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  1. Not in cyberspace, the action of opening the box can trigger the creation of the gift.
  2. But were the items placed in the box when presented or when opened? Not really a question, just an observation of how things work in cyberspace v the physical universe. I thought it an interesting diddy.
  3. And only God knows if the cat is dead or alive. Truth be known, the fate of the entire universe is predetermined, the coding of physics.
  4. The diagram is misleading as a 20° angle is not greater than a 40° angle... just saying.
  5. The answer is not 25% or 50% so one might mistakenly assume that b is the correct choice, however... b is self referencing, in the negative. If you choose b it will be wrong, so the answer is 0%. We were not asked which is correct, just the odds of randomly selecting the correct answer.
  6. You are playing a video game, you have received a "gift" box, it could contain one of many items... has the box contents been determined as it was presented or will the contents be determined as you open it? Is the box empty or does it already contain a gift?
  7. Alone, it cannot have spin, it has no dimension.
  8. Perhaps the entity is not a member of the standard model. Alone this point source, spinless, dimensionless, massless etc. entity is nothing, but it resides on the edge of existence… with the addition of another such entity, we have dimension, spin, polarity. With the addition of an infinitum of such we have mass, as an extrinsic property a result of the gravitational field. I have even found that configurations of these entities can produce electromagnetism, my apologies however… I am currently working on schematic demonstrations of this. I have developed a system of measurement units that can be used until a connection can be made between these configurations and the members of the standard model.
  9. A fine article… a particle with spin 0 is a different animal than a non-particle with no spin however.
  10. could the graviton be a primal entity? Every particle, field and force produced by graviton configurations? For example, could mass be an extrinsic property resulting from a universe of graviton influence... something of a cosmic gelatin? Could the photon be a very high frequency gravitational wave packet?
  11. What is real? Real is what we can detect and interpret with our 5 senses, tools and methods enhance the usefulness of our senses... is it real? Well are you able to interpret it?
  12. Could it be that it is a point source of gravitation, no spin, no dimension, no charge... etc.?
  13. You are over complicating, as the two approach each other or recede, the gravitational field, time and space is distorted accordingly, so a comoving observer would always observe the same distance separating the two. To restate, as the distance between the two diminshes, the gravitational force vector between them increases in amplitude and time/space undergoes distortion equivalent to the increase in gravitational field strength.
  14. I never said the black holes were waves. I do see where you are misled, when I state “wave A” I am referring to the wave constituent produced by black hole “A”, I apologise.
  15. Yes of course inspiral. Thank you, a very good article.. I am foolishly investigating if photons could be very short wavelength gravitational waves.
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