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Everything posted by mar_mar

  1. I understood. Thank you for the explanation, it was useful. i feel, this concept is off topic for this thread. The one thing i recognized for myself is that it's better to explore one's unconscious/subconscious, because it is simultaneously powerful and dangerous thing. and consciousness is the instrument for exploration.
  2. This is my choice and responsibility, I'm ready to be banned. But i want to respond. You sold your soul for 10 dollars, remember this day. And notice, how you feel, when i say that i don't need your soul even for 10 dollars, even for 1. Nothing personal.
  3. I read that group of artists sued AI for it uses theirs works. Not much new ideas has AI
  4. Origin of life Origin of a man Origin of a soul Would you sell me your soul, which you don't believe in for 10 dollars? I'm waiting for this answer very much.
  5. I didn't say a word about feelings. It was subconscious, the concept, which was underrated by some members of a forum. The thing is that one can't create a new work without participation of one's subconscious. "imagination /ɪˌmadʒɪˈneɪʃn/ noun the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses." My mistake. I meant science literature and articles.
  6. What evidence? How does this evidence explain harmony and mathematical accuracy of nature?
  7. Why don't scientists just accept creation? And accept existence of God, because the science doesn't have proper instruments to prove. Too many questions, too many white spots. And people think, you know, people have capacity to think.
  8. Chimpanzee–human last common ancestor The chimpanzee–human last common ancestor (CHLCA) is the last common ancestor shared by the extant Homo (human) and Pan (chimpanzee and bonobo) genera of Hominini. Estimates of the divergence date vary widely from thirteen to five million years ago. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimpanzee–human_last_common_ancestor Here this evolution theory, and it contradicts itself.
  9. No. Where? I reformulate my question. How does the science consider the changes occurred to the common ancestor?
  10. They are. That's why i responded that way.
  11. No, no,no, wait. What time have passed since the first homo sapiens started walking straight? I assume it's enough time for the next 'large-scale changes'? Since evolution is a continuous process. At first it was a huge change - chimpanzee turned into a homo sapiens. (You like to say "common ancestor", but if we are true to ourselves, it's a chimpanzee.)What a great change in the genotype. And then these are "lactose tolerance, pigmentation." I think about evolution as of a development. So, turning (ok) the common ancestor into a human is a development or it's a change in the gene-pool? It seems that turning the common ancestor into a human being is a great deal event. In my opinion, this is occurrence of mind, and even more-awareness. I ask about evolutionary change, comparable to this event. Or, at least, its origins.
  12. What evolutionary changes happened to humans since starting walking straight? Do humans still evolve? What is the evidence?
  13. Don't listen to imaginative music, don't watch imaginative movies, paintings, and don't read imaginative literature. Only documentaries and science fiction. And music of AI. https://m.youtube.com/@aiva1828
  14. Homo sapiens, who has evolutionary changes in one's development. According to your questios you think that evolution doesn't have an end goal. What time?
  15. Could you, please, expand your thought. So, you mean evolution of the mind. Do I understand correctly?
  16. Well, I am scratching my head. Where those new evolved homo sapiens???? Doesn't offspring=intelligence? I see. Life emerged by it's own.
  17. I won't mention those "bodies's languages".. that closed positions. We do this consciously! What i want to say is that THIS thing sub_conscious makes the difference between AI and a human. This is where our heart lives. And i think that AC is possible. All that movies look in the future. But not artificial subconscious. Someway and somehow it will be possible to measure consciousness, I think. This is a measurement of rational reactions. And subconscious is irrational and immeasurable. If you are not agree, remember of the art. And why it has such influence on us.
  18. Evolution is the change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations heritable /ˈhɛrɪtəbl/ adjective (of a characteristic) transmissible from parent to offspring. So. Who is the "parent" of intelligence?
  19. Does science operate with such term as sub_conscious?
  20. I try to find in the nature of property of energy ability to do work.
  21. Ok. As your wish. I don't have an intention to prove or to preach anything. This is only a matter beliefs.
  22. Thank you. So, what is the nature of this property? I believe, speed is also property of an object, it describes how fast it moves. Mass describes how much matter in an object, in short. What does describe energy as a property?
  23. So, solar energy is property of the sun. And we store this property in solar battery.
  24. "Capacity to do work" says phisics. I thought definition was specification of "whatness" nature of the phenomenon. I think 'Capacity to do work' describes more abstract concept and seems an answer to a question "what's energy for?" Is energy an entity or a property?
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