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  1. We present a paper that has just been peer reviewed and accepted for publication in the EM journal IRECAP. In the paper an experiment is presented where an Electromagnetic pulse is propagated 1.5 m in the nearfield and no propagation delay was observed. The effect is predicted by standard electromagnetic theory, which is also presented. This proves that the front speed or information speed is instantanneous in the nearfield. The result is completely incompatible with Relativity. Here is preprint of the paper: https://www.techrxiv.org/doi/full/10.36227/techrxiv.170862178.82175798/v1 Dr. William Walker - PhD in physics from ETH Zurich, 1997
  2. Here is a very simple logical proof that I have just come up with that proves conclusively Relativity is just an optical illusion. It shows that Relativity has a built in logical fallacy, and no theory based on a logical falicy can be correct no matter how many experiments claim to prove it. According to Relativity, two inertial moving observers will see each others space contract and time dilate. This is a complete contradiction and a physical impossibility if the effects are real. Objects and the passage of time can not be both small and large at the ""SAME"" time for the ""SAME"" observer. The only possible explanation is that the observed effects are an optical illusion. Any theory based on Special Relativity, such as General Relativity, must also have the same problem. Consequently all of modern physics, which is based on Relativity, needs to be rethought. Again the argument is very simple and it is the argument Einstein used to derive Relativity, and no acceleration is used in the argument. A Train with length (L) traveling at constant velocity (v) relative a stationary observer on a station platform. According to Relativity, the stationary observer will see the Train contracted (L/r, where r is the Relativistic gamma), whereas an observer on the Train will see it not contracted (L). So the Train is both contracted (L/r) and not contracted (L) depending on the observer. This is a complete contradiction (L not equal L/r) and can not be true if length is real. The same argument applies to time (T not equal rT). Both observers will disagree on the passage of time. If time is real, it can not be both dilated and not dilated. If space and time are observed to be both large and small simultaneously for one inertial reference frame, such as the Train, then it must be an optical illusion. The Wang and Sten papers support my theoretical calculations. The Shantz paper supports my experimental results of the antenna experiment. Please read the following argument: Here is a very simple logical proof that I have just come up with that proves conclusively Relativity is just an optical illusion. It shows that Relativity has a built in logical fallacy, and no theory based on a logical falicy can be correct no matter how many experiments claim to prove it. According to Relativity, two inertial moving observers will see each others space contract and time dilate. This is a complete contradiction and a physical impossibility if the effects are real. Objects and the passage of time can not be both small and large at the ""SAME"" time for the ""SAME"" observer. The only possible explanation is that the observed effects are an optical illusion. Any theory based on Special Relativity, such as General Relativity, must also have the same problem. Consequently all of modern physics, which is based on Relativity, needs to be rethought. Again the argument is very simple and it is the argument Einstein used to derive Relativity, and no acceleration is used in the argument. A Train with length (L) traveling at constant velocity (v) relative a stationary observer on a station platform. According to Relativity, the stationary observer will see the Train contracted (L/r, where r is the Relativistic gamma), whereas an observer on the Train will see it not contracted (L). So the Train is both contracted (L/r) and not contracted (L) depending on the observer. This is a complete contradiction (L not equal L/r) and can not be true if length is real. The same argument applies to time (T not equal rT). Both observers will disagree on the passage of time. If time is real, it can not be both dilated and not dilated. If space and time are observed to be both large and small simultaneously for one inertial reference frame, such as the Train, then it must be an optical illusion. For more information see: YouTube presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sePdJ7vSQvQ&t=0sPaper Paper it is based on: William D. Walker and Dag Stranneby, A New Interpretation of Relativity, 2023: http://vixra.org/abs/2309.0145
  3. They are correctly describing the nearfield and show that it is instantaneous. Look a Newtons gravity law. It accurately predicts the orbits of planets, satellites, etc. Simón Laplace in the late 1700's showed that if gravity did not propagate instantaneously, then the planets in the gravitational nearfield of the sun would not be stable. This is because forces tangential to the orbits would result, causing the planets to slow down, and spiral away due to conservation of angular momentum
  4. It only takes one experiment to disprove a theory, no mater how many experiments or people claim to support it. The reasons experiments csn be wrong include: failure to consider other possible explanations, experimental results not reproducible, cherry picking experimental data to match expected results, falsification of data. Both my theoretical results and experimental results have been discovered independently by me and other researchers and the results match very well. I have posted the papers for you to see for yourselves. This is very strong evidence. Relativity is not compatible with Instantaneous speeds. In fact Relativity reduces to Galilean Relativity, where time and space are absolute. If a moving object is observed with farfield light, then time and space will appear to change, but if nearfield light is used, then time and space will be observed to be the same.
  5. If Relativity is not true the speeds faster than light are possible. So if muons travel faster than light, then they will reach the earth. The links for the papers are posted in my comment. The experiment is specifically detailed in my Superluminal paper and independently confirmed in the last paper by Shantz. No, the following force laws are known to be instantaneous: Newtons law of gravity. Coulombs law for the electric force. Biot-Savart law for the magnetic force. This is because the laws are not a function of time. But they are valid for static fields, which is true for the nearfield. So electric and magnetic fields are instantaneous in the nearfield.
  6. Einstein has taken us down a wrong path, and 100 years later, physics has not recovered from the consequences. We need to look at the clear evidence and go back to working on real physics instead of science fiction! Theory and experiments show Special Relativity and General Relativity are optical illusions. Space and time are absolute as denoted by Galilean Relativity. Hi my name is Dr William Walker and I am a PhD physicist and have been investigating this topic for 30 years. It has been known since the late 1700's by Simone Laplace that nearfield Gravity is instantaneous by analyzing the stability of the orbits of the planets about the sun. This is actually predicted by General Relativity by analyzing the propagating fields generated by an oscillating mass. In addition, General Relativity predicts that in the farfield Gravity propagates at the speed of light. The farfield speed of gravity was recently confirmed by Ligo. Recently it has been shown that light behaves in the same way by using Maxwell's equations to analalyze the propagating fields generated my an oscillating charge. For more information search: William Walker Superluminal. This was experimentally confirmed by measuring radio waves propagating between 2 antennas and separating the antennas from the nearfield to the farfield, which occurs about 1 wavelength from the source. This behavior of gravity and light occurs not only for the phase and group speed, but also the information speed. This instantaneous nature of light and gravity near the source has been kept from the public and is not commonly known. The reason is that it shows that both Special Relativity and General Relativity are wrong! It can be easily shown that Instantaneous nearfield light yields Galilean Relativity and farfield light yields Einstein Relativity. This is because in the nearfield, gamma=1since c= infinity, and in the farfield, gamma= the Relativistic gamma since c= farfield speed of light. Since time and space are real, they can not depend on the frequency of light used. This is because c=wavelength x frequency, and 1 wavelength=c/frequency defines the nearfield from the farfield. Consequently Relativity is an optical illusion. Objects moving near the speed of light appear to contract in length and time appears to slow down, but it is just what you see using farfield light. Using nearfield light you will see that the object has not contracted and time has not changed. For more information: Search William Walker Relativity. Since General Relativity is based on Special Relativity, General Relativity must also be an optical illusion. Spacetime is flat and gravity must be a propagating field. Researchers have shown that in the weak field limit, which is what we only observe, General Relativity reduces to Gravitoelectromagnitism, which shows gravity can be modeled as 4 Maxwell equations similar in form to those for electromagnetic fields, yielding Electric and Magnetic components of gravity. This theory explains all gravitational effects as well as the instantaneous nearfield and speed of light farfield propagating fields. So gravity is a propagating field that can finally be quantized enabling the unification of gravity and quantum mechanics. References: -------------------- William D. Walker, PhD Thesis - Gravitational Studies, ETH Zurich, 1997 https://drive.google.com/file/d/10TfEEYIa7FyOAJAr2dwKCQKE7qnMfnNs/view?usp=drivesdk William D. Walker, Superluminal Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields Generated in the Nearfield of Dipole Sources, 2006 https://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0603240 William D. Walker, Nearfield Electromagnetic Effects on Einstein Special Relativity, 2007 https://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0702166 Z. Wang, ‘New Investigations on Superluminal Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Nondispersive Media’, Nov. (2003). https://arxiv.org/vc/physics/papers/0311/0311061v1.pdf J. C. Sten and A. Hujanen, ‘Aspects on the Phase Delay and Phase Velocity in the Electromagnetic Near-Field’, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 56, 67-80, (2006). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/254072994_Aspects_on_the_phase_delay_and_phase_velocity_in_the_electromagnetic_near-field Hans G. Shantz, "Near Field Phase Behavior", 2005 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/4199558_Near_field_phase_behavior
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