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jeff einstein

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  1. Thanks for your help!!
  2. Like @exchemist said I don't want anything about energy. an example of what I am asking is a reaction between calcium chloride and sodium carbonate or a reaction between potassium chloride solution. I want to know two things what is the result of the two examples (i already know the answer) and what is the stat of the results, so i know if there is any precipitate at the end? I know the answer to this but what if I got a double displacement reaction between two unknown compounds how do I find all of this Isn't there supposed to be a method for finding out or something?
  3. recently I have been studying methods of separation in chemistry in school. When I browse up some past papers it involves some hard double displacement reactions I am not aware of and the state it results in. I have searched the internet for identifying products of double displacement reaction but I have not gotten any useful information. Please give me an easy method to find the state matter of a compound by looking at its chemical formula (I mostly need it for ionic compounds). Also, it helped me find the products of double displacement reactions.
  4. *regardless of mass
  5. ok whats next so a1 = a2 as in m1 and m2 respectively? so basically m1 and m2 have the exact same acceleration regardless of size? or is this when both masses are equal of course it seems more obvious in this way apart from the equation and the maths, in the diagram I have drawn if the center of "collision" is towards the greater mass then the larger mass shall accelerate towards the collision point but as we see the distance between the larger masses distance from the collision point is larger compared to the smaller mass and thus if both accelerate towards each other then the larger mass should accelerate slower or this would result in the collision point occurring in the middle which is not true. so i say a1 is not equal to a2
  6. ok isn't that just further proving my point Are you opposing my theory or supporting it?
  7. good sir I do have medium knowledge about frames of reference and I do study outside the school syllabus and I know more about physics than i should for my grade. anyway, the two questions you asked are more out of topic if I am not wrong cause this is a thought experiment. just to clear things up both objects mentioned have no motion and have no external forces acting on them second they accelerate towards each other because of gravity. and about the masses being at rest, yes they are at rest but empty space, where as i said there is no external force on them and the initial masses are not in motion and arent spinning or anything like that.
  8. no, the larger mass is not fixed in space. and as many of you have told yes even though my effect is true it is very very very very very very small that it can be ignored
  9. hi, I am a physics student in grade eleven. I do not have much knowledge of physics but I have a doubt: i am well aware of the theory that all masses dropped at the same height from earth will accelerate at the same speed but i say this is wrong i have come up with a possible contradiction for this: In the first case, both masses are the same and accelerate toward each other at the same rate. Now in cases 2 and 3, I have reduced the mass (m1), as this happens point of collision moves towards the greater mass. Now let's consider that all 3 collisions take the exact same time for collision. the distance between the objects in all three cases is the same. Now looking specifically at cases 2 and 3 we can see that the m1 object has a larger distance to cover compared to the m2 object. Because of this, I conclude that acceleration has to be different in both cases. Yes, I have kind of magnified this idea in the thought experiment, but even though (if this effect is true) this effect is very very insignificant. it's still present. Yes, this may not affect physical experiments at large, but I still persist that the effect is present. PS: If this thought experiment is false feel free to challenge me. use the trailing image for reference. hope i get a opposition soon!!
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