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Muhammad Owais Isaac

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Everything posted by Muhammad Owais Isaac

  1. "It's better to imagine the universe in a different way than lying down like a dead " In this topic we not only going to discuss gravitational binding that holds the things remotely in space - time continuum but we will also try to comprehend the nature and source of this binding . Is this binding , a force or something else ? Reader should note that this imaginative stuff need not be a true delineation but a possible explanation . It must be noted that big bang is not centre of the universe but it marked the emergence and merging of the time dimension with point where density of energy was infinite or maximum possible. The universe is expanding and I assume that space time fabric density is decreasing in all the regions equally except the regions occupied by matter . There is no preferred centre of the universe but it has got point where expansion of the universe does not cause decrease in density of the space time fabric but it increases unlike in the regions away from this point where fabric density decreases with expansion and it is probably because of the supper massive black hole or any other giant celestial stuff in the pseudo centre of the universe . Now let us try to unfold why matter appears to be attracting each other , let us call this attraction by the well known term gravitation . This gravitation in my view is a tendency of matter to occupy the space - time fabric of higher density in its vicinity and this density is always higher in the regions occupied by the massive material bodies as compared to lighter bodies . It means that density of space time fabric in any region occupied by matter is directly proportional to its mass . Hence we conclude that lighter objects spiral towards the heavier objects in space time fabric or towards the region of higher density space time fabric ( planets do not spiral into the star because star itself spiral towards the region of the higher density space - time fabric and so on . In addition to this tendency , matter has another tendency to spiral towards the pseudo centre of the universe or the region of most dense space - time fabric formed by the supper massive black hole or X body . The density of space - time fabric at this point of the universe increases with time . Magnitude of sum of the increase in density of the spacetime fabric by all matter is more than the increasing density of the space - time at the pseudo centre of the universe but it does not mean influence of density of the space time fabric at the pseudo centre is negligible ; it plays a vital role in holding the celestial clusters in the universe . Matter is uniformly and randomly distributed in space which means that mass of bodies do not make them region specific or confined to particular region but distributed randomly . All the heavy bodies are not near the pseudo centre but away from it also hence smaller celestial bodies or their clusters move away from this pseudo centre and some towards it and the net movement is not zero but it goes unnoticed on cosmic scale . The tendency of matter to spiral towards the centre of the universe and towards the region of higher density produced by the giant matter have no doubt different intensities because of the different densities of space time fabric at these two regions . The distance is also a factor that determines where the material bodies move , hence the smaller bodies spiral towards the regions of higher density created by the giant bodies and we shall also note that those giant bodies are continuously in attempt to spiral towards the higher density region in their vicinity which maintains the constant distance between the celestial bodies or systems . There are some regions in the universe where space time fabric is altered by the giant matter to such an extent that other neighbouring clusters tend to merge with them or to occupy their high density space fabric and this merging further increases space time fabric density of that region. We should also keep in mind that these events of space-time fabric density changes are so balanced such that the net change goes unnoticed but these changes are accumulating and once they reaches the critical value when density of the space-time fabric at pseudo centre will be greater than individual sum of the change in density of space-time fabric due to matter At that point all the matter will begin to condense at this point of highest space- time fabric density and there will be a stage when no further changes will occur at this stage time dimension will cease to exist. Hence though the change goes unnoticed at but gradually magnitude of this change will be enough that the magnitude of density of the spacetime fabric at pseudo centre will be highest which will cause all matter to condense in a single point. There will be no more matter outside this point and space time fabric is only meaningful if two bodies are existing at two different locations separated by the space-time fabric since whole space time fabric will be concentrated in a point, this event will cause the cessation of the time dimension since there will be no more changes occurring, no expansion etc. Hence universe would need a new beginning and how will it begin depends on the laws or information states that guides the infant universe to develop. "Imagination is the first step to discover things "
  2. gravity by muhammad owais pdf_2602242145004.pdf
  3. But wave is produces by the fluctuating energy
  4. It means the disturbance in photon field which produces photon is so small that photon does not qualify to carry mass, thit may sound weird but this may be a true assumption.
  5. You are absolutely correct, particles are result of disturbance in field we can say the ammount of ammount of disturbance is measure of mass of particle, every field has its own respective particle resulted by disturbance in field.
  6. But dear how can you define disturbance without a medium there must be some kind of force involved in disturbing the medium can you disturb any system without force. If no the how do physicists claim that photon has energy but not mass and its energy depends on its frequency or wave density... Do they mean energy can exist I dependent of matter or mass. If yes then everything in the universe is actually a wave that carries energy only and mass or matter is just an illusion.
  7. But a wave itself is energy and anything having energy has mass also, so how can you define wave without associating energy with it?
  8. If photon is really massless then how it can take up energy ?
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