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    Science, the universe, nature.

    Not very knowledgeable, just enjoy wondering.
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    BSc applied physics
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    Mum, not much else happening. Just mumming.
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  1. The light wave that we see, is the same as the light seen at the source however long ago. If you consider the big bang, the initial explosion creating very high frequency em waves, as the universe has expanded those waves have been stretched, meaning that if we existed however long ago, we would have seen space work its way through the visible colours of the spectrum. I thing logically it might be easier to perceive expansion of space than the expansion of time but time in terms of the growth of space is moving because space is expanding. But also, slowing down. How we feel that as humans, I don't know. Kind of like an expanding foam. Everything that exists when the foam is first sprayed has come from the can and is expanding in all directions rather than moving. And at first it expands pretty fast and then starts to slow down as it can't expand anymore. This then makes me wonder if space is elastic and will it boing back in on itself but I doubt it.
  2. Do you think COVID - 19 will still be called COVID19 in a hundred years and people will be wondering what the 19 means?
  3. Made me think of grooves in an old record and the pin that reads the grooves is like the object travelling around the large body of mass. I assumed two bodies regardless of size interact with each other and the gravitational pull is experienced from each object by each object but the smaller object has a smaller effect and if small enough then the force it causes is relatively negligible compared to that of the larger object. For discussions sake, let's imagine the grooves... The sun travels through space (or is expanded through space), would the grooves travel through space too? Would they be stretched through space as the universe is expanding? Earth drives in one of these grooves around the sun whilst the sun is moving through space. Like a flying record frisbeeing through space. Is that the idea? Do objects in that groove need to have certain characteristics? Would anything passing through be affected by the groove? Could the object that travels distort the field and the travelling repeatedly be what creates this. Like if you draw a circle with a pen repeatedly and it depressed the paper an eventually the pen finds it easier to travel in the groove it made? Just throwing your ideas about and speculating. I personally don't think there are grooves but I can imagine, (assuming the space around objects is moving with the objects through space) that objects repeatedly interacting with space could create some kind of energy distortion but that would mean that space is an object of a sort like an ether.
  4. Okaaayy. So reading through this thread, my brain is like whaaa? So, from the original post, I was confused. You call it Rumpelstiltskin because he split in two? But your theory is about things wanting to be stable and wanting to survive? As if they are living? Which I get but, this contradicts the Rumpelstiltskin name right? Anyway... To focus on the point... Is the universe alive at the atomic scale? I have to agree somewhat. I wouldn't even begin to try to comprehend an equation for that. I don't think the dynamics of the quantum universe can be wrapped up in one simple equation. Heck, even human life can't be. But, the universe has a lot of symmetry and there are fractals everywhere, who's to say that doesn't extend beyond the field we experience. I wonder if Earth is a living creature. It has a heart beat apparently, and em field like our brains, iron blood (the core) which bleeds out of volcanos, lots of villi (trees), bacteria/parasites living on it that both hurt it and help it live (like the bacteria in our guts). It has cycles.
  5. I don't feel in my being that time began at the big bang. Time probably doesn't actually exist as a tangible element. Time in the universe feels to me like it is just the expansion of space. I wonder if big bangs are created inside black holes and so time began however long ago in the original 'dimension' if you will. Not set on these ideas, I have lots of thoughts and feelings that probably contradict each other that just pop into my brain.
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