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Everything posted by LaraKnowles

  1. I'm not denying he had sleep apnea and took sleeping pills and wine. I am asking how the tampons could have contributed (the coroner said they did) https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/12117183.man-dies-in-bid-to-stop-his-snoring/ if humans are allegedly able to breathe through their mouths during sleep.
  2. If humans can breathe through their mouths how could the tampons have contributed at all? Do you believe that humans can breathe through their mouths when their nose is blocked or not?
  3. So, why did the coroner say the tampons (blocking the nose) contributed to him suffocating? https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/12117183.man-dies-in-bid-to-stop-his-snoring/#:~:text=Mr Mark Gleeson%2C 26%2C of,took a few sleeping tablets. If humans can breathe through their mouths during sleep, how could him being unable to breathe through his nose have contributed in any way?
  4. https://www.thefreelibrary.com/DIY+snoring+cure+killed+man+of+26%3B+Tampons+put+up+nose.-a061333426  The coroner, Michael Burgess, concluded that he suffocated in his sleep mainly because he was unable to breathe through his nose, which was blocked (by tampons). Every medical website I can find says that people can breathe through their mouth, which contradicts the articles. Which is true? These two things directly contradict the other.
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