write one after it in other base sequences it had to have a + factor as a whole number with - + values also e.g. 0+ 0- 0(F=1)+ , the difference in the number as a whole was the - factor that allowed the number 1+ 0- 0(F=1)+ to be written after it and so on in all the other base numbers formats because without 0 base 10 = base 9. For infinity to exist also it had to have factors of stability and stability had to have factors of infinity or infinitely stable. Stability = 1(stable stability factor)+ 0- 0(F1)+ Infinity = 1 (1 factor of infinite stability)+ 0- 0(F1)+ Infinity +- Stability Force Cancel one another out but the initial velocity between the two would have been the first moment of + energy because of a + moving to - Factor (Magnetics or Heat/Radiation) between the two + forces of Both Stability and Infinity. So stability would be 1 factor of stability and one factor of infinity 1-1 ratio but each number having a 1+ to exist as a whole number and a 0-+ factor for the stability of the number as a whole and a overall 1+ factor to the force of the infinite variable. and infinity would then be one factor of stable infinity also a 1-1 ratio Viewing both from inside or outside would = 0 observable change in state Viewing both from either inside one or the other would then be: Viewing stability from within infinity (4 dimensional space) would be 1 factor of stable infinity with 0 factors of stability Viewing infinity from within stability would be 1 factor of stable infinity with 0 factors of stability The initial -+ difference between a Space and Void of space (big bang for example), the way I visualised this was a sphere with a infinity pressure of 1+ in all directions at the centre and with infinite 1+ that would cause space to expand and try to stabilize that space and the best area would be sphere shaped with a external pressure so when space stabilised with gravity for stability it then started gravitating towards the void of space (1+ force to velocity and area 1+ for the space between the two 1+ space force and the 1+ - Void Force of space so the two would move towards each other to for a 1/2 ratio of space and a void of space) So I went with this for a while and started working with the numbers as whole numbers with 3 possible factors and eventually I noticed that sequence turned into a fair few things that were fairly familiar with science things specifically the periodic table and its properties mainly e.g. Whole sequence from what I have worked out so far is this would be the Matter/Antimatter Table with a base 3 factor for the first row representing a 3d object in 4d space and then base 2 for the second row for the possible changes in state of that mix of gravity and space e.g. H = 3 -2 +1 He = 6 -4 +2 Li = 9 -6 +3 Be = 12 -8 +4 B = 15 -10 +5 C = 18 -12 +6 N = 21 -14 +7 O = 24 -16 +8 F = 27 -18 +9 Ne = 30 -20 +10 Na = 33 -22 +11 Mg = 36 -24 +12 Al = 39 -26 +13 Si = 42 -28 +14 P = 45 -30 +15 S = 48 -32 +16 Cl = 51 -34 +17 Ar = 54 -36 +18 K = 57 -38 +19 Ca = 60 -40 +20 Sc = 63 -42 +21 Ti = 66 -44 +22 V = 69 -46 +23 Cr = 72 -48 +24 Mn = 75 -50 +25 Fe = 78 -52 +26 Co = 81 -54 +27 Ni = 84 -56 +28 Cu = 87 -58 +29 Zn = 90 -60 +30 Ga = 93 -62 +31 Ge = 96 -64 +32 As = 99 -66 +33 Se = 102 -68 +34 Br = 105 -70 +35 Kr = 108 -72 +36 Rb = 111 -74 +37 Sr = 114 -76 +38 Y = 117 -78 +39 Zr = 120 -80 +40 Nb = 123 -82 +41 Mo = 126 -84 +42 Tc = 129 -86 +43 Ru = 132 -88 +44 Rh = 135 -90 +45 Pd = 138 -92 +46 Ag = 141 -94 +47 Cd = 144 -96 +48 In = 147 -98 +49 Sn = 150 -100 +50 Sb = 153 -102 +51 Te = 156 -104 +52 I = 159 -106 +53 Xe = 162 -108 +54 Cs = 165 -110 +55 Ba = 168 -112 +56 La = 171 -114 +57 Ce = 174 -116 +58 Pr = 177 -118 +59 Nd = 180 -120 +60 (all elements are trying to achieve stability factors relative to 3d space for its stability but because being inside stable space and viewing infinity we would see no factors of infinite stability the overall energy loss factor pretty much) And this sequence as far as I can see is a property of 3d objects in 4d space. This table also from what I know about current science is it displays factors of energy levels of atoms as well as particle decay factors for isotopes and elements within the first and second row (the whole number and the - factor) as long as the numbers are within range it has matched from what I can tell to everything I have checked it to but the odd thing with mainly with the molecules once I started working out the mathematics for the molecules with this format of stability 30,60,90,120,150,180,210,240,270,300,330,360 e.g. H = 3 +27 and -3 for a stability factor of 3d space He = 6 +24 -6 Li = 9 +21 -9 Be = 12 +18 -12 B = 15 +15 - 15 And this continues for every factor of 30 from what I have checked so far (helium is a bit of a odd one though but ill get to that one in a bit) So the math for the molecules would be adding the total whole number on the left (maybe its isotope state as that whole number) to Either/Or of the numbers on the Middle/Right and I think the +- could be energy levels to do with the current environmental factors at the time) e.g. H= 3 +27 - 3 O = 24 +6 -24 So the possible combinations of these two would be H10 = 30stability H2O = Stability O2H6 = Stability O3H4 = Stability and so on for every possible variation for the best possible stability factor. So for things I can see so far with possible medical applications would be potentially mapping all possible stability factors for every possible molecule reaction or reaction state it can/could be in by its pair factors to other atoms, from what I can tell most things are looking for that stability factor of 3d space. Also I was looking into some more things to do with math things based on the infinite value and especially the twin prime conjecture in the Fibonacci sequence e.g. 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 0 2 2 4 6 10 16 0 4 4 8 12 20 32 0 8 8 16 24 40 64 0 16 16 32 48 80 128 0 32 32 64 96 160 256 Looking at this I see 0 = 1 stability factor 1 x 2 = new sequence of 011 etc... (180 of 360 space or 1/2) then the new sequence for each new whole number then also starts a new sequence of 0 1 1 2 etc... so that's the wave functions for the most part but the 0 2 2 4 would be in 4d space the first whole number of 4 from what I see with the above is 4 dimensions with 8 points in space to make up the 4d space and 2 possible changes in that space also I think the 6 to the right of the 4 is the reason helium cant ever be a solid in 3d space because its a 1/2 energy conduit between 4d space and 3d space so it will always have energy. also with 0112358 the 3 factor is 3d objects in a 4d environment 5 as the lowest possible division for stability of the number 5 as a whole and 8 possible points in that space to make up the 3d object, tons more I'm starting to notice with all of this also. So with 3d space also if is was indeed a spear shape then the Golden ratio Could = 2.25 (360/12) x2 +- 1.618 possibly also for a potential wobble in the axis from the initial motion for 4d space but I have not done to much with this math yet. also 4.5 x 12 = 54 and that's Xenon gas with a 162 -108 54+ factor. So once I started to look into all of this I decided to check some of the other math to and if say Newtonian gravity and General Relativity are based on a infinite value without the 1+ to force then it would be close but always off by a tiny bit but because most the math started at 0 then this ripple effect went through most of the foundation for general mathematics for some things like Sigma, Pi, Hadamard Product of Power Series and also present in other factors of mathematics as that ripple effect so off the top of my head right now and from what I have seen over trying to figure this out is that most things are within about a factor of 1 but most importantly almost all of them have a factor of infinite infinity and this is what I think lead to the chaos in mathematics for some areas of science Also to with light also with the spectrum we can observe its factors of +-+ or stability e.g. 45 90 45 90 180 90 180 360 180 90 180 90 45 90 45 45 with this I also see that Purple is opposite on the scale or more it jumps a colour (Blue) to the next and then I applied this to all of the visible spectrum and from what I can tell we can observe 4 variations at once with the others being 180 from our visible spectrum or more they are passing through the different dimensions of space and time from what I could tell with some geometry math on light moving along a single string of infinity and then back into normal infinite space with finite stability (the new Fibonacci sequences = energy/a disruption in the infinite value and that starts a decay of energy to stability and also the wave function of whatever left the infinite state), the disruption to the infinite state is probably the opposite wave function in the twin prime conjecture because if its a factor of x2 for wave function across multiple dimensions of space and time then the sequence can run for infinity but its stability or its - wave function would be the opposite wave so the answer to the twin prime conjecture is yes it does have a finite value but over a infinite time. Aqua Purple Blue White Green Green Black Yellow Red Orange And this when drawn and with some math applied it looks exactly like what almost all stars I have checked and some of the things the James web telescope has observed also but more importantly if we can understand totally how gravitational lensing effects light we can use a 2d image and use the light spectrum to map objects in space from the rays of colour near a gravity field and the possible spin of a galactic edge (is why I think some galaxy's appear just a bit strange but looking at some of the pixelated light I think its possible to maybe make a mapping system with a single 2d image if we factor in gravity lensing properly). So going over a few things I tried a few things out on general relativity with some changes to a few things but for the most part it is practically the same thing from our perception point in the universe. this is the idea I had with the math for it was: Stability = ⊙ = 1+><1- F1+ Energy = 1 Force squared by 2 over an area squared 2 Area = ⊙ F squared +- area = 0+ ⊙- CF+1 Constant = C / Area (Area=>1 +- the difference of force) Gravity = G +- = 1/8 C squared F+1 So what I have written down currently is this: E=GC Squared 2 (with the above mathematical changes to is what I think lead to infinite variables and the fact that everything is always slightly off with things, but that's just me with a lot of things in general) I just thought it best to share this because if it can help any areas of science or research then progress is always a good thing the more we learn the more we advance as a civilization technologically and philosophically. This Fundamental Change might just bring infinity back into finite calculating is what I'm hoping best case. The more I start figuring out with this mathematics ill try to add any posts about it but so far the trend with the math from what i can see is the basics are done for the most part and the rest of the math is there but a lot still needs to be figured out with it though but its applications could be from the atomic scale to the universe scale maybe. Have a good Day/Night all and thanks for taking a moment to check this out