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A kind of manifestation, in which I prove that the Quantum Physics is wrong, Einstein’s Postulates should be changed and other nasty things. Because my speculations are proved by double-slit, diffraction and other experiments… All because I use molar masses and volumes. Continuation of Einstein's Theory of Relativity Abstract. The topic of molar masses and volumes, their application to Einstein's theory of relativity has never been raised in Physics. Therefore, it is not possible to make any references and footnotes to any literature and authors, who dealt with the problem. Poincaré's Recurrence Theorem is modified. The formula for the interaction is constructed, using the altered Newton's for gravity, Coulomb, and Ampere laws. Newton's three laws and Maxwell's equations are rewritten. Quantum entanglement, double-slit, displacement current, as well as Hafele-Keating and perihelion Mercury, corona of the Sun and clouds of the Earth have found a new interpretation Introduction. The topic of molar masses and volumes, their application to Einstein's theory of relativity has never been raised in Physics. Therefore, it is not possible to make any references and footnotes to any literature and authors, who dealt with the problem. The material points, however, as non-unique and multiple, while their sizes, shapes, and internal structure are ignored, have been used for centuries to solve all kinds of problems. For example, to find a bicycle parameters, which moves from point A to point B, to analyze the trajectory of a ball thrown askew, or the interaction of multiple particles, etc. To oppose the use of material a new kind point is introduced; where it substitutes any physical object, has its molar mass and volume, it is unique (there is no other like it), has two parts (elements), and analysis or which is conducted through these two elements only. Existence. Only what, in many experiments, under approximately similar conditions, provides the same result, exists in our Universe. The material points do not and cannot participate in any experiment, because they can be performed in the world with accumulation points only. Indeed, everything around us has its volume, while material points do not, even if they do really exist, as shown below. So they do not exist. Accumulation Point. Traditionally, the following definition is given: an accumulation point of a set M — the point x of the topological space X ⊃ M, where any neighborhood of x contains an infinite number of points from M (reference to dictionary). The same definition being modified for Einstein’s theory: point x has molar mass and volume (“space X") and contains the entire Universe ("space M”). Molar Mass and Volume. A mole is an artificial quantity used to simplify calculations, such as the amount of substance that contains as many smallest particles as there are in 12 grams of one of the isotopes of carbon — C12. For all chemical substances, this quantity is the same and represents Avogadro's number, which is the number of molecules, ions, or other smallest particles in 1 mole of a substance. The Avogadro number is used in the theory, to count the elements. Standard Model and Minimal Particle. Only the hypothesis that a photon has no mass is of interest to the Continuation in the Standard Model. The smallest element of everything that exists, its building block, is considered to be the photon: something with less mass than none cannot exist; where light and the photon are one and the same. The absence of mass makes the photon a non-existent entity in a world where everything has mass. Indeed, the photon has never been observed and, for example, photographed, until it encounters a camera; where photography is understood as interaction. Flashlight experiment. Seeing the light emitted by a flashlight, a person makes the emitted photons part of his eye, he interacts converting the photons into his eye elements. Or the photocamera makes them its elements. However, never light was observed unless it became an element, which indirectly proves that the photon has no mass, because everything else in the Universe can be seen. Subjects and objects. Subjects are the same accumulation points, which are formed from the same photons. For example, the article [2] says that when considering a pedestrian who, on the way from point A to point B, suddenly turns to point C, the cause for the decision is in the striving toward the "becoming better"; where "better" is the certain ratio of his molar mass and volume; there is no quantitative difference between objects and subjects, they are all the same. Space. Space is understood as the molar volume, an orisphere in the spirit of Lobachevsky's geometry [1]; where it is a sphere with an infinitely increasing radius, which makes its molar volume equal to the entire Universe. There are numerous experiments proving the existence of the orisphere: Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon that occurs when particles interact in such a way that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when the particles are separated by a large distance. The experiment, when a change in one photon is reflected in a change in another, wherever it is, and where the states of the two are interdependent, shows that any photon is literally the entire Universe. Or displacement current, when the current in the capacitor exists despite the open circuit, despite it without a medium between its plates: the changes in the orisphere of the atom, in one plate of it, leads to the appearance of current in the atom behind a break in the circuit, which can be observed at the other side of the Universe. Or the double-slit experiment, when the interference pattern appears on the screen only when the width of the slits approaches the size, due to the ratio of the molar mass to volume, for the atom of the slit’s wall. Certain, if the width of the slots is increased, then the illumination of the screen will increase, but the severity of the minima and maxima of the fringes into the interference pattern will gradually fall, until they disappears completely— the slit becomes much bigger than the atom’s orisphere and the orisphere knows no boundaries, is not limited. Why orisphere and not field? For example, in physics it is a common statement that the strength of the magnetic field decreases with increasing external distance, which in the Continuation it changes due to an increase in the internal molar volume. So, the orispere is used to point out that internal observation takes place. Relativity. There is no relativity in the Continuation: all the Universe exists within only one orispere, for only two parts of only one body. Coordinate system. There is only one and only coordinate system, called Egocentric [2]: only the number of elements and time are taken into account. Everything else, which exists, is represented through a constant in the interaction formula. String Theory. The Continuation accepts, adapting it to its own requirements, the fundamental concept of String Theory that there are strings and multi-universe, asserting that there are two kind of strings below: a material point, which is a -2-brane; a material point-string is a -1-brane; a membrane, point of accumulation is a 0-brane, localized in Minkowski spacetime, has two predicates (derived from the late Latin "praedicatum," signifying the property that distinguishes an object); something is a +1-brane, and so on. Uniqueness. Only photons are indistinguishable from each other because they lack their molar mass as a second predicate, where two predicates create uniqueness. All the photons are one and the same, which creates a dead end controversy and paradox in our Universe, and therefore makes the photons do not exist. This is the answer to Leibniz, who raised the question of the identity of indiscernibles [3]: the indiscernible becomes unique only after acquiring its mass. Law of Nature. The presented Law of Nature is a transformed ergodic Poincaré Recurrence Theorem, which originally told that certain dynamical systems will, after a sufficiently long but finite time, return to a state arbitrarily close to, or exactly the same as their initial state. Therefore, the Law of Nature, in the presence of molar characteristics and absence of any distance in particular, and geometry in general, goes like this: — In a given molar volume there is always only this number of photons. The Law is proved by the existence of the periodic table of chemical elements, where each atom always has a fixed number of its elements. Russell-Zermelo paradox. Answering Russell's question: "Does the set of all contain itself as its element?", The continuation answers that the "set of all" contains several (probably four and much more) kinds of points, each of which has different sets of predicates. For example, the "barber's paradox": Imagine a barber living in a certain village, who shaves all the villagers who do not shave themselves, and only them. Does the barber shave himself? Russell and Zermelo formulated in the era when there were no atomic explosions, during which a large number of photons are released; where these explosions are the transition of accumulation into material points, the loss of one of two predicates. Then the radiated photons, according to the Law of Nature, sooner or later all return to their former shape (they are the same, cannot be said that a new photon that came back, or the old one), and the barber appears from oblivion, safe and sound, and already "clean-shaven", starting to shave everyone. Laser. Laser is a device that converts pumping energy (light, electrical, thermal, chemical, etc.) into energy of coherent radiation flux, light. Thus we have another experimental proof that accumulation points (of thermal, chemical, etc. nature) can become material points, which means that the barber can become literally nothing and come out of nowhere, back as something. Niels Bohr. Bohr postulated that electrons are in quantized energy states where they can emit or absorb photons. Bohr also argued that an atom can be in special stationary quantum states, each of which corresponds to a certain energy; in this stationary state, the atom does not emit electromagnetic waves. The Continuation absorbs these brilliant ideas, especially Bohr's remarkable idea of stationary: there is a state when the accumulation point contains all its elements, which leads to the termination of its existence and becoming material. That is, in Bohr’ terms, if an atom does not emit, then it does not exist: how can one say that something exists if it doesn’t interact? Postulates. The Postulate 1, as Einstein's principle of relativity, says: - The laws of nature are the same in all coordinate systems, moving in a straight line and uniformly relative to each other. In the light of the above said, the laws mentioned in passing by Einstein are concretized in one and monotheistic, so the Postulate I now: - The number of elements in a given molar volume is constant. Postulate II of the Continuation: - The time of inclusion of a photon in any set is the minimum possible. Einstein, in his Postulate 2, about the speed of light, said the same thing, from a different perspective: - The speed of light in a vacuum is the same in all coordinate systems, moving in a straight line and uniformly relative to each other. Indeed, if the speed of movement is maximum, then the time of interaction with something is minimal; there time in the presented Continuation is measured in the standard units: hours, minutes, etc. Time standard. There is an absolute standard of time. The presence of this standard time means that there is no need to synchronize many clocks: one clock for two parts of the same body is what truly exists and more than enough. Other standards. There is no need to measure distance and have its standard, as well as any other standard. Geometry. The rejection of geometry occurs for a purely formal reason: there is no one, literally not a single material point through which it is possible to draw a straight line or build a plane. Therefore no Euclidean or Riemannian, or any other geometry in this theory. And in any other. The Axiom. The only Axiom: — There are always two parts of any body. Force. A formula for the force of interaction is obtained, through the change of material to accumulation points, into the formulas for Newton’s gravity, Coulomb and Ampere; where a movement of two parts of one is substituted by harmonic functions: m1 and l1 are one molar mass and volume of one part, m2 and l 2 are the second part’s molar mass and volume, dm and dl are the increments of these molar masses and volumes, the ratio of M and L forms a constant, which characterizes the number of all other both existing and not points in the Universe; in some sense the constantly changing constant represent what is called “dark matter”, plus all the existing matter, F is the force of interaction, t is time, the natural number 0 signifies the beginning of one and its end, that is the moment when the increments cease to exist, only one predicate left, and the "collapse" of the function occurs, tr is one of the trigonometric functions cos, sin, sec and cosec. The formula says that there is always a tendency of a body to the stationary, in Bohr’s sense, state; where there is no increments dl or dm in this state. The formula is proved by the existence of nuclear explosions: so called “critical mass” means that there are all elements in the volume, and there are no their increments. Practice. After the number and direction for the force are calculated (from one part to another), classical mechanics is employed with its three-dimensional space and time, its Minkowski space: the centers of the two elements of this one are connected by a chord with the cut ends, a vector, directed from one part to another, is constructed. For example, the vector for the Earth, when interacting with the Moon, is built along the chord (with the cut ends) connecting their centers. Quantum physics. Quantum physics is wrong using only the material points, ignoring molar characteristics and, especially, molar volume. Thus Quantum must be ignored as well. The problem of three or more bodies. In the Continuation there is no problem of two, three, or more bodies. Density layer. From the formula follows the presence of density layers, as molar volumes and masses; where each layer, in its certain volume, has a strict number of photons in it. For example, the orbit of an electron in its atom is a layer, as a planetary orbit in its star system. Or the slit’s border atoms have limitations into their orispheres. But if the molar characteristics are in “short supply” — for example, there are not enough photons — then this accumulation point is not formed: humans do not have layers, as well as cars, trees, meteorites and molecules. The density of a body is calculated as the ratio of either its molar mass to volume, or its molar volume to mass, which follows from the fact that gasses and metals exist in the periodic table for chemical elements: for the gasses their density is the ratio of their molar mass to volume, and metals vice versa. In a sense, such density is symmetry that replaces supersymmetry, being confirmed experimentally, while supersymmetry has nothing proved but empty words: there is only the above ratio as the basis of this new (super)symmetry. The number of elements in the layers depends on their radius to the center of an orisphere; which, for example, is proved by the difference in pressure at a depth of 10 km, at sea level and altitude of 10 km; as well as numbers of electrons into atoms. That is, the Standard Model is a completely symmetrical model. Archimedes' law. Archimedes' law says that a body immersed in a liquid or gas is affected by a buoyant force numerically equal to the weight of the volume of liquid or gas displaced by the body. Therefore, the gravel flying out from under the wheels of the car, is pushed out of the density layer in which it was in an equilibrium-stationary state, under the influence of its molar characteristics change, rising into the density layer where its internal parameters, changed by the tires of the car, again correspond to the stationary state. After its molar mass and volume decrease, it falls down, thus acquires equilibrium with the environment again, those with a density layer. Hafele-Keating. Hafele and Keating circled the globe twice, first traveling eastward and then westward, with four sets of cesium atomic clocks. They then compared the "traveling" clocks with identical clocks that remained at the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO), as part of an experiment intended to test the theory of relativity. The aim was to demonstrate the reality of the twin paradox – The essence of the paradox: there are two twin brothers; one of them – referred to as the "traveler" – goes on a space journey, while the other – referred to as the "stay-at-home" – remains on Earth; after the journey, the traveler returns to Earth, and it is claimed that one is older than the other, as predicted by the theory of relativity, which involves time dilation for moving objects, as well as gravitational time dilation. Since then, after Hafele-Keating, it was believed that the theory was proven; and it is verified indeed, but not in the way Hafele and Keating thought. The Continuation claims that the Hafele-Keating experiment unequivocally proves that density layers are real. For instance, the four atomic clocks at an altitude of 10 km become, at their hardware, different by the number of photons, from one left at the sea level, which is obvious from the indication of different times, and which is proved by the above mentioned difference in the air pressure. The same happens with GPS: there is no acceleration or deceleration of time, but there more or less photons: GPS are physically different as hardware. Indeed, photons can penetrate and stay as internal elements, which is confirmed by the presence of the fringes in the interference pattern and perihelion of Mercury. As for the "twin paradox": in the above interaction formula, there is only one clock participating for two parts of one; where twins always interact, compose a unity, see quantum entanglement experiments. The same clock cannot lag behind itself! Perihelion of Mercury. Mercury deviates from the precession predicted based on Newton's law for gravity, there this anomalous precession of the perihelion of Mercury's orbit was first recognized in the mid-19th century as a problem of celestial mechanics and still plays an exceptional role in Physics. Einstein developed the general theory of relativity, where the equations predicted precisely the value that was actually observed. The Continuation explains why such a displacement occurs, without objecting Einstein’s result a bit, and without applying the gravitational force because there is only one. When the number of elements, in the molar volume of Mercury, exceeds its stationary one, since particles are obtained from the solar wind and photons from the Sun, then Mercury changes its orbit to get rid of the excess by emitting it. After the surplus is gone, Mercury receives a stationary ratio of molar characteristics back and returns to the old orbit, which is another proof of the layers of density existence. The corona of the Sun and the Earth clouds. A corona, in Astronomy, is the outermost layer of a star's atmosphere, which consists of plasma. The Sun's corona lies above the chromosphere and extends millions of kilometers into outer space, while the clouds of the Earth are an airborne product of water vapor condensation in the atmosphere. The corona and clouds are the same density layers of the Continuation, which explains why billions and trillions of tons can hover. Ether and vacuum. Ether, as a medium, does not exist, at least in a quantitative sense, just like there is no vacuum: a number cannot be assigned to material points and nothing. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle states that we cannot simultaneously know the position and velocity of a particle, such as a photon or an electron, with perfect precision; the more precisely we determine the position of the particle, the less we know about its velocity, and vice versa. In the discussed theory there is no uncertainty principle, as in a molar volume, sooner or later, there will be exactly such a quantity of elements. (God does not play dice!) This is demonstrated by the periodic table of chemical elements, which has only those accumulation points that have density layers. Copenhagen interpretation. The Copenhagen interpretation discusses the relationship between quantum objects and classical measuring instruments, in the presence of the wave-particle dualism concept (the last is caused by the wrong interpretation of double-slit experiment and the phenomenon of interference and fringes). However, in the Continuation: There is no dualism in the double-slit because the photons are particles, and the interference is a product of the slits edges. There is no difference between quantum and non-quantum objects, because quantitatively everything is the same. There are no measuring instruments, since any such device is one of two interacting parts of a body. The Copenhagen interpretation is wrong. Wave function and Schrödinger equations. There is no wave function, since there is no distance between, space and medium, and therefore there is no “a place". Schrödinger's equations are meaningless for the same exact reason. Schrödinger's cat. Schrödinger's cat cannot be isolated from the outside world because only nothing, for instance photons, can be, and everything that happens can be detected and observed. There can be not a hint of superposition! Lorentz transformations, force and groups. There is no distance between and no Lorenz. Spin. As follows from the formula for the force of interaction - the increment and change of molar characteristics is continuous, until the trigonometric functions reach their limit. Which finds its expression in the spins, for instance, of electrons. And stars. And planets. However, humans, molecules and trees do not have spins. Double-slit. Double-slit experiment: interference and diffraction. The double-slits clearly demonstrates that any interference-diffraction pattern is formed by photons as particles, which do not have any wave properties. In the mentioned above double-slits experiment (as with soap bubbles, or in any other on diffraction and interference), under the influence of light (the Einstein photoelectric effect), atoms at the edges of the slits (or in the walls of the bubble, or in any other obstacle in the way of light) receive defects, that is, their number of elements is changed; This leads to the appearance of the interaction force, the formula of which is given above; Under the influence of this force, the above atoms capture photons flying past, the receipt of which contributes to the restoration of these atoms’ stationary state, that is the decrease or increase of their dm and/or dl; The captured photons are incorporated into electrons and nucleons; Electrons and nucleons have spins, exist in time, and then the emission of the photons does not occur immediately but with a delay, because there is the standard of time mentioned above, which is seen as dark and light fringes in the interference patterns. The Continuation recognizes only the classical physics and mechanics, and therefore, in the case of the diffraction, the above spins contribute to the circumference of obstacles and the penetration of photons into the "geometric shadow", due to their torsion. The Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect (LPM) proves the role of the bubbles’ and double-slits’ atoms in the interference-diffraction: the photon slow and production of pairs happen, due to high energies or high matter densities. Plank constant. There is no energy and frequency in the Continuation, the Plank constant has nor place. The limit. The natural numbers 0 and 1 are the limits in the Continuation, for the trigonometric functions, as the only two Natural numbers. Moreover, 0 is equal to 1, as the beginning coincides with the end; that can be seen from the graphs of the trigonometric functions cos, sin, cosec and sec. Newton's laws rewritten into molar quantities. The First Law: — There is material and continued material point. Second Law: — Becoming a point of accumulation, the material point acquires its molar mass and volume. Newton's Third Law: — Point of accumulation tends to get rid of its molar volume and become a material point. Electricity and magnetism. Electricity and magnetism are manifestations of the body's stationary state. Since the defect of the body can be both the lack of molar volume and mass, the restoration of volume is electric, masses are magnetic properties; while magnetic can be electric, and vice versa. Maxwell's equations rewritten for molar characteristics. 1) The law for the increment of the molar volume: the increment of the molar volume leads to the emergence of the force of interaction, manifested as electricity D. 2) The law for the increment of the molar mass: the increment of the molar mass leads to the emergence of the force of interaction, manifested as magnetism B. 3) The law of the transition of the increment of the molar mass to the increment of the molar volume: the increment of one leads to the increment of the other E. 4) The law of transition of the increment of the molar volume to the increment of the molar mass: the increment of one leads to the increment of the other H. Entropy. Material points come and go from our Universe, as photons: the transition of the forth, after accumulation, kind to our Universe, along the center of the orisphere, seems to happen. Indeed, atoms, planets and stars exist for billions of years, while they do not have enough substance for thermonuclear fusion. Regarding all other particles and molecules, except for photons, the ratio of their molar volumes and masses is such that they do not form orispheres, and energy could not emerge from the fourth kind; where all particles and molecules can only be elements. Conclusion. Firstly, the photons are particles. Secondly, physical bodies do not have any wave properties. Thirdly, the Copenhagen interpretation and quantum physics are wrong. Fourth, Einstein’s theory of relativity is proven one more time. Fifth, there are likely to be numerous kinds of points with unknown yet predicates. References. Encyclopedia Mathematical Dictionary. Moscow. Soviet Encyclopedia. 1988 NIST Special Publication 500-272: The Fifteenth Text REtrieval Conference Proceedings (TREC 2006) Answering Factoid and Definition Questions: On Information for an Object. Ilya Geller. Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 14-17, 2006. G.Leibniz. Monadology. ThriftBooks-Dallas (Dallas, TX, U.S.A.). 2009 H.Poincaré. Sur le problème des trois corps et les équations de la dynamique. Acta Mathematica. 1890.