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Everything posted by AronN3

  1. Well, if that's the only inconvenience addition of more water or fast separation of the solution from precipitation might work, however the concern is whether it will work will ZnSO4 😮‍💨 I cant find any other direct and simple way. This is another video of the same method however he managed to make 80% sulphuric acid. I want to do this similar method using Zinc Sulphate 😃
  2. That's the point 😓, I followed a video which use Copper sulphate and it worked for me but due to high expense of it i cant make a large amount of it. Since Amount of H2SO4(unit amount)= 0.6 × CuSO4 (unit amount) So i need a lot of Sulphate salts for making medium quantities. This is the video. That's why i want to use Zinc Sulphate It has less water content **Cause of monohydrate instead of pentahydrate** Although for copper sulphate to react with water it didn't need any external heat, the reaction was instant how it wasn’t the same for zinc sulphate *dont know if it needed heat or something like ferrous sulphate* so I was skeptical. It should've worked or am I missing something here. The only strong acid, I have access is HCl However its just comes as Tiles cleaner (30% HCl solution *I am not sure what other contents are present at the rest of 70% and it might produce impurities* ) So its just frustrating. 🙁
  3. Yes, later if its boiled then sulphate ion concentration should increase ( making uo to 80-95% sulphuric acid also excess oxalic acid should react afterwards and dissepear [absolute win - win 😀] ). The thing is a high number of people (even youtubers) have tried this with CuSO4 but shouldn’t it be same for ZnSO4 .
  4. I did a little reading, while everyone wrote, about synthesis of Sulphuric acid using Oxalic acid & Cu,Fe,Mg (Sulphates) . No one were mentioning neither anywhere mentioned Zinc sulphate (neither anyone used it in electrolysis) where Zinc Oxalate has almost same solubility as Ferric oxalate . Isn't it possible 🤔 or something I am not seeing! Where i live its much cheaper than Cu,Fe sulphates ("MgSO4 is cheapest however I don't like to use it because of lower success rate") H2C2O4(aq) + ZnSO4(aq) + (Heat??) = H2SO4(aq)+ ZnC2O4 (s) 🤕🤕
  5. I can do that same with this reaction by using H2O2 i instead of water. But i was looking for a more easy and direct approach. Copper sulphate does better in this case. However its a disaster for cleanup as like as burning sulphur, that's why I was looking for an alternative . The first reaction is very convenient since the byproducts are only gases. But later I thought second reactions might also occur so I need some advises from experts 🥙🤠. I used to make it by distilling battery acid (35%) but it is now replaced with electrolyte gel . Really puzzled 🫥 cant get to Ti-Pt electrodes not even MMO(or leadO2 and to make PbO2 i need sulphuric acid) for electrolysis. And using graphite is wasting time since it will look like I am producing graphite powder instead of Sulphuric acid😅 there's another way for anode is to use Sn-Pb soldering iron 😬 but i haven't tried it unsure whether it will work (a deep grudge against PbSO4). So that's why i was just hoping to find a direct approach for making it. 😮‍💨
  6. Instead of CuSO4 if we use Sulphur in H2C2O4 the reaction as follows, H2C2O4 + S = H2SO4 + CO2 + H2S(😶‍🌫️) or it can follow H2C2O4 + S = SO2 + CO2 +H2O (sealed reaction) so that Sulphir dioxide can react with the water 🤔 . Just hate CuC2O4 precipitation too much effort. 🤕
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